Provided by: libimager-perl_1.019+dfsg-2_amd64 bug


       Imager::ImageTypes - image models for Imager


         use Imager;

         $img = Imager->new(); #  Empty image (size is 0 by 0)
         $img->open(file=>'lena.png',type=>'png'); # Read image from file

         $img = Imager->new(xsize=>400, ysize=>300); # RGB data

         $img = Imager->new(xsize=>400, ysize=>300,  # Grayscale
                            channels=>1);            #

         $img = Imager->new(xsize=>400, ysize=>300,  # RGB with alpha
                            channels=>4);            #

         $img = Imager->new(xsize=>200, ysize=>200,
                            type=>'paletted');       # paletted image

         $img = Imager->new(xsize=>200, ysize=>200,
                            bits=>16);               # 16 bits/channel rgb

         $img = Imager->new(xsize=>200, ysize=>200,
                            bits=>'double');         # 'double' floating point
                                                     #  per channel

         $img->img_set(xsize=>500, ysize=>500,       # reset the image object

         # Example getting information about an Imager object

         print "Image information:\n";
         print "Width:        ", $img->getwidth(),    "\n";
         print "Height:       ", $img->getheight(),   "\n";
         print "Channels:     ", $img->getchannels(), "\n";
         print "Bits/Channel: ", $img->bits(),        "\n";
         print "Virtual:      ", $img->virtual() ? "Yes" : "No", "\n";
         my $colorcount = $img->getcolorcount(maxcolors=>512);
               print "Actual number of colors in image: ";
         print defined($colorcount) ? $colorcount : ">512", "\n";
         print "Type:         ", $img->type(),        "\n";

         if ($img->type() eq 'direct') {
           print "Modifiable Channels: ";
           print join " ", map {
             ($img->getmask() & 1<<$_) ? $_ : ()
           } 0..$img->getchannels();
           print "\n";

         } else {
           # palette info
           my $count = $img->colorcount;
           @colors = $img->getcolors();
           print "Palette size: $count\n";
           my $mx = @colors > 4 ? 4 : 0+@colors;
           print "First $mx entries:\n";
           for (@colors[0..$mx-1]) {
             my @res = $_->rgba();
             print "(", join(", ", @res[0..$img->getchannels()-1]), ")\n";

         my @tags = $img->tags();
         if (@tags) {
           print "Tags:\n";
           for(@tags) {
             print shift @$_, ": ", join " ", @$_, "\n";
         } else {
           print "No tags in image\n";


       Imager supports two basic models of image:

       •   direct color - all samples are stored for every pixel.  eg. for an 8-bit/sample RGB
           image, 24 bits are stored for each pixel.

       •   paletted - an index into a table of colors is stored for each pixel.

       Direct color or paletted images can have 1 to 4 samples per color stored.  Imager treats
       these as follows:

       •   1 sample per color - gray scale image.

       •   2 samples per color - gray scale image with alpha channel, allowing transparency.

       •   3 samples per color - RGB image.

       •   4 samples per color - RGB image with alpha channel, allowing transparency.

       Direct color images can have sample sizes of 8-bits per sample, 16-bits per sample or a
       double precision floating point number per sample (64-bits on many systems).

       Paletted images are always 8-bits/sample.

       To query an existing image about it's parameters see the "bits()", "type()", "getwidth()",
       "getheight()", "getchannels()" and "virtual()" methods.

       The coordinate system in Imager has the origin in the upper left corner, see Imager::Draw
       for details.

       The alpha channel when one is present is considered unassociated - ie the color data has
       not been scaled by the alpha channel.  Note that not all code follows this (recent) rule,
       but will over time.

   Creating Imager Objects
             $img = Imager->new();
             $img->read(file=>"alligator.ppm") or die $img->errstr;

           Here "new()" creates an empty image with width and height of zero.  It's only useful
           for creating an Imager object to call the read() method on later.

