Provided by: borgbackup_1.2.6-2_amd64 bug


       borg-delete - Delete an existing repository or archives


       borg [common options] delete [options] [REPOSITORY_OR_ARCHIVE] [ARCHIVE...]


       This command deletes an archive from the repository or the complete repository.

       Important:  When  deleting archives, repository disk space is not freed until you run borg

       When you delete a complete repository, the security info and local cache for it  (if  any)
       are also deleted. Alternatively, you can delete just the local cache with the --cache-only
       option, or keep the security info with the --keep-security-info option.

       When in doubt, use --dry-run --list to see what would be deleted.

       When using --stats, you will get some statistics about how much data  was  deleted  -  the
       "Deleted  data"  deduplicated  size  there  is  most  interesting as that is how much your
       repository will shrink.  Please note that the "All archives"  stats  refer  to  the  state
       after deletion.

       You  can delete multiple archives by specifying a shell pattern to match multiple archives
       using  the  --glob-archives  GLOB  option  (for  more  info   on   these   patterns,   see

       To  avoid accidentally deleting archives, especially when using glob patterns, it might be
       helpful to use the --dry-run to test out the command without actually making  any  changes
       to the repository.


       See borg-common(1) for common options of Borg commands.

              repository or archive to delete

              archives to delete

       -n, --dry-run
              do not change repository

       --list output verbose list of archives

       -s, --stats
              print statistics for the deleted archive

              delete only the local cache for the given repository

              force  deletion of corrupted archives, use --force --force in case --force does not

              keep the local security info when deleting a repository

              work slower, but using less space

       -c SECONDS, --checkpoint-interval SECONDS
              write checkpoint every SECONDS seconds (Default: 1800)

   Archive filters
       -P PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
              only consider archive names starting with this prefix. (deprecated)

       -a GLOB, --glob-archives GLOB
              only consider archive names matching the glob. sh:  rules  apply,  see  "borg  help

       --sort-by KEYS
              Comma-separated  list of sorting keys; valid keys are: timestamp, name, id; default
              is: timestamp

       --first N
              consider first N archives after other filters were applied

       --last N
              consider last N archives after other filters were applied


          # delete a single backup archive:
          $ borg delete /path/to/repo::Monday
          # actually free disk space:
          $ borg compact /path/to/repo

          # delete all archives whose names begin with the machine's hostname followed by "-"
          $ borg delete --glob-archives '{hostname}-*' /path/to/repo

          # delete all archives whose names contain "-2012-"
          $ borg delete --glob-archives '*-2012-*' /path/to/repo

          # see what would be deleted if delete was run without --dry-run
          $ borg delete --list --dry-run -a '*-May-*' /path/to/repo

          # delete the whole repository and the related local cache:
          $ borg delete /path/to/repo
          You requested to completely DELETE the repository *including* all archives it contains:
          repo                                 Mon, 2016-02-15 19:26:54
          root-2016-02-15                      Mon, 2016-02-15 19:36:29
          newname                              Mon, 2016-02-15 19:50:19
          Type 'YES' if you understand this and want to continue: YES


       borg-common(1), borg-compact(1)


       The Borg Collective

                                            2023-08-30                             BORG-DELETE(1)