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       uname - obtiene el nombre e información del núcleo actual


       Biblioteca Estándar C (libc, -lc)


       #include <sys/utsname.h>

       int uname(struct utsname *buf);


       uname() devuelve información del sistema en la estructura apuntada por buf.  La estructura
       utsname se define en <sys/utsname.h>:

           struct utsname {
               char sysname[];    /* Operating system name (e.g., "Linux") */
               char nodename[];   /* Name within communications network
                                     to which the node is attached, if any */
               char release[];    /* Operating system release
                                     (e.g., "2.6.28") */
               char version[];    /* Operating system version */
               char machine[];    /* Hardware type identifier */
           #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
               char domainname[]; /* NIS or YP domain name */

       The length of the arrays in a struct utsname is unspecified (see NOTES);  the  fields  are
       terminated by a null byte ('\0').


       En  caso  de éxito se devuelve cero. En caso de error se devuelve -1, y errno se configura
       para indicar el error.


       EFAULT buf no es válido.


       POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008, SVr4, 4.4BSD.

       El miembro domainname (el nombre de dominio NIS o YP) es una extensión de GNU.


       The kernel  has  the  name,  release,  version,  and  supported  machine  type  built  in.
       Conversely,  the  nodename  field  is configured by the administrator to match the network
       (this is what the BSD historically calls the "hostname", and is set  via  sethostname(2)).
       Similarly, the domainname field is set via setdomainname(2).

       The  length of the fields in the struct varies.  Some operating systems or libraries use a
       hardcoded 9 or 33 or 65 or 257.  Other systems use SYS_NMLN  or  _SYS_NMLN  or  UTSLEN  or
       _UTSNAME_LENGTH.   Clearly,  it  is  a  bad  idea  to use any of these constants; just use
       sizeof(...).  SVr4 uses 257, "to support Internet hostnames" — this is the  largest  value
       likely to be encountered in the wild.

       Parte    de    la    información    de    utsname   también   puede   ser   accedida   via
       /proc/sys/kernel/{ostype, hostname, osrelease, version, domainname}.

   Diferencias núcleo / biblioteca C
       Over time, increases in the size of the utsname structure have  led  to  three  successive
       versions   of   uname():   sys_olduname()   (slot  __NR_oldolduname),  sys_uname()   (slot
       __NR_olduname), and sys_newuname()  (slot __NR_uname).  The first one used  length  9  for
       all fields; the second used 65; the third also uses 65 but adds the domainname field.  The
       glibc uname()  wrapper function hides these details from applications, invoking  the  most
       recent version of the system call provided by the kernel.


       uname(1), getdomainname(2), gethostname(2), uts_namespaces(7)


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