Provided by: texlive-font-utils_2023.20230613-2_all bug


       autoinst - wrapper around the LCDF TypeTools, for installing and using OpenType fonts in


       autoinst -help

       autoinst [options] font(s)


       Eddie Kohler's LCDF TypeTools are superb tools for installing OpenType fonts in LaTeX, but
       they can be hard to use: they need many, often long, command lines and don't generate the
       fd and sty files LaTeX needs.  autoinst simplifies the use of the TypeTools for font
       installation by generating and executing all commands for otftotfm, and by creating and
       installing all necessary fd and sty files.

       Given a family of font files (in otf or ttf format), autoinst will create several LaTeX
       font families:

         -  Four text families (with lining and oldstyle digits, each in both tabular and
            proportional variants), all with the following shapes:

              n       Roman (i.e., upright) text

              it, sl  Italic and slanted (sometimes called oblique) text

              sc      Small caps

              scit, scsl
                      Italic and slanted small caps

              sw      Swash

              nw      "Upright swash"

         -  For each T1-encoded text family: a family of TS1-encoded symbol fonts, in roman,
            italic and slanted shapes.

         -  Families with superiors, inferiors, numerators and denominators, in roman, italic and
            slanted shapes.

         -  Families with "Titling" characters; these "... replace the default glyphs with
            corresponding forms designed specifically for titling.  These may be all-capital
            and/or larger on the body, and adjusted for viewing at larger sizes" (according to
            the OpenType Specification).

         -  An ornament family; also in roman, italic and slanted shapes.

       Of course, if your fonts don't contain italics, oldstyle digits, small caps etc., the
       corresponding shapes and families are not created.  In addition, the creation of most
       families and shapes can be controlled by the user (see "COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS" below).

       These families use the FontPro project's naming scheme: <FontFamily>-<Suffix>, where
       <Suffix> is:

       LF      proportional (i.e., figures have varying widths) lining figures

       TLF     tabular (i.e., all figures have the same width) lining figures

       OsF     proportional oldstyle figures

       TOsF    tabular oldstyle figures

       Sup     superior characters (note that most fonts have only an incomplete set of superior
               characters: digits, some punctuation and the letters abdeilmnorst; normal forms
               are used for other characters)

       Inf     inferior characters; usually only digits and some punctuation, normal forms for
               other characters

       Titl    Titling characters; see above

       Orn     ornaments

       Numr, Dnom
               numerators and denominators

       The individual fonts are named <FontName>-<suffix>-<shape>-<enc>, where <suffix> is the
       same as above (but in lowercase), <shape> is either empty, "sc" or "swash", and <enc> is
       the encoding (also in lowercase).  A typical name in this scheme would be

   Using the fonts in your LaTeX documents
       autoinst generates a style file for using the fonts in LaTeX documents, named
       <FontFamily>.sty. This style file also loads the fontenc and textcomp packages, if
       necessary.  To use the fonts, add the command "\usepackage{<FontFamily>}" to the preamble
       of your document.

       This style file has a few options:

           Redefine "\familydefault" to make this font the main font for the document.  This is a
           no-op if the font is installed as a serif font; but if the font is installed as a
           sanserif or typewriter font, this option saves you from having to redefine
           "\familydefault" yourself.

       "lining", "oldstyle", "tabular", "proportional"
           Choose which figure style to use.  The defaults are "oldstyle" and "proportional" (if

       "scale=<factor>", "scale=MatchLowercase"
           Scale the font by <factor>; as an example, "\usepackage[scale=1.05]{<FontFamily>}"
           will increase the font's size by 5%.  The special value "MatchLowercase" may be used
           to scale the font so that its x-height matches that of the current main font (which is
           usually Computer Modern Roman, unless you have loaded another font package before this
           one).  The word "scale" may also be spelled as "scaled".

       "medium", "book", "text", "normal", "regular"
           Select the weight that LaTeX will use as the "regular" weight.

