Provided by: emptty_0.10.0+git20230608.f02bbdb-1ubuntu0.1_amd64
emptty - Dead simple CLI Display Manager on TTY
emptty [-v] [--version] [-d] [--daemon] [-c PATH] [--config PATH] [-i] [--ignore-config] [-t TTY] [--tty TTY] [-u defaultUser] [--default-user defaultUser] [-a [session]] [--autologin [session]]
emptty Simple CLI Display Manager, that allows one to select DE/WM after login, use predefined config or allows autologin, if selected user is part of nopasswdlogin group.
-v, --version Display the version of the program. -d, --daemon Starts emptty as daemon, that does not require agetty. -c, --config PATH Loads configuration from specified path. -i, --ignore-config Skips loading of configuration from file, loads only argument configuration. -t, --tty TTY Overrides loaded configuration by setting defined TTY. May be specified as a number (e.g. "7") or a TTY name (e.g. "tty7"). -u, --default-user defaultUser Overrides loaded configuration by setting defined defaultUser. -a, --autologin [session] Overrides loaded configuration by enabling autologin. If session is defined, it overrides autologin session.
/etc/emptty/conf TTY_NUMBER TTY, where emptty will start. SWITCH_TTY Enables switching to defined TTY number. Default is true. PRINT_ISSUE Enables printing of /etc/issue in daemon mode. PRINT_MOTD Enables printing of default motd, static motd or dynamic motd. DEFAULT_USER Preselected user, if AUTOLOGIN is enabled, this user is logged in. DEFAULT_SESSION Preselected desktop session, if user does not use `emptty` file. Has lower priority than AUTOLOGIN_SESSION DEFAULT_SESSION_ENV Optional environment of preselected desktop session, if user does not use `emptty` file. Possible values are "xorg" and "wayland". AUTOLOGIN Enables Autologin, if DEFAULT_USER is defined. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. NOTE: to enable autologin DEFAULT_USER must be in group nopasswdlogin , otherwise user will NOT be authorized. AUTOLOGIN_SESSION The default session used, if Autologin is enabled. If session is not found in list of session, it proceeds to manual selection. AUTOLOGIN_SESSION_ENV Optional environment of autologin desktop session. Possible values are "xorg" and "wayland". AUTOLOGIN_MAX_RETRY If Autologin is enabled and session does not start correctly, the number of retries in short period is kept to eventually stop the infinite loop of restarts. -1 is for infinite retries, 0 is for no retry. Default value is 2. LANG defines locale for all users. Default value is "en_US.UTF-8" DBUS_LAUNCH Starts "dbus-launch" before desktop command. After end of session "dbus-daemon" is interrupted. Default value is true. If user config is handled as script (does not contain Exec option), this config is overridden to false. ALWAYS_DBUS_LAUNCH Starts "dbus-launch" before desktop command in any case, DBUS_LAUNCH value is ignored. It also starts even if XINITRC_LAUNCH is set to `true`. After end of session "dbus-daemon" is interrupted. Default value is false. XINITRC_LAUNCH Starts Xorg desktop with calling ~/.xinitrc script with session exec as argument, if is true, file exists and selected WM/DE is Xorg session, it overrides DBUS_LAUNCH. If user config is handled as script (does not contain Exec option), this config is overridden to false. VERTICAL_SELECTION Prints available WM/DE each on new line instead of printing on single line. LOGGING Defines how logging is handled. Possible values are "rotate", "appending" or "disabled". Default value is "rotate". LOGGING_FILE Overrides path of log file. Default value is /var/log/emptty/[TTY_NUMBER].log NOTE: It expects existence of directories to defined logging file. XORG_ARGS Arguments passed to Xorg server. DYNAMIC_MOTD Allows using dynamic motd script to generate custom MOTD. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. NOTE: Be sure, that dynamic motd has correct content and permissions (e.g. 744), the script is started as default user; in daemon mode it means root DYNAMIC_MOTD_PATH Allows overriding default path to dynamic motd. Default value is "/etc/emptty/motd-". MOTD_PATH Allows overriding default path to static motd. Default value is "/etc/emptty/motd". FG_COLOR Foreground color, available only in daemon mode. List of colors is listed below. BG_COLOR Background color, available only in daemon mode. List of colors is listed below. DISPLAY_START_SCRIPT Script started before Display (Xorg/Wayland) starts. NOTE: The script is started as default user; in daemon mode it means root DISPLAY_STOP_SCRIPT Script started after Display (Xorg/Wayland) stops. NOTE: The script is started as default user; in daemon mode it means root ENABLE_NUMLOCK Enables numlock in daemon mode. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. SESSION_ERROR_LOGGING Defines how logging of session errors is handled. Possible values are "rotate", "appending" or "disabled". Default value is "disabled". SESSION_ERROR_LOGGING_FILE Overrides path of session errors log file. Default value is /var/log/emptty/session-errors.[TTY_NUMBER].log NOTE: It expects existence of directories to defined logging file. NO_XDG_FALLBACK Disallows setting of fallback values for all XDG environmental variables and leaves it on Login Controls. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. NOTE: Be aware, that setting to "true" could lead to unexpected behaviour. DEFAULT_XAUTHORITY If set true, it will not use .emptty-xauth file, but the standard ~/.Xauthority file. This allows handling xauth issues. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. ROOTLESS_XORG If set true, Xorg will be started as rootless, if system allows and emptty is running in daemon mode. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. IDENTIFY_ENVS If set true, environmental groups are printed to differ Xorg/Wayland/Custom/UserCustom desktops. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. HIDE_ENTER_LOGIN If set true, "hostname login:" is not displayed. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. HIDE_ENTER_PASSWORD If set true, "Password:" is not displayed. Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. XORG_SESSIONS_PATH Path to directory, where Xorg sessions' desktop files are stored. Default value is "/usr/share/xsessions/". WAYLAND_SESSIONS_PATH Path to directory, where Wayland sessions' desktop files are stored. Default value is "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/".
Optional file stored by default as /etc/emptty/ Could be overridden. If DYNAMIC_MOTD is set to true, this file exists and is executable for its owner, the result is printed as your own MOTD. Be very careful with this script!
Optional file stored by default as /etc/emptty/motd. Could be overridden. Custom file, that prints your own MOTD. Reading this file supports colors (e.g. \x1b[31m or \033[32m )
Optional file stored as ${HOME}/.config/emptty or ${HOME}/.emptty Configuration file stored as ${HOME}/.config/emptty has higher priority on loading. Name Optional name to be used as Session Name. Exec Defines command to start Desktop Environment/Window Manager. This value does not need to be defined, if user config is presented as shell script (with shebang at the start and execution permissions). Environment Selects, which environment should be defined for following command. Possible values are "xorg" and "wayland", "xorg" is default. Lang Defines locale for logged user, has higher priority than LANG from global configuration Selection Requires selection of desktop, basically turns emptty file into .xinitrc for Xorg and Wayland. In this case Exec is skipped. LoginShell Defines custom shell to be used to start the session. This allows starting the session with non-interactive shell e.g. "/bin/bash --login"
Optional folders for custom sessions, that could be available system-wide (in case of /etc/emptty/custom-sessions/) or user-specific (in case of ${HOME}/.config/emptty-custom- sessions/), but do not have .desktop file stored on standard paths for Xorg or Wayland sessions. Expected suffix of each file is ".desktop". Name Defines name of Desktop Environment/Window Manager. Exec Defines command to start Desktop Environment/Window Manager. It could contain multiple arguments same as in *.desktop files. Environment Selects, which environment should be defined for following command. Possible values are "xorg" and "wayland", "xorg" is default.
The last user selection of session is stored into ~/.cache/emptty/last-session
As it is mentioned in configuration, there are three options to handle logging of emptty. The logs contains not just logs from emptty, but also from Xorg (if used) and user's WM/DE. Described log location could differ according configuration LOGGING_FILE , that is stored in /etc/emptty/conf default This option provides simple solution, when current instance of emptty logs into /var/log/emptty/[TTY_NUMBER].log and the previous version is stored as /var/log/emptty/[TTY_NUMBER].log.old NOTE: Current instance always move previous log into old file, if emptty crashes and is started again, previous log is in /var/log/emptty/[TTY_NUMBER].log.old appending This option provides functionality that logs everything into /var/log/emptty/[TTY_NUMBER].log and does not handle log rotation by itself. It leaves the option for user to handle it themselves (e.g. with logrotate). NOTE: Appending without roration could cause large log file, be sure that log file is rotated. disabled This option points all log into /dev/null , so no log is available. NOTE: If any issue starts to appear and you want to report it, ensure you do not use this option.