             %opts = (xsize=>300, ysize=>200);
             $img = Imager->new(%opts); # create direct mode RGBA image
             $img = Imager->new(%opts, channels=>4); # create direct mode RGBA image

           You can also read a file from new():

             $img = Imager->new(file => "someimage.png");

           The parameters for new are:

           •   "xsize", "ysize" - Defines the width and height in pixels of the image.  These
               must be positive.

               If not supplied then only placeholder object is created, which can be supplied to
               the "read()" or "img_set()" methods.

           •   "channels" - The number of channels for the image.  Default 3.  Valid values are
               from 1 to 4.

           •   "model" - this overrides the value, if any, supplied for "channels".  This can be
               one of "gray", "graya", "rgb" or "rgba".

           •   "bits" - The storage type for samples in the image.  Default: 8.  Valid values

               •   8 - One byte per sample.  256 discrete values.

               •   16 - 16-bits per sample, 65536 discrete values.

               •   "double" - one C double per sample.

               Note: you can use any Imager function on any sample size image.

               Paletted images always use 8 bits/sample.

           •   "type" - either 'direct' or 'paletted'.  Default: 'direct'.

               Direct images store color values for each pixel.

               Paletted images keep a table of up to 256 colors called the palette, each pixel is
               represented as an index into that table.

               In most cases when working with Imager you will want to use the "direct" image

               If you draw on a "paletted" image with a color not in the image's palette then
               Imager will transparently convert it to a "direct" image.

           •   "maxcolors" - the maximum number of colors in a paletted image.  Default: 256.
               This must be in the range 1 through 256.

           •   "file", "fh", "fd", "callback", "readcb", or "io" - specify a file name,
               filehandle, file descriptor or callback to read image data from.  See
               Imager::Files for details.  The typical use is:

                 my $im = Imager->new(file => $filename);

           •   "filetype" - treated as the file format parameter, as for "type" with the read()
               method, eg:

                 my $im = Imager->new(file => $filename, filetype => "gif");

               In most cases Imager will detect the file's format itself.

           In the simplest case just supply the width and height of the image:

             # 8 bit/sample, RGB image
             my $img = Imager->new(xsize => $width, ysize => $height);

           or if you want an alpha channel:

             # 8 bits/sample, RGBA image
             my $img = Imager->new(xsize => $width, ysize => $height, channels=>4);

           Note that it is possible for image creation to fail, for example if channels is out of
           range, or if the image would take too much memory.

           To create paletted images, set the 'type' parameter to 'paletted':

             $img = Imager->new(xsize=>200, ysize=>200, type=>'paletted');

           which creates an image with a maximum of 256 colors, which you can change by supplying
           the "maxcolors" parameter.

           For improved color precision you can use the bits parameter to specify 16 bit per

             $img = Imager->new(xsize=>200, ysize=>200,
                                channels=>3, bits=>16);

           or for even more precision:

             $img = Imager->new(xsize=>200, ysize=>200,
                                channels=>3, bits=>'double');

           to get an image that uses a double for each channel.

           Note that as of this writing all functions should work on images with more than
           8-bits/channel, but many will only work at only 8-bit/channel precision.

           If you want an empty Imager object to call the read() method on, just call new() with
           no parameters:

             my $img = Imager->new;
               or die $img->errstr;

           Though it's much easier now to just call new() with a "file" parameter:

             my $img = Imager->new(file => $filename)
               or die Imager->errstr;

           If none of "xsize", "ysize", "file", "fh", "fd", "callback", "readcb", "data", "io" is
           supplied, and other parameters are supplied "Imager->new" will return failure rather
           than returning an empty image object.

           img_set destroys the image data in the object and creates a new one with the given
           dimensions and channels.  For a way to convert image data between formats see the
           "convert()" method.

             $img->img_set(xsize=>500, ysize=>500, channels=>4);

           This takes exactly the same parameters as the new() method, excluding those for
           reading from files.

   Image Attribute functions
       These return basic attributes of an image object.

             print "Image width: ", $img->getwidth(), "\n";

           The "getwidth()" method returns the width of the image.  This value comes either from
           "new()" with "xsize", "ysize" parameters or from reading data from a file with
           "read()".  If called on an image that has no valid data in it like "Imager->new()"
           returns, the return value of "getwidth()" is undef.

             print "Image height: ", $img->getheight(), "\n";

           Same details apply as for "getwidth()".

             print "Image has ",$img->getchannels(), " channels\n";

           Returns the number of channels in an image.