       "heavy", "black", "extrabold", "demibold", "semibold", "bold"
           Select the weight that LaTeX will use as the "bold" weight.

       The last two groups of options will only work if you have the mweights package installed.
       The default here is not to change LaTeX's default, i.e. use the "m" and "b" weights.

       The style file will also try to load the fontaxes package (on CTAN), which gives easy
       access to various font shapes and styles.  Using the machinery set up by fontaxes, the
       generated style file defines a number of commands (which take the text to be typeset as
       argument) and declarations (which don't take arguments, but affect all text up to the end
       of the current group) to access titling, superior and inferior characters:


           \tlshape        \texttitling    \texttl
           \supfigures     \textsuperior   \textsup, \textsu
           \inffigures     \textinferior   \textinf, \textin

       In addition, the existing "\swshape" and "\textsw" commands are redefined to place swash
       on fontaxes' secondary shape axis (fontaxes places it on the primary shape axis) to make
       them behave properly when nested, so that "\swshape\upshape" will give upright swash.

       Finally, the style file redefines Latex's "\textsuperscript" and "\textsubscript" commands
       to use the fonts' superior and inferior figures, and modifies Latex's footnote mechanism
       to use "\textsuperscript" instead of reduced-size numerals from the regular text font.
       The old versions of these commands are still available as "\textsuperscript*" and

       There are no commands for accessing the numerator and denominator fonts; these can be
       selected using fontaxes' standard commands, e.g.,

       Once again: all these commands are only generated for existing shapes and number styles;
       no commands are generated for shapes and styles that are missing from your fonts.  Note
       that all these commands are built on top of fontaxes; if that package cannot be found,
       you're limited to using lower-level commands from standard NFSS ("\fontfamily",
       "\fontseries", "\fontshape" etc.).

       By default, autoinst generates text fonts with OT1, LY1 and T1 encodings, and the
       generated style files use T1 as the default text encoding.  Other encodings can be chosen
       using the -encoding option (see "COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS" below).

       This is an experimental feature; USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!  Test the results thoroughly before
       using them in real documents, and be warned that future versions of autoinst may introduce
       incompatible changes.

       The -math option tells autoinst to generate basic math fonts.  When enabled, the generated
       style file defines a few extra options to access these math fonts:

           Use these fonts for the maths in your document.

       "mathlining", "matholdstyle", "mathtabular", "mathproportional"
           Choose which figure style and alignment to use in maths.  The defaults are
           "mathlining" and "mathtabular".

           Use the swash characters from these fonts as the "\mathcal" alphabet.  (This option
           will only exist if your fonts actually contain swash characters, plus a "swsh" feature
           to access them).

           Don't redeclare greek letters in math.

           Choose the "math style" to use.  With "math-style=ISO", all latin and greek letters in
           math are italic; with "math-style=TeX" (the default), uppercase greek is upright; with
           "math-style=french", all greek as well as uppercase latin is upright; and with
           "math-style=upright" all letters are upright.

       Note that this "math" option only affects digits, latin and greek letters, plus a few
       basic punctuation characters; all other mathematical symbols, operators, delimiters etc.
       are left as they were before.  If you don't want to use TeX's default versions of those
       symbols, load another math package (such as mathdesign or newtxmath) before loading the
       autoinst-generated style file.

       Finally, note that autoinst doesn't check if your fonts actually contains all of the
       required characters; it just assumes that they do and sets up the style file accordingly.
       Even if your fonts do contain greek, characters such as "\varepsilon" may be missing.  You
       may also find that some glyphs are present in your fonts, but don't work well in equations
       or don't match with other symbols; edit the generated style file to remove the
       declarations of these offending characters.  Once again: test the results before using
       them!  If the characters themselves are fine but spaced too tightly, you may try
       increasing the side bearings in math fonts with the -mathspacing option (see below), e.g.

