Provided by: manpages-es-dev_4.19.0-7_all bug


       mincore - determina que páginas están en memoria


       Biblioteca Estándar C (libc, -lc)


       #include <sys/mman.h>

       int mincore(void addr[.longitud], size_t longitud, unsigned char *vec);

   Requisitos de Macros de Prueba de Características para glibc (véase feature_test_macros(7)):

           A partir de glibc 2.19:
           Anteriores a glibc 2.19:
               _BSD_SOURCE || _SVID_SOURCE


       mincore()   returns a vector that indicates whether pages of the calling process's virtual
       memory are resident in core (RAM), and so will not cause a disk  access  (page  fault)  if
       referenced.   The  kernel  returns  residency  information about the pages starting at the
       address addr, and continuing for length bytes.

       The addr argument must be a multiple of the system page size.  The  length  argument  need
       not  be a multiple of the page size, but since residency information is returned for whole
       pages, length is effectively rounded up to the next multiple of the page  size.   One  may
       obtain the page size (PAGE_SIZE)  using sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE).

       The  vec  argument  must  point  to  an  array  containing at least (length+PAGE_SIZE-1) /
       PAGE_SIZE bytes.  On return, the least significant bit of each byte will  be  set  if  the
       corresponding page is currently resident in memory, and be clear otherwise.  (The settings
       of the other bits in each byte are undefined; these bits are reserved for  possible  later
       use.)   Of  course  the information returned in vec is only a snapshot: pages that are not
       locked in memory can come and go at any moment, and the contents of  vec  may  already  be
       stale by the time this call returns.


       En  caso de éxito, mincore() devuelve cero.  En caso de error, se devuelve -1, y se define
       errno con el valor correspondiente.


       EAGAIN el núcleo se ha quedado temporalmente sin recursos.

       EFAULT vec apunta a una dirección inválida.

       EINVAL add no es múltiplo del tamaño de página.

       ENOMEM length is greater than (TASK_SIZE - addr).  (This could occur if a  negative  value
              is  specified  for length, since that value will be interpreted as a large unsigned
              integer.)  In Linux 2.6.11 and earlier, the error  EINVAL  was  returned  for  this

       ENOMEM addr a addr + length contiene memoria sin ubicar.


       Presente desde Linux 2.3.99pre1 y glibc 2.2.


       mincore()  no está definido en POSIX.1 ni está disponible en todas las implementaciones de


       Before Linux 2.6.21,  mincore()   did  not  return  correct  information  for  MAP_PRIVATE
       mappings, or for nonlinear mappings (established using remap_file_pages(2)).


       fincore(1), madvise(2), mlock(2), mmap(2), posix_fadvise(2), posix_madvise(3)


       La  traducción  al  español  de  esta  página del manual fue creada por Miguel Pérez Ibars
       <> y Marcos Fouces <>

       Esta traducción es documentación libre; lea  la  GNU  General  Public  License  Version  3
       ⟨⟩  o posterior con respecto a las condiciones de
       copyright.  No existe NINGUNA RESPONSABILIDAD.

       Si encuentra algún error en la traducción de esta  página  del  manual,  envíe  un  correo
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