Provided by: sgf2dg_4.252-1_amd64 bug


       Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2SL - Perl extension to convert Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagrams to
       Sensei's Library format


       use Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2SL

        my $dg2sl = B<Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2SL-E<gt>new> (options);
        my $sl = $dg2sl->convertDiagram($diagram);


       A Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2SL object converts a Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram object into
       Sensei's Library diagrams (see

       Sensei's Library diagrams only support move numbers from 1-10, so make sure you call
       sgf2dg with arguments that specify a maximum of 10 moves per diagram and starting each
       diagram with move number 1. Example:

         sgf2dg -converter SL -m 10 -n foo.sgf

       Sensei's Library also doesn't support labelled stones.

       An initial setup diagram is printed if the initial board isn't empty and doesn't have a
       handicap setup - i.e., only black stones, all of which are on hoshi points.

       Diagrams' extents are limited to the stones actually played, plus a margin.  That is, if
       there are only stones in one corner, only that corner is printed, not the whole diagram.
       This is useful for analyses of local positions, but if the first ten moves of a real game
       are all in one corner - however unlikely that may be -, it would produce undesirable


       my $dg2sl = Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2SL->new (?options?)

       A new Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2SL takes the following options:

       boardSize => number
               Sets the size of the board.

               Default: 19

       coords => true | false
               Generates a coordinate grid.

               Default: false

       topLine     => number (Default: 1)
       bottomLine  => number (Default: 19)
       leftLine    => number (Default: 1)
       rightLine   => number (Default: 19)
               The edges of the board that should be displayed.  Any portion of the board that
               extends beyond these numbers is not included in the output.

       diaCoords => sub { # convert $x, $y to Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram coordinates }
               This callback defines a subroutine to convert coordinates from $x, $y to whatever
               coordinates are used in the Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram object.  The default
               diaCoords converts 1-based $x, $y to the same coordinates used in SGF format
               files.  You only need to define this if you're using a different coordinate system
               in the Diagram.

                   sub { my ($x, $y) = @_;
                         $x = chr($x - 1 + ord('a')); # convert 1 to 'a', etc
                         $y = chr($y - 1 + ord('a'));
                         return "$x$y"; },           # concatenate two letters

               See also the diaCoords method below.

       file => 'filename' | $descriptor | \$string | \@array
               If file is defined, the Sensei's Library diagram is dumped into the target.  The
               target can be any of:

                   The filename will be opened using IO::File->new. The filename should include
                   the '>' or '>>' operator as described in 'perldoc IO::File'. The Sensei's
                   Library diagram is written into the file.

                   A file descriptor as returned by IO::File->new, or a \*FILE descriptor. The
                   Sensei's Library diagram is written into the file.

               reference to a string scalar
                   The Sensei's Library diagram is concatenated to the end of the string.

               reference to an array
                   The Sensei's Library diagram is split on "\n" and each line is pushed onto the

               Default: undef

       print => sub { my ($dg2sl, @lines) = @_; ... }
               A user defined subroutine to replace the default printing method.  This callback
               is called from the print method (below) with the reference to the Dg2SL object and
               a list of lines that are part of the Sensei's Library diagram lines.


       $dg2sl->configure (option => value, ?...?)
           Change Dg2SL options from values passed at new time.

       my $coord = $dg2mp->diaCoords ($x, $y)
           Provides access to the diaCoords option (see above).  Returns coordinates in the
           converter's coordinate system for board coordinates ($x, $y).  For example, to get a
           specific intersection structure:

               my $int = $diagram->get($dg2mp->diaCoords(3, 4));

       $dg2sl->print ($text ? , ... ?)
           prints the input $text directly to file as defined at new time.  Whether or not file
           was defined, print accumulates the $text for later retrieval with converted.

       my $sl = $dg2sl->converted ($replacement)
           Returns the entire Sensei's Library diagram converted so far for the Dg2SL object. If
           $replacement is defined, the accumulated Sensei's Library is replaced by $replacement.

       $dg2sl->comment ($comment ? , ... ?)
           Inserts the comment character (which is nothing for Sensei's Library) in front of each
           line of each comment and prints it to file.

       my $dg2sl->convertDiagram ($diagram)
           Converts a Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram into Sensei's Library. If file was defined in
           the new method, the Sensei's Library is dumped into the file.  In any case, the
           Sensei's Library is returned as a string scalar.

       my $sl = $dg2sl->convertText ($text)
           Converts $text into Sensei's Library code - gee, that's not very hard.  In fact, this
           method simply returns whatever is passed to it.  This is really just a place-holder
           for more complicated converters.

           Returns the converted text.

       $title = $dg2sl->convertGameProps (\%sgfHash)
           convertGameProps takes a reference to a hash of properties as extracted from an SGF
           file.  Each hash key is a property ID and the hash value is a reference to an array of
           property values: $hash->{propertyId}->[values].  The following SGF properties are

           GN GameName
           EV EVent
           RO ROund
           DT DaTe
           PW PlayerWhite
           WR WhiteRank
           PB PlayerBlack
           BR BlackRank
           PC PlaCe
           KM KoMi
           RU RUles
           TM TiMe
           OT OverTime (byo-yomi)
           RE REsult
           AN ANnotator
           SO Source
           US USer (entered by)
           CP CoPyright
           GC GameComment

           Both long and short property names are recognized, and all unrecognized properties are
           ignored with no warnings.  Note that these properties are all intended as game-level

           prints any final text to the diagram (currently none) and closes the dg2sl object.
           Also closes file if appropriate.


           Script to convert SGF format files to Go diagrams


       Seems likely.


       Marcel Gruenauer, <<gt>


       Copyright (C) 2007 by Marcel Gruenauer.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of
       Perl 5 you may have available.