           Note: previously the number of channels in an image mapped directly to the color model
           of the image, ie a 4 channel image was always RGBA.  This may change in a future
           release of Imager.

           Returns an empty list if the image object is not initialized.

           Returns the number of color channels.

           Currently this is always 1 or 3, but may be 0 for some rare images in a future version
           of Imager.

           Returns an empty list if the image object is not initialized.

           Returns the color model of the image, including whether there is an alpha channel.

           By default this is returned as a string, one of "unknown", "gray", "graya", "rgb" or

           If you call "colormodel()" with a true numeric parameter:

             my $model = $img->colormodel(numeric => 1);

           then the color model is returned as a number, mapped as follows:

             Numeric  String
             -------  ------
                 0    unknown
                 1    gray
                 2    graya
                 3    rgb
                 4    rgba

           Returns the channel index of the alpha channel of the image.

           This is 1 for grayscale images with alpha, 3 for RGB images with alpha and will return
           "undef" for all other images.

           Returns an empty list if the image object is not initialized.

           The bits() method retrieves the number of bits used to represent each channel in a
           pixel, 8 for a normal image, 16 for 16-bit image and 'double' for a double/channel

             if ($img->bits eq 8) {
               # fast but limited to 8-bits/sample
             else {
               # slower but more precise

           Returns an empty list if the image object is not initialized.

           The type() method returns either 'direct' for direct color images or 'paletted' for
           paletted images.

             if ($img->type eq 'paletted') {
               # print the palette
               for my $color ($img->getcolors) {
                 print join(",", $color->rgba), "\n";

           Returns an empty list if the image object is not initialized.

           The virtual() method returns non-zero if the image contains no actual pixels, for
           example masked images.

           This may also be used for non-native Imager images in the future, for example, for an
           Imager object that draws on an SDL surface.

           Tests if the image will be written as a monochrome or bi-level image for formats that
           support that image organization.

           In scalar context, returns true if the image is bi-level.

           In list context returns a list:

             ($is_bilevel, $zero_is_white) = $img->is_bilevel;

           An image is considered bi-level, if all of the following are true:

           •   the image is a paletted image

           •   the image has 1 or 3 channels

           •   the image has only 2 colors in the palette

           •   those 2 colors are black and white, in either order.

           If a real bi-level organization image is ever added to Imager, this function will
           return true for that too.

           Returns an empty list if the image object is not initialized.

   Direct Type Images
       Direct images store the color value directly for each pixel in the image.

             @rgbanames = qw( red green blue alpha );
             my $mask = $img->getmask();
             print "Modifiable channels:\n";
             for (0..$img->getchannels()-1) {
               print $rgbanames[$_],"\n" if $mask & 1<<$_;

           "getmask()" is used to fetch the current channel mask.  The mask determines what
           channels are currently modifiable in the image.  The channel mask is an integer value,
           if the "i-th" least significant bit is set the "i-th" channel is modifiable.  eg. a
           channel mask of 0x5 means only channels 0 and 2 are writable.

           Channel masks are deprecated.

             $mask = $img->getmask();
             $img->setmask(mask=>8);     # modify alpha only


             $img->setmask(mask=>$mask); # restore previous mask

           "setmask()" is used to set the channel mask of the image.  See "getmask()" for

           Channel masks are deprecated.

   Palette Type Images
       Paletted images keep an array of up to 256 colors, and each pixel is stored as an index
       into that array.

       In general you can work with paletted images in the same way as RGB images, except that if
       you attempt to draw to a paletted image with a color that is not in the image's palette,
       the image will be converted to an RGB image.  This means that drawing on a paletted image
       with anti-aliasing enabled will almost certainly convert the image to RGB.

