Provided by: can-utils_2023.03-1_amd64
isotpsniffer - manual page for isotpsniffer 2023.03-1
isotpsniffer [options] <CAN interface>
-s <can_id> (source can_id. Use 8 digits for extended IDs) -d <can_id> (destination can_id. Use 8 digits for extended IDs) -x <addr> (extended addressing mode) -X <addr> (extended addressing mode - rx addr) -c (color mode) -t <type> (timestamp: (a)bsolute/(d)elta/(z)ero/(A)bsolute w date) -f <format> (1 = HEX, 2 = ASCII, 3 = HEX & ASCII - default: 3) -L <mtu>:<tx_dl>:<tx_flags> (link layer options for CAN FD) -h <len> (head: print only first <len> bytes) CAN IDs and addresses are given and expected in hexadecimal values.