Provided by: libnet-dbus-perl_1.2.0-2_amd64 bug


       Net::DBus::Binding::PendingCall - A handler for pending method replies


         my $call = Net::DBus::Binding::PendingCall->new(method_call => $call,
                                                         pending_call => $reply);

         # Wait for completion

         # And get the reply message
         my $msg = $call->get_reply;


       This object is used when it is necessary to make asynchronous method calls. It provides
       the means to be notified when the reply is finally received.


       my $call = Net::DBus::Binding::PendingCall->new(method_call => $method_call, pending_call
       => $pending_call);
           Creates a new pending call object, with the "method_call" parameter being a reference
           to the "Net::DBus::Binding::Message::MethodCall" object whose reply is being waiting
           for. The "pending_call" parameter is a reference to the raw C pending call object.

           Cancel the pending call, causing any reply that is later received to be discarded.

       my $boolean = $call->get_completed
           Returns a true value if the pending call has received its reply, or a timeout has

           Block the caller until the reply is received or a timeout occurrs.

       my $msg = $call->get_reply;
           Retrieves the "Net::DBus::Binding::Message" object associated with the complete call.

           Sets a notification function to be invoked when the pending call completes. The
           callback will be passed a single argument which is this pending call object.


       Daniel P. Berrange


       Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Daniel P. Berrange


       Net::DBus::Binding::Connection, Net::DBus::Binding::Message, Net::DBus::ASyncReply