Provided by: libhtml-formhandler-perl_0.40068-2_all bug


       HTML::FormHandler::Field::Select - select fields


       version 0.40068


       This is a field that includes a list of possible valid options.  This can be used for
       select and multiple-select fields.  Widget type is 'select'.

       Because select lists and checkbox_groups do not return an HTTP parameter when the entire
       list is unselected, the Select field must assume that the lack of a param means
       unselection. So to avoid setting a Select field, it must be set to inactive, not merely
       not included in the HTML for a form.

       This field type can also be used for fields that use the 'radio_group' widget, and the
       'checkbox_group' widget (for selects with multiple flag turned on, or that use the
       Multiple field).

       The 'options' array can come from a number of different places:

       From a field declaration
           In a field declaration:

              has_field 'opt_in' => ( type => 'Select', widget => 'RadioGroup',
                 options => [{ value => 0, label => 'No'}, { value => 1, label => 'Yes'} ] );

       From a field class 'build_options' method
           In a custom field class:

              package MyApp::Field::WeekDay;
              use Moose;
              extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Select';
              sub build_options {
                  my $i = 0;
                  my @days = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
                      'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' );
                  return [
                      map {
                          {   value => $i++, label => $_ }
                      } @days

       From a coderef supplied to the field definition
              has_field 'flim' => ( type => 'Select', options_method => \&flim_options );
              sub flim_options {  <return options array> }

       From a form 'options_<field_name>' method or attribute
              has_field 'fruit' => ( type => 'Select' );
              sub options_fruit {
                  return (
                      1   => 'apples',
                      2   => 'oranges',
                      3   => 'kiwi',
              -- or --
              has 'options_fruit' => ( is => 'rw', traits => ['Array'],
                  default => sub { [1 => 'apples', 2 => 'oranges',
                      3 => 'kiwi'] } );

           Notice that, as a convenience, you can return a simple array (or arrayref) for the
           options array in the 'options_field_name' method. The hashrefs with 'value' and
           'label' keys will be constructed for you by FormHandler.

       From the database
           The final source of the options array is a database when the name of the accessor is a
           relation to the table holding the information used to construct the select list.  The
           primary key is used as the value. The other columns used are:

               label_column  --  Used for the labels in the options (default 'name')
               active_column --  The name of the column to be used in the query (default 'active')
                                 that allows the rows retrieved to be restricted
               sort_column   --  The name or arrayref of names of the column(s) used to sort the options

           See also HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC, the 'lookup_options' method.

       The options field should contain one of the following data structures:

       ArrayRef of HashRefs
           Each hash reference defines an option, with the label and value attributes
           corresponding to those of the HTML field.

           A list of key/value pairs corresponding to HTML field values and labels.

       ArrayRef containing one ArrayRef
           Each item inside the inner ArrayRef defines both the label and value of an option.

   Customizing options
       Additional attributes can be added in the options array hashref, by using the 'attributes'
       key. If you have custom rendering code, you can add any additional key that you want, of

       Note that you should *not* set 'checked' or 'selected' attributes in options.  That is
       handled by setting a field default.

       An options array with an extra 'note' key:

          sub options_license
             my $self = shift;
             return unless $self->schema;
             my $licenses = $self->schema->resultset('License')->search({active => 1},
                  {order_by => 'sequence'});
             my @selections;
             while ( my $license = $licenses->next ) {
                push @selections, { value => $license->id, label => $license->label,
                     note => $license->note };
             return @selections;

       Setting the select element to disabled:

          sub options_license
             my $self = shift;
             return unless $self->schema;
             my $licenses = $self->schema->resultset('License')->search(undef,
                  {order_by => 'sequence'});
             my @selections;
             while ( my $license = $licenses->next ) {
                push @selections, { value => $license->id, label => $license->label,
                     attributes => { disabled => ($license->active == 0) ? 1 : 0 } };
             return @selections;

       You can also divide the options up into option groups. See the section on rendering.