       Palette management takes place through "addcolors()", "setcolors()", "getcolors()" and

           You can add colors to a paletted image with the addcolors() method:

              my @colors = ( Imager::Color->new(255, 0, 0),
                             Imager::Color->new(0, 255, 0) );
              my $index = $img->addcolors(colors=>\@colors);

           The return value is the index of the first color added, or undef if adding the colors
           would overflow the palette.

           The only parameter is "colors" which must be a reference to an array of Imager::Color

             $img->setcolors(start=>$start, colors=>\@colors);

           Once you have colors in the palette you can overwrite them with the "setcolors()"
           method:  "setcolors()" returns true on success.


           •   start - the first index to be set.  Default: 0

           •   colors - reference to an array of Imager::Color objects.

           To retrieve existing colors from the palette use the getcolors() method:

             # get the whole palette
             my @colors = $img->getcolors();
             # get a single color
             my $color = $img->getcolors(start=>$index);
             # get a range of colors
             my @colors = $img->getcolors(start=>$index, count=>$count);

           To quickly find a color in the palette use findcolor():

             my $index = $img->findcolor(color=>$color);

           which returns undef on failure, or the index of the color.


           •   color - an Imager::Color object.

           Returns the number of colors in the image's palette:

             my $count = $img->colorcount;

           Returns the maximum size of the image's palette.

             my $maxcount = $img->maxcolors;

   Color Distribution
           Calculates the number of colors in an image.

           The amount of memory used by this is proportional to the number of colors present in
           the image, so to avoid using too much memory you can supply a maxcolors() parameter to
           limit the memory used.

           Note: getcolorcount() treats the image as an 8-bit per sample image.

           •   "maxcolors" - the maximum number of colors to return.  Default: unlimited.

             if (defined($img->getcolorcount(maxcolors=>512)) {
               print "Less than 512 colors in image\n";

           Calculates a histogram of colors used by the image.

           •   "maxcolors" - the maximum number of colors to return.  Default: unlimited.

           Returns a reference to a hash where the keys are the raw color as bytes, and the
           values are the counts for that color.

           The alpha channel of the image is ignored.  If the image is gray scale then the hash
           keys will each be a single character.

             my $colors = $img->getcolorusagehash;
             my $blue_count = $colors->{pack("CCC", 0, 0, 255)} || 0;
             print "#0000FF used $blue_count times\n";

           Calculates color usage counts and returns just the counts.

           •   "maxcolors" - the maximum number of colors to return.  Default: unlimited.

           Returns a list of the color frequencies in ascending order.

             my @counts = $img->getcolorusage;
             print "The most common color is used $counts[0] times\n";

   Conversion Between Image Types
       Warning: if you draw on a paletted image with colors that aren't in the palette, the image
       will be internally converted to a normal image.

           You can create a new paletted image from an existing image using the to_paletted()

            $palimg = $img->to_paletted(\%opts)

           where %opts contains the options specified under "Quantization options".

             # convert to a paletted image using the web palette
             # use the closest color to each pixel
             my $webimg = $img->to_paletted({ make_colors => 'webmap' });

             # convert to a paletted image using a fairly optimal palette
             # use an error diffusion dither to try to reduce the average error
             my $optimag = $img->to_paletted({ make_colors => 'mediancut',
                                               translate => 'errdiff' });

           You can convert a paletted image (or any image) to an 8-bit/channel RGB image with:

             $rgbimg = $img->to_rgb8;

           No parameters.

           Convert a paletted image (or any image) to a 16-bit/channel RGB image.

             $rgbimg = $img->to_rgb16;

           No parameters.

           Convert a paletted image (or any image) to an double/channel direct color image.

             $rgbimg = $img->to_rgb_double;

           No parameters.

           Creates a masked image.  A masked image lets you create an image proxy object that
           protects parts of the underlying target image.

           In the discussion below there are 3 image objects involved:

           •   the masked image - the return value of the masked() method.  Any writes to this
               image are written to the target image, assuming the mask image allows it.

           •   the mask image - the image that protects writes to the target image.  Supplied as
               the "mask" parameter to the masked() method.

           •   the target image - the image you called the masked() method on.  Any writes to the
               masked image end up on this image.


