Provided by: libarchive-dev_3.6.2-1ubuntu1.1_amd64 bug


     archive_read_set_filter_option, archive_read_set_format_option, archive_read_set_option,
     archive_read_set_options — functions controlling options for reading archives


     Streaming Archive Library (libarchive, -larchive)


     archive_read_set_filter_option(struct archive *, const char *module, const char *option,
         const char *value);

     archive_read_set_format_option(struct archive *, const char *module, const char *option,
         const char *value);

     archive_read_set_option(struct archive *, const char *module, const char *option,
         const char *value);

     archive_read_set_options(struct archive *, const char *options);


     These functions provide a way for libarchive clients to configure specific read modules.

     archive_read_set_filter_option(), archive_read_set_format_option()
             Specifies an option that will be passed to currently-registered filters (including
             decompression filters) or format readers.

             If option and value are both NULL, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_OK
             will be returned.  If option is NULL but value is not, these functions will do
             nothing and ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

             If module is not NULL, option and value will be provided to the filter or reader
             named module.  The return value will be that of the module.  If there is no such
             module, ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

             If module is NULL, option and value will be provided to every registered module.  If
             any module returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, this value will be returned immediately.
             Otherwise, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned if any module accepts the option, and
             ARCHIVE_FAILED in all other cases.

             Calls archive_read_set_format_option(), then archive_read_set_filter_option().  If
             either function returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, ARCHIVE_FATAL will be returned immediately.
             Otherwise, greater of the two values will be returned.

             options is a comma-separated list of options.  If options is NULL or empty,
             ARCHIVE_OK will be returned immediately.

             Calls archive_read_set_option() with each option in turn.  If any
             archive_read_set_option() call returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, ARCHIVE_FATAL will be returned

             Individual options have one of the following forms:
                     The option/value pair will be provided to every module.  Modules that do not
                     accept an option with this name will ignore it.
             option  The option will be provided to every module with a value of “1”.
                     The option will be provided to every module with a NULL value.
             module:option=value, module:option, module:!option
                     As above, but the corresponding option and value will be provided only to
                     modules whose name matches module.


     Format cab
                     The value is used as a character set name that will be used when translating
                     file names.
     Format cpio
                     Libarchive 2.x incorrectly encoded Unicode filenames on some platforms.
                     This option mimics the libarchive 2.x filename handling so that such
                     archives can be read correctly.
                     The value is used as a character set name that will be used when translating
                     file names.
             pwb     When reading a binary CPIO archive, assume that it is in the original PWB
                     cpio format, and handle file mode bits accordingly.  The default is to
                     assume v7 format.
     Format iso9660
             joliet  Support Joliet extensions.  Defaults to enabled, use !joliet to disable.
                     Support RockRidge extensions.  Defaults to enabled, use !rockridge to
     Format lha
                     The value is used as a character set name that will be used when translating
                     file names.
     Format mtree
                     Allow reading information missing from the mtree from the file system.
                     Disabled by default.
     Format rar
                     The value is used as a character set name that will be used when translating
                     file names.
     Format tar
                     Libarchive 2.x incorrectly encoded Unicode filenames on some platforms.
                     This option mimics the libarchive 2.x filename handling so that such
                     archives can be read correctly.
                     The value is used as a character set name that will be used when translating
                     file names.
                     Support Mac OS metadata extension that records data in special files
                     beginning with a period and underscore.  Defaults to enabled on Mac OS,
                     disabled on other platforms.  Use !mac-ext to disable.
                     Ignore zeroed blocks in the archive, which occurs when multiple tar archives
                     have been concatenated together.  Without this option, only the contents of
                     the first concatenated archive would be read.


     Detailed error codes and textual descriptions are available from the archive_errno() and
     archive_error_string() functions.


     tar(1), archive_read(3), archive_write_set_options(3), libarchive(3)