   Reloading options
       If the options come from the options_<fieldname> method or the database, they will be
       reloaded every time the form is reloaded because the available options may have changed.
       To prevent this from happening when the available options are known to be static, set the
       'do_not_reload' flag, and the options will not be reloaded after the first time

   Sorting options
       The sorting of the options may be changed using a 'sort_options' method in a custom field
       class. The 'Multiple' field uses this method to put the already selected options at the
       top of the list. Note that this won't work with option groups.

Attributes and Methods

       The options available for this field as defined in the "DESCRIPTION" above.

       Coderef of method to return options

       If true allows multiple input values

       This can be used to store how many items should be offered in the UI at a given time.
       Defaults to 0.

       Set to the string value of the select label if you want the renderer to create an empty
       select value. This only affects rendering - it does not add an entry to the list of

          has_field 'fruit' => ( type => 'Select',
               empty_select => '---Choose a Fruit---' );

       Usually the empty value is an empty arrayref. This attribute allows changing that. Used by
       SelectCSV field.

       Sets or returns the name of the method to call on the foreign class to fetch the text to
       use for the select list.

       Refers to the method (or column) name to use in a related object class for the label for
       select lists.

       Defaults to "name".

       For the renderers: whether or not to call the localize method on the select labels.
       Default is off.

       Sets or returns the name of a boolean column that is used as a flag to indicate that a row
       is active or not.  Rows that are not active are ignored.

       The default is "active".

       If this column exists on the class then the list of options will included only rows that
       are marked "active".

       The exception is any columns that are marked inactive, but are also part of the input data
       will be included with brackets around the label.  This allows updating records that might
       have data that is now considered inactive.

       This is a way to provide a hint as to when to automatically select the widget to display
       for fields with a small number of options.  For example, this can be used to decided to
       display a radio select for select lists smaller than the size specified.

       See select_widget below.

       Sets or returns the column or arrayref of columns used in the foreign class for sorting
       the options labels.  Default is undefined.

       If not defined the label_column is used as the sort condition.

       If the widget is 'select' for the field then will look if the field also has a
       auto_widget_size.  If the options list is less than or equal to the auto_widget_size then
       will return "radio_group" if multiple is false, otherwise will return "checkbox_group".

       Returns the option label for the option value that matches the field's current value.  Can
       be helpful for displaying information about the field in a more friendly format.

       Set this flag to true if you don't want to validate the options that are submitted.  This
       would generally only happen if the options are generated via javascript.

   error messages
       Customize 'select_invalid_value' and 'select_not_multiple'. Though neither of these
       messages should really be seen by users in a properly constructed select.


       The 'select' field can be rendered by the 'Select', 'RadioGroup', and 'CheckboxGroup'
       widgets. 'RadioGroup' is for a single select, and 'CheckboxGroup' is for a multiple

       Option groups can be rendered by providing an options arrays with 'group' elements
       containing options:

           sub options_testop { (
                   group => 'First Group',
                   options => [
                       { value => 1, label => 'One' },
                       { value => 2, label => 'Two' },
                       { value => 3, label => 'Three' },
                   group => 'Second Group',
                   options => [
                       { value => 4, label => 'Four' },
                       { value => 5, label => 'Five' },
                       { value => 6, label => 'Six' },
           ) }

       The select rendering widgets all have a 'render_option' method, which may be useful for
       situations when you want to split up the rendering of a radio group or checkbox group.

   Rendering with Template Toolkit
       Calling 'options' from Template Toolkit can causes issues with wantarray when there is
       only a single option. As a solution you should use 'options_ref'.

Database relations

       Also see HTML::FormHandler::TraitFor::Model::DBIC.

       The single select is for a DBIC 'belongs_to' relation. The multiple select is for a
       'many_to_many' relation.

       There is very limited ability to do multiple select with 'has_many' relations.  It will
       only work in very specific circumstances, and requires setting the 'has_many' attribute to
       the name of the primary key of the related table.  This is a somewhat peculiar data
       structure for a relational database, and may not be what you really want. A 'has_many' is
       usually represented with a Repeatable field, and may require custom code if the form
       structure doesn't match the database structure. See HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Cookbook.


       FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler


       This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gerda Shank.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.