           •   mask - the mask image.  If not supplied then all pixels in the target image are
               writable.  On each write to the masked image, only pixels that have non-zero in
               channel 0 of the mask image will be written to the original image.  Default: none,
               if not supplied then no masking is done, but the other parameters are still

           •   left, top - the offset of writes to the target image.  eg. if you attempt to set
               pixel (x,y) in the masked image, then pixel (x+left, y+top) will be written to in
               the original image.

           •   bottom, right - the bottom right of the area in the target available from the
               masked image.

           Masked images let you control which pixels are modified in an underlying image.  Where
           the first channel is completely black in the mask image, writes to the underlying
           image are ignored.

           For example, given a base image called $img:

             my $mask = Imager->new(xsize=>$img->getwidth, ysize=>$img->getheight,
             # ... draw something on the mask
             my $maskedimg = $img->masked(mask=>$mask);

             # now draw on $maskedimg and it will only draw on areas of $img
             # where $mask is non-zero in channel 0.

           You can specify the region of the underlying image that is masked using the left, top,
           right and bottom options.

           If you just want a subset of the image, without masking, just specify the region
           without specifying a mask.  For example:

             # just work with a 100x100 region of $img
             my $maskedimg = $img->masked(left => 100, top=>100,
                                          right=>200, bottom=>200);

           This doesn't perform an image conversion, but it can be used to construct a common
           palette for use in several images:

             my @colors = Imager->make_palette(\%opts, @images);

           You must supply at least one image, even if the "make_colors" parameter produces a
           fixed palette.

           On failure returns no colors and you can check "Imager->errstr".

       Image tags contain meta-data about the image, ie. information not stored as pixels of the

       At the perl level each tag has a name or code and a value, which is an integer or an
       arbitrary string.  An image can contain more than one tag with the same name or code, but
       having more than one tag with the same name is discouraged.

       You can retrieve tags from an image using the tags() method, you can get all of the tags
       in an image, as a list of array references, with the code or name of the tag followed by
       the value of the tag.

       Imager's support for fairly limited, for access to pretty much all image metadata you may
       want to try Image::ExifTool.

           Retrieve tags from the image.

           With no parameters, retrieves a list array references, each containing a name and
           value: all tags in the image:

             # get a list of ( [ name1 => value1 ], [ name2 => value2 ] ... )
             my @alltags = $img->tags;
             print $_->[0], ":", $_->[1], "\n" for @all_tags;

             # or put it in a hash, but this will lose duplicates
             my %alltags = map @$_, $img->tags;

           in scalar context this returns the number of tags:

             my $num_tags = $img->tags;

           or you can get all tags values for the given name:

             my @namedtags = $img->tags(name => $name);

           in scalar context this returns the first tag of that name:

             my $firstnamed = $img->tags(name => $name);

           or a given code:

             my @tags = $img->tags(code=>$code);

           You can add tags using the addtag() method, either by name:

             my $index = $img->addtag(name=>$name, value=>$value);

           or by code:

             my $index = $img->addtag(code=>$code, value=>$value);

           Setting tags by "code" is deprecated.  If you have a use for this please open an

           You can remove tags with the deltag() method, either by index:


           or by name:


           or by code:


           In each case deltag() returns the number of tags deleted.

           Setting or deleting tags by "code" is deprecated.  If you have a use for this please
           open an issue.

           settag() replaces any existing tags with a new tag.  This is equivalent to calling
           deltag() then addtag().

   Common Tags
       Many tags are only meaningful for one format.  GIF looping information is pretty useless
       for JPEG for example.  Thus, many tags are set by only a single reader or used by a single
       writer.  For a complete list of format specific tags see Imager::Files.

       Since tags are a relatively new addition their use is not wide spread but eventually we
       hope to have all the readers for various formats set some standard information.

       •   "i_xres", "i_yres" - The spatial resolution of the image in pixels per inch.  If the
           image format uses a different scale, eg. pixels per meter, then this value is
           converted.  A floating point number stored as a string.

