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       wxScrollEvent - Functions for wxScrollEvent class


       A  scroll  event  holds  information  about  events  sent from stand-alone scrollbars (see
       wxScrollBar) and sliders (see wxSlider).

       Note  that  scrolled  windows  send  the  wxScrollWinEvent  which  does  not  derive  from
       wxCommandEvent,  but  from  wxEvent directly - don't confuse these two kinds of events and
       use the event table macros mentioned below only for the scrollbar-like controls.

       The difference between EVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE and EVT_SCROLL_CHANGED

       The EVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE event is only emitted when actually dragging the  thumb  using
       the  mouse  and  releasing  it  (This EVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE event is also followed by an
       EVT_SCROLL_CHANGED event).

       The EVT_SCROLL_CHANGED event also occurs when using  the  keyboard  to  change  the  thumb
       position,   and   when   clicking   next   to   the   thumb   (In   all  these  cases  the
       EVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE event does not happen).

       In short, the EVT_SCROLL_CHANGED event is triggered when scrolling/  moving  has  finished
       independently  of  the  way  it had started. Please see the page_samples_widgets ("Slider"
       page) to see the difference  between  EVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE  and  EVT_SCROLL_CHANGED  in

       Remark: Note that unless specifying a scroll control identifier, you will need to test for
       scrollbar orientation with getOrientation/1, since horizontal and vertical  scroll  events
       are processed using the same event handler.

       See: wxScrollBar, wxSlider, wxSpinButton, wxScrollWinEvent, Overview events

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxCommandEvent wxEvent

       wxWidgets docs: wxScrollEvent


       Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3 with wxScrollEventType to subscribe to events of this type.


       wxScrollEvent() = wx:wx_object()

       wxScroll() =
           #wxScroll{type = wxScrollEvent:wxScrollEventType(),
                     commandInt = integer(),
                     extraLong = integer()}

       wxScrollEventType() =
           scroll_top | scroll_bottom | scroll_lineup | scroll_linedown |
           scroll_pageup | scroll_pagedown | scroll_thumbtrack |
           scroll_thumbrelease | scroll_changed


       getOrientation(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxScrollEvent()

              Returns wxHORIZONTAL or wxVERTICAL, depending on the orientation of the scrollbar.

       getPosition(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxScrollEvent()

              Returns the position of the scrollbar.