Provided by: git-annex_10.20230626-1_amd64 bug


       git-annex-drop - remove content of files from repository


       git annex drop [path ...]


       Drops the content of annexed files from this repository, when possible.

       git-annex  will  refuse  to  drop content if it cannot verify it is safe to do so. Usually
       this involves verifying that the content is stored in some other repository.

       Content that is required to be stored in the repository will not be dropped even if enough
       copies exist elsewhere. See git-annex-required(1).

       With  no  parameters,  tries to drop all annexed files in the current directory.  Paths of
       files or directories to drop can be specified.


        # git annex drop *.jpeg
        drop photo1.jpg (checking origin...) ok
        drop photo2.jpg (unsafe)
          Could only verify the existence of 0 out of 1 necessary copies

          Rather than dropping this file, try using: git annex move

          (Use --force to override this check, or adjust numcopies.)
        drop photo3.jpg (checking origin...) ok



              Rather than dropping the content of files in the local repository, this option  can
              specify a remote from which the files' contents should be removed.

       --auto Rather  than  trying  to  drop  all  specified  files, drop only those that are not
              preferred content of the repository, and avoid trying to drop files when there  are
              not   enough   other   copies   for   the   drop   to   be   possible.    See  git-

              Use this option with care! It bypasses  safety  checks,  and  forces  git-annex  to
              delete  the  content  of the specified files, even from the last repository that is
              storing their content. Data loss can result from using this option.

       --all -A
              Rather than specifying a filename or path to drop, this option can be used to  drop
              all available versions of all files.

              This is the default behavior when running git-annex drop in a bare repository.

              Note  that  this  bypasses  checking the .gitattributes annex.numcopies setting and
              required content settings.

              Drop files in the specified branch or treeish.

              Note that this bypasses checking the  .gitattributes  annex.numcopies  setting  and
              required content settings.

              Drop files found by last run of git-annex unused.

              Note  that  this  bypasses  checking the .gitattributes annex.numcopies setting and
              required content settings.

              Use this option to drop a specified key.

              Note that this bypasses checking the  .gitattributes  annex.numcopies  setting  and
              required content settings.

       matching options
              The git-annex-matching-options(1) can be used to specify what to drop.

       --jobs=N -JN
              Runs multiple drop jobs in parallel. This is particularly useful when git-annex has
              to contact remotes to check if it can drop files.  For example: -J4

              Setting this to "cpus" will run one job per CPU core.

              Enables batch mode, in which lines containing names of files to drop are read  from

              As  each  specified  file  is processed, the usual output is displayed. If a file's
              content is not present, or it does not match specified matching options, or  it  is
              not an annexed file, a blank line is output in response instead.

              This is like --batch but the lines read from stdin are parsed as keys.

              Note  that  this  bypasses  checking the .gitattributes annex.numcopies setting and
              required content settings.

       -z     Makes the batch input be delimited by nulls instead of the usual newlines.

       --json Enable JSON output. This is intended to be parsed by programs that  use  git-annex.
              Each line of output is a JSON object.

              Messages  that  would normally be output to standard error are included in the JSON

       Also the git-annex-common-options(1) can be used.







       Joey Hess <>
