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Mojolicious::Routes - Always find your destination with routes
use Mojolicious::Routes; # Simple route my $r = Mojolicious::Routes->new; $r->any('/')->to(controller => 'blog', action => 'welcome'); # More advanced routes my $blog = $r->under('/blog'); $blog->get('/list')->to('blog#list'); $blog->get('/:id' => [id => qr/\d+/])->to('blog#show', id => 23); $blog->patch(sub ($c) { $c->render(text => 'Go away!', status => 405) });
Mojolicious::Routes is the core of the Mojolicious web framework. See Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more.
These placeholder types are available by default. num $r->get('/article/<id:num>'); Placeholder value needs to be a non-fractional number, similar to the regular expression "([0-9]+)".
Mojolicious::Routes inherits all attributes from Mojolicious::Routes::Route and implements the following new ones. base_classes my $classes = $r->base_classes; $r = $r->base_classes(['MyApp::Controller']); Base classes used to identify controllers, defaults to Mojolicious::Controller and Mojolicious. cache my $cache = $r->cache; $r = $r->cache(Mojo::Cache->new); Routing cache, defaults to a Mojo::Cache object. conditions my $conditions = $r->conditions; $r = $r->conditions({foo => sub {...}}); Contains all available conditions. namespaces my $namespaces = $r->namespaces; $r = $r->namespaces(['MyApp::Controller', 'MyApp']); Namespaces to load controllers from. # Add another namespace to load controllers from push @{$r->namespaces}, 'MyApp::MyController'; shortcuts my $shortcuts = $r->shortcuts; $r = $r->shortcuts({foo => sub {...}}); Contains all available shortcuts. types my $types = $r->types; $r = $r->types({lower => qr/[a-z]+/}); Registered placeholder types, by default only "num" is already defined.
Mojolicious::Routes inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Routes::Route and implements the following new ones. add_condition $r = $r->add_condition(foo => sub ($route, $c, $captures, $arg) {...}); Register a condition. $r->add_condition(foo => sub ($route, $c, $captures, $arg) { ... return 1; }); add_shortcut $r = $r->add_shortcut(foo => sub ($route, @args) {...}); Register a shortcut. $r->add_shortcut(foo => sub ($route, @args) {...}); add_type $r = $r->add_type(foo => qr/\w+/); $r = $r->add_type(foo => ['bar', 'baz']); Register a placeholder type. $r->add_type(lower => qr/[a-z]+/); continue $r->continue(Mojolicious::Controller->new); Continue dispatch chain and emit the hook "around_action" in Mojolicious for every action. dispatch my $bool = $r->dispatch(Mojolicious::Controller->new); Match routes with "match" and dispatch with "continue". lookup my $route = $r->lookup('foo'); Find route by name with "find" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route and cache all results for future lookups. match $r->match(Mojolicious::Controller->new); Match routes with Mojolicious::Routes::Match.
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.