   NFSS codes
       LaTeX's New Font Selection System (NFSS) identifies fonts by a combination of family,
       series (the concatenation of weight and width), shape and size.  autoinst parses the
       font's metadata to determine these parameters.  When this fails (usually because the font
       family contains uncommon weights, widths or shapes), autoinst ends up with multiple fonts
       having the same values for these font parameters; such fonts cannot be used in NFSS, since
       there's no way distinguish them.  When autoinst detects such a situation, it will print an
       error message and abort.  If that happens, either rerun autoinst on a smaller set of
       fonts, or add the missing widths, weights and shapes to the tables @WIDTH, @WEIGHT and
       %SHAPE in the source code.  Please also send a bug report (see AUTHOR below).

       The mapping of shapes to NFSS codes is done using the following table:

           SHAPE                               CODE
           --------------------------------    ----
           Roman, Upright                      n
           Italic                              it
           Oblique, Slant(ed), Incline(d)      sl

       (Exception: Adobe Silentium Pro contains two Roman shapes; we map the first of these to
       "n", for the second one we (ab)use the "it" code as this family doesn't contain an Italic

       For weights and widths, autoinst tries to the standard NFSS codes (ul, el, l, sl, m, sb,
       b, eb and ub for weights; uc, ec, c, sc, m, sx, x, ex and ux for widths) as much as
       possible.  Of course, not all 81 combinations of these NFSS weights and widths will map to
       existing fonts; and conversely it may not be possible to assign every existing font a
       unique code in a sane way (especially for the weights, some font families offer more
       variants than NFSS's codes can handle; e.g., Fira Sans contains fifteen different
       weights!).  Therefore every font is also assigned a "series" name that is the
       concatenation of its weight and width, after expanding any abbreviations and converting to
       lowercase.  A font of "Cond" width and "Ultra" weight will then be known as

       The exact mapping between fonts and NFSS codes can be found in the generated fd files and
       in the log file (you may want to run autoinst with the -dryrun option to check the chosen
       mapping beforehand).  The -nfssweight and -nfsswidth command-line options can be used to
       finetune the mapping between NFSS codes and fonts.

       To access specific weights or widths, one can always use the "\fontseries" command with
       the full series name (i.e., "\fontseries{demibold}\selectfont").

       Ornament fonts are regular LY1-encoded fonts, with a number of "regular" characters
       replaced by ornament glyphs.  The OpenType specification says that fonts should only put
       their ornaments in place of the lowercase ASCII letters, but some fonts put them in other
       positions (such as those of the digits) as well.

       Ornaments can be accessed like "{\ornaments a}" and "{\ornaments\char"61}", or
       equivalently "\textornaments{a}" and "\textornaments{\char"61}".  To see which ornaments a
       font contains (and at which positions), run LaTeX on the file nfssfont.tex (which is
       included in any standard LaTeX installation), supply the name of the ornament font (i.e.,
       "GaramondLibre-Regular-orn-u") and give the command "\table\bye"; this will create a table
       of all glyphs in that font.

       Note that versions of autoinst up to 20200428 handled ornaments differently, and fonts and
       style files generated by those versions are not compatible with files generated by newer


   OpenType fonts and licensing issues
       Since pdfTeX cannot subset otf-flavoured OpenType fonts, otftotfm will convert such fonts
       to Type1 (pfb) format.  However, many fonts (at least those licensed under the SIL Open
       Font License) do not allow redistributing such converted versions under their original

       In order to try to meet such licensing requirements, autoinst provides a -t1suffix
       command-line option that appends a suffix to the names (both the filename and the internal
       font name) of all generated Type1 fonts; see "COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS" below.

       Please note that I am not a lawyer and do not guarantee that this suffix is sufficient to
       meet the license's requirements.  When in doubt, consult a real lawyer!

   Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handle
       The LIGTABLE in TeX's tfm files, which contains a font's ligatures and kerning pairs, is
       limited to about 32,500 entries (2^15 - 256).  If the number of ligatures plus kerns in a
       font is higher than that limit, pltotf and vptovf will complain loudly and ignore the
       excess entries.  This happens at least with Adobe's Source Serif 4 and Minion 3 font
       families.  Even when pltotf and vptovf don't warn about the LIGTABLE's size, you may still
       find that pdftex crashes with a "Bad metric (TFM) file" error.  The best way to handle
       this situation is to use autoinst's "-extra" option to raise otftotfm's value for the
       "--min-kern" parameter, which causes it to ignore small kerning pairs:
       "-extra='--min-kern=6.0'".  Finding the correct value for the "--min-kern" parameter may
       require some trial and error.

   A note for MiKTeX users
       Automatically installing the fonts into a suitable TEXMF tree (as autoinst tries to do by
       default) only works for TeX-installations that use the kpathsea library; with TeX
       distributions that implement their own directory searching, such as MiKTeX, autoinst will
       complain that it cannot find the kpsewhich program and move all generated files into a
       subdirectory "autoinst_output/" of the current directory.  If you use such a TeX
       distribution, you should either move these files to their correct destinations by hand, or
       use the -target option (see "COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS" below) to manually specify a TEXMF

       Also, some OpenType fonts contain so many kerning pairs that the resulting pl and vpl
       files are too big for MiKTeX's pltotf and vptovf; the versions that come with W32TeX
       ( and TeXLive ( don't seem to have this

   A note for MacTeX users
       By default, autoinst will try to install all generated files into the $TEXMFLOCAL tree;
       when this directory isn't user-writable, it will use the $TEXMFHOME tree instead.
       Unfortunately, MacTeX's version of "updmap-sys" doesn't search in $TEXMFHOME, and hence
       MacTeX will not find the new fonts.

       To remedy this, either run autoinst as root (so that it can install everything into
       $TEXMFLOCAL) or manually run "updmap -user" to tell TeX about the files in $TEXMFHOME.
       This latter option does, however, come with some caveats; see


       autoinst tries hard to do The Right Thing (TM) by default, so you usually won't need these
       options; but most aspects of its operation can be fine-tuned if you want to.

       You may use either one or two dashes before options, and option names may be shortened to
       a unique prefix (e.g., -encoding may be abbreviated to -enc or even -en, but -e is
       ambiguous (it may mean either -encoding or -extra)).

   General options
           Print a (relatively) short help text and exit.

           Don't generate output; just parse input fonts and write the results to the log file.

           Add more details to the log file.

           Print autoinst's version number and exit.

   Font creation options
           Generate the specified encoding(s) for the text fonts.  Multiple encodings may be
           specified as a comma-separated list (without spaces!); the default choice of encodings
           is "OT1,LY1,T1".

           For each encoding argument, autoinst will first check if it is the filename of an
           encoding file, and if found it will use that; otherwise the argument is assumed to be
           the name of one of the built-in encodings.  Currently autoinst comes with built-in
           support for the OT1, T1/TS1, LY1, T2A/B/C, T3/TS3, T4, T5, LGR, CS, L7X and QX
           encodings.  (These files are called fontools_ot1.enc etc. to avoid name clashes with
           other packages; the fontools_ prefix may be omitted.)

           Control the creation of TS1-encoded fonts. The default is -ts1 if the text encodings
           (see -encoding above) include T1, -nots1 otherwise.

           Control the creation of fonts with lining figures. The default is -lining.

           Control the creation of fonts with oldstyle figures. The default is -oldstyle.

           Control the creation of fonts with proportional figures. The default is -proportional.

           Control the creation of fonts with tabular figures. The default is -tabular.

           Control the creation of small caps fonts. The default is -smallcaps.

           Control the creation of swash fonts. The default is -swash.

           Control the creation of titling families. The default is -titling.

           Control the creation of fonts with superior characters.  The default is -superiors.