             # our image was generated as a 300 dpi image
             $img->settag(name => 'i_xres', value => 300);
             $img->settag(name => 'i_yres', value => 300);

             # 100 pixel/cm for a TIFF image
             $img->settag(name => 'tiff_resolutionunit', value => 3); # RESUNIT_CENTIMETER
             # convert to pixels per inch, Imager will convert it back
             $img->settag(name => 'i_xres', value => 100 * 2.54);
             $img->settag(name => 'i_yres', value => 100 * 2.54);

       •   "i_aspect_only" - If this is non-zero then the values in i_xres and i_yres are treated
           as a ratio only.  If the image format does not support aspect ratios then this is
           scaled so the smaller value is 72 DPI.

       •   "i_incomplete" - If this tag is present then the whole image could not be read.  This
           isn't implemented for all images yet, and may not be.

       •   "i_lines_read" - If "i_incomplete" is set then this tag may be set to the number of
           scan lines successfully read from the file.  This can be used to decide whether an
           image is worth processing.

       •   i_format - The file format this file was read from.

       •   i_background - used when writing an image with an alpha channel to a file format that
           doesn't support alpha channels.  The "write" method will convert a normal color
           specification like "#FF0000" into a color object for you, but if you set this as a tag
           you will need to format it like "color("red","green","blue")", eg color(255,0,0).

       •   "i_comment" - used when reading or writing several image formats.  If the format has
           only one text field it will be read into the "i_comment" tag or written to the file.

   Quantization options
       These options can be specified when calling "to_paletted()" in Imager::ImageTypes,
       write_multi() for GIF files, when writing a single image with the "gifquant" option set to
       "gen", or for direct calls to i_writegif_gen() and i_writegif_callback().

       •   "colors" - An arrayref of colors that are fixed.  Note that some color generators will
           ignore this.  If this is supplied it will be filled with the color table generated for
           the image.

       •   "transp" - The type of transparency processing to perform for images with an alpha
           channel where the output format does not have a proper alpha channel (eg. GIF).  This
           can be any of:

           •   "none" - No transparency processing is done. (default)

           •   "threshold" - pixels more transparent than "tr_threshold" are rendered as

           •   "errdiff" - An error diffusion dither is done on the alpha channel.  Note that
               this is independent of the translation performed on the color channels, so some
               combinations may cause undesired artifacts.

           •   "ordered" - the ordered dither specified by tr_orddith is performed on the alpha

           This will only be used if the image has an alpha channel, and if there is space in the
           palette for a transparency color.

       •   "tr_threshold" - the highest alpha value at which a pixel will be made transparent
           when "transp" is 'threshold'. (0-255, default 127)

       •   "tr_errdiff" - The type of error diffusion to perform on the alpha channel when
           "transp" is "errdiff".  This can be any defined error diffusion type except for custom
           (see "errdiff" below).

       •   "tr_orddith" - The type of ordered dither to perform on the alpha channel when
           "transp" is 'ordered'.  Possible values are:

           •   "random" - A semi-random map is used.  The map is the same each time.

           •   "dot8" - 8x8 dot dither.

           •   "dot4" - 4x4 dot dither

           •   "hline" - horizontal line dither.

           •   "vline" - vertical line dither.

           •   "/line", "slashline" - diagonal line dither

           •   "\line", "backline" - diagonal line dither

           •   "tiny" - dot matrix dither (currently the default).  This is probably the best for
               displays (like web pages).

           •   "custom" - A custom dither matrix is used - see "tr_map".

       •   "tr_map" - When tr_orddith is custom this defines an 8 x 8 matrix of integers
           representing the transparency threshold for pixels corresponding to each position.
           This should be a 64 element array where the first 8 entries correspond to the first
           row of the matrix.  Values should be between 0 and 255.

       •   "make_colors" - Defines how the quantization engine will build the palette(s).
           Currently this is ignored if "translate" is "giflib", but that may change.  Possible
           values are:

           •   "none" - only colors supplied in 'colors' are used.

           •   "webmap" - the web color map is used (need URL here.)

           •   "addi" - The original code for generating the color map (Addi's code) is used.

