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       Fapi_GetTcti - Fapi_GetTcti


       TSS2_RC Fapi_GetTcti (FAPI_CONTEXT *context, TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT **tcti)

Detailed Description

       FAPI function to retrieve the TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT currently used by the corresponding

Function Documentation

   Fapi_GetTcti (FAPI_CONTEXT * context, TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT ** tcti)
       One-Call function for Fapi_GetTcti

       Fapi_GetTcti returns the TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT currently used by the provided FAPI_CONTEXT.
       The purpose is to enable advanced access to the TPM that is currently being talked to. It
       is especially useful in combination with Fapi_GetTpmBlobs().

       Note: The application must ensure that this TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT is not being used in
       parallel to the processing of a FAPI command.

           context The FAPI_CONTEXT
           tcti The TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT used to talk to the current TPM.

       Return values
           TSS2_RC_SUCCESS if the function call was a success.
           TSS2_FAPI_RC_BAD_REFERENCE if context, tcti is NULL.
           TSS2_FAPI_RC_BAD_CONTEXT if context corruption is detected.
           TSS2_FAPI_RC_NO_TPM if FAPI was started in non-TPM mode.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for tpm2-tss from the source code.