       -inferiors [ = none | auto | subs | sinf | dnom ]
           The OpenType standard defines several kinds of digits that might be used as inferiors
           or subscripts: "Subscripts" (OpenType feature "subs"), "Scientific Inferiors"
           ("sinf"), and "Denominators" ("dnom").  This option allows the user to determine which
           of these styles autoinst should use for the inferior characters.  Alternatively, the
           value "auto" tells autoinst to use the first value in "sinf", "subs" or "dnom" that is
           supported by the font.  Saying just -inferiors is equivalent to -inferiors=auto;
           otherwise the default is -noinferiors.

           If you specify a style of inferiors that isn't present in the font, autoinst will fall
           back to its default behaviour of not creating fonts with inferiors at all; it won't
           try to substitute one of the other styles.

           Control the creation of fonts with numerators and denominators.  The default is

           Some fonts contain glyphs for the standard f-ligatures (ff, fi, fl, ffi, ffl), but
           don't provide a "liga" feature to access these.  This option tells autoinst to add
           extra "LIGKERN" rules to the generated fonts to enable the use of these ligatures.
           The default is -ligatures, except for typewriter fonts.

           Specify -noligatures to disable generation of ligatures even for fonts that do contain
           a "liga" feature.

           Control the creation of ornament fonts. The default is -ornaments.

           Install the font as a serif, sanserif or typewriter font, respectively.  This changes
           how you access the font in LaTeX: with "\rmfamily"/"\textrm", "\sffamily"/"\textsf" or

           Installing the font as a typewriter font will cause two further changes: it will - by
           default - turn off the use of f-ligatures (though this can be overridden with the
           -ligatures option), and it will disable hyphenation for this font.  This latter effect
           cannot be re-enabled in autoinst; if you want typewriter text to be hyphenated, use
           the hyphenat package.

           If none of these options is specified, autoinst tries to guess: if the font's filename
           contains the string "mono" or if the field "isFixedPitch" in the font's "post" table
           is True, it will select -typewriter; else if the filename contains "sans" it will
           select -sanserif; otherwise it will opt for -serif.

           Tells autoinst to create basic math fonts (see above).

           Letterspace each character in the math fonts by amount units, where 1000 units equal
           one em.  In my opinion, many text fonts benefit from letterspacing by 50 to 100 units
           when used in maths; some fonts need even more. Use your own judgement!

   Output options
       -t1suffix [ = SUFFIX ]
           Tell autoinst to modify the font names of all generated Type1-fonts, by adding SUFFIX
           to the family name.  If you use this option without specifying a SUFFIX value,
           autoinst will use the value "PS".  The default behaviour when this option is not given
           is to not modify font names at all.

           See also "OpenType fonts and licensing issues" in "WARNINGS AND CAVEATS" above.

           Install all generated files into the TEXMF tree at DIRECTORY.

           By default, autoinst searches the $TEXMFLOCAL and $TEXMFHOME trees and installs all
           files into the first user-writable TEXMF tree it finds.  If autoinst cannot find such
           a user-writable directory (which shouldn't happen, since $TEXMFHOME is supposed to be
           user-writable) it will print a warning message and put all files into the subdirectory
           "autoinst_output/" of the current directory.  It's then up to the user to move the
           generated files to a better location and update all relevant databases (usually by
           calling texhash and updmap).

           These options are equivalent to otftotfm's  --vendor and  --typeface options: they
           change the "vendor" and "typeface" parts of the names of the subdirectories in the
           TEXMF tree where generated files will be stored.  The default values are "lcdftools"
           and the font's FontFamily name.  These options change only directory names, not the
           names of any generated files.

           Write log data to filename instead of the default <fontfamily>.log.  If the file
           already exists, autoinst appends to it; it doesn't overwrite an existing file.

   Specialist options
           Tell autoinst which figure style is the current font family's default (i.e., which
           figures you get when you don't specify any OpenType features).