           •   "mediancut" - Uses a median-cut algorithm, faster than "addi", but not as good a

           •   "mono", "monochrome" - a fixed black and white palette, suitable for producing bi-
               level images (eg. facsimile)

           •   "gray", "gray4", "gray16" - make fixed gray palette with 256, 4 or 16 entries

           Other methods may be added in the future.

       •   "colors" - an arrayref containing Imager::Color objects, which represents the starting
           set of colors to use in translating the images.  "webmap" will ignore this.  On return
           the final colors used are copied back into this array (which is expanded if

       •   "max_colors" - the maximum number of colors to use in the image.

       •   "translate" - The method used to translate the RGB values in the source image into the
           colors selected by make_colors.  Note that make_colors is ignored when "translate" is

           Possible values are:

           •   "giflib" - this is a historical equivalent for "closest" that also forces
               "make_colors" to "mediancut".

           •   "closest" - the closest color available is used.

           •   "perturb" - the pixel color is modified by "perturb", and the closest color is

           •   "errdiff" - an error diffusion dither is performed.  If the supplied (or
               generated) palette contains only grays the source colors are converted to gray
               before error diffusion is performed.

           It's possible other "translate" values will be added.

       •   "errdiff" - The type of error diffusion dither to perform.  These values (except for
           custom) can also be used in tr_errdif.

           •   "floyd" - Floyd-Steinberg dither

           •   "jarvis" - Jarvis, Judice and Ninke dither

           •   "stucki" - Stucki dither

           •   "custom" - custom.  If you use this you must also set "errdiff_width",
               "errdiff_height" and "errdiff_map".

       •   "errdiff_width", "errdiff_height", "errdiff_orig", "errdiff_map" - When "translate" is
           "errdiff" and "errdiff" is "custom" these define a custom error diffusion map.
           "errdiff_width" and "errdiff_height" define the size of the map in the arrayref in
           "errdiff_map".  "errdiff_orig" is an integer which indicates the current pixel
           position in the top row of the map.

       •   "perturb" - When translate is "perturb" this is the magnitude of the random bias
           applied to each channel of the pixel before it is looked up in the color table.


       This documents the Imager initialization function, which you will almost never need to

           This is a function, not a method.

           This function is a mess, it can take the following named parameters:

           •   "log" - name of a log file to log Imager's actions to.  Not all actions are
               logged, but the debugging memory allocator does log allocations here.  Ignored if
               Imager has been built without logging support.  Preferably use the open_log()
               method instead.

           •   "loglevel" - the maximum level of message to log.  Default: 1.

           •   "warn_obsolete" - if this is non-zero then Imager will warn when you attempt to
               use obsoleted parameters or functionality.  This currently only includes the old
               GIF output options instead of tags.

           •   "t1log" - if non-zero then T1lib will be configured to produce a log file.  This
               will fail if there are any existing T1lib font objects.


             Imager::init(log => 'trace.log', loglevel => 9);


       Imager can open an internal log to send debugging information to.  This log is extensively
       used in Imager's tests, but you're unlikely to use it otherwise.

       If Imager has been built with logging disabled, the methods fail quietly.

           Open the Imager debugging log file.

           •   "log" - the file name to log to.  If this is undef logging information is sent to
               the standard error stream.

           •   "loglevel" the level of logging to produce.  Default: 1.

           Returns a true value if the log file was opened successfully.

             # send debug output to test.log
             Imager->open_log(log => "test.log");

             # send debug output to stderr

           Close the Imager debugging log file and disable debug logging.

           No parameters.


            Imager->log($message, $level)

           This method does not use named parameters.

           The default for $level is 1.

           Send a message to the debug log.

             Imager->log("My code got here!");

           Returns a true value if logging is enabled.


       Tony Cook <>, Arnar M. Hrafnkelsson


       Imager(3), Imager::Files(3), Imager::Draw(3), Imager::Color(3), Imager::Fill(3),
       Imager::Font(3), Imager::Transformations(3), Imager::Engines(3), Imager::Filters(3),
       Imager::Expr(3), Imager::Matrix2d(3), Imager::Fountain(3)