           Don't use these options unless you are certain you need them!  They are only needed
           for fonts that don't provide OpenType features for their default figure style; and
           even in that case, autoinst's default values (-defaultlining and -defaulttabular) are
           usually correct.

           Map the NFSS code code to the given weight or width, overriding the built-in tables.
           Each of these options may be given multiple times, to override more than one NFSS
           code.  Example: to map the "ul" code to the "Thin" weight, use "-nfssweight=ul=thin".
           To inhibit the use of the "ul" code completely, use "-nfssweight=ul=".

       -extra=extra options
           Pass extra options to the commands for otftotfm.  To prevent extra options from
           accidentily being interpreted as options to autoinst, they should be properly quoted.

           Manual mode; for users who want to post-process the generated files and commands. By
           default, autoinst immediately executes all otftotfm commands it generates; in manual
           mode, these are instead written to a file autoinst.bat.  Furthermore it tells otftotfm
           to generate human readable (and editable) pl/vpl files instead of the default tfm/vf
           ones, and to place all generated files in a subdirectory "./autoinst_output/" of the
           current directory, rather than install them into your TeX installation.

           When using this option, you need to execute the following manual steps after autoinst
           has finished:

           - run pltotf and vptovf on the generated pl and vf files, to convert them to tfm/vf
           - move all generated files to a proper TEXMF tree, and, if necessary, update the
           filename database;
           - tell TeX about the new map file (usually by running "updmap" or similar).

           Note that some options (-target, -vendor and -typeface) are meaningless, and hence
           ignored, in manual mode.

           Also note that font name modification doesn't happen in manual mode.

           Some fonts provide kerning pairs for tabular figures.  This is very probably not what
           you want (e.g., numbers in tables won't line up exactly).  This option adds extra
           --ligkern options to the commands for otftotfm to suppress such kerns.  Note that this
           option leads to very long commands (it adds one hundred  --ligkern options), which may
           cause problems on some systems; hence it is not active by default.


       Eddie Kohler's TypeTools and T1Utils (

       Perl can be obtained from; it is included in most Linux distributions.
       For Windows, try ActivePerl ( or Strawberry Perl

       LuaTeX ( and XeTeX ( are Unicode-aware TeX
       engines that can use OpenType fonts directly, without any (La)TeX-specific support files.

       The FontPro project ( offers very complete LaTeX
       support (even for typesetting maths) for Adobe's Minion Pro, Myriad Pro and Cronos Pro
       font families.


       Marc Penninga (

       When sending a bug report, please give as much relevant information as possible; this
       usually includes (but may not be limited to) the log file (please add the -verbose
       command-line option, for extra info).  If you see any error messages, please include these
       verbatim; don't paraphase.


       Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Marc Penninga.


       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
       version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  A copy of the text of
       the GNU General Public License is included in the fontools distribution; see the file


       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
       See the GNU General Public License for more details.


       This document describes autoinst version 20230201.


       (See the source for the full story, all the way back to 2005.)

       2023-02-01  Added support for the T4, T5, CS, L7X and QX encodings.

       2023-01-31  If the fonts contain superior and/or inferior figures, the generated style
                   file now redefines the "\textsuperscript" and "\textsubscript" commands, and
                   patches Latex's footnote mechanism to use these figures (inspired by the
                   realscripts package).  Fixed a few bugs in metadata parsing, style file
                   generation and the "-t1suffix" option, so that the latter also works for dvips
                   and dvipdfmx.

       2021-11-15  Bugfix: font info parsing now works for Adobe Source Serif 4.

       2021-07-21  Bugfixes:

                   -  Yet another problem with argument quoting on Windows.

                   -  Selecting numerator/denominator fonts didn't work as documented.

                   -  Font info parsing failed for Microsoft Sitka and LucasFonts Thesis.

       2021-04-01  The -encoding option now also accepts filenames of encoding files in
                   directories other than the current directory.  Directory names containing
                   spaces do (or at least should) also work.