Provided by: libnetapp-perl_500.002-3_all bug


       NetApp::Aggregate -- OO class for creating and managing NetApp filer aggregates


           use NetApp::Filer;
           use NetApp::Aggregate;

           my $filer = NetApp::Filer->new({ .... });

           my @aggregate_names = $filer->get_aggregate_names;

           my @aggregates      = $filer->get_aggregates;

           my $aggregate       = $filer->get_aggregate( 'aggr01' );


       This class encapsulates a single NetApp filer aggregate, and provides methods for querying
       information about the aggregate and it's sub-objects (eg. volumes), as well as methods for
       managing the aggregate itself.


   General Instance Methods

       Returns the NetApp::Filer object representing the filer on which the aggregate exists.


       Returns the name of the aggregate as a string.

       get_states, get_statuses, get_options

       Each of these methods returns a list of strings, each of which represents a single state,
       status, or option for the aggregate.

           NOTE: All you English grammar pluralization rules fanatics can
           give up trying to convince the author to call that one method

       get_state( $state ), get_status( $status ), get_option( $option )

       Each of these methods returns the value for the specified state, status or option.  If
       that particular key wasn't present, then this method will return undef.  This makes it
       easy to tell the difference between a key that doesn't exist, and one that has a false


       Returns the NetApp::Aggregate::Plex object representing the plex on which the aggregate

   Volume Specific Methods

       Returns a list of the volume names which are contained within this aggregate.


       Returns a list of NetApp::Volume objects, each of which represents one of the volumes in
       the aggregate.

       get_volume( $name )

       Returns a single NetApp::Volume object representing the specified volume.  If that volume
       doesn't exist on the aggregate, then a fatal exception is raised.

       create_volume( %args )

       This method creates a flexible volume in the aggregate, and returns the NetApp::Volume
       object representing the new volume.  The arguments are as follows.  All values are simple
       strings, unless otherwise noted.

               # Required arguments
               name            => $name,
               size            => $size,
               # Optional arguments
               space           => 'none' | 'file' | 'volume',
               language        => $language,
               source_filer    => $source_filer,
               source_volume   => $source_volume,

       Both the source_filer and source_volume arguments must be given when creating a flexcache

       The space and language arguments may not be specified with the source_filer/source_volume

       destroy_volume( %args )

       Destroys the specified volume.  Note that since this API is not designed to be used
       interactively, the -f (force) argument is always used.  Be sure you really want to destroy
       the volume, programatically.

               # Required argument
               name            => $name,

       The $name must be a string, and it must be one of the volumes in the $aggregate.

   Qtree Specific Methods

       Returns a list of strings, each of which is the name of a qtree on the aggregate.


       Returns a list of NetApp::Qtree objects, each of which represents a single qtree on the

       get_qtree( $name )

       Returns a single NetApp::Qtree object for the specified qtree name. The name must in the
       form of a pathname, for example:


       The qtree_name is optional if querying the object for a volume's qtree.  This method
       simply returns nothing if the specified qtree doesn't exist on the aggregate.

   Snapshot Specific Methods

       Returns a list of NetApp::Snapshot objects for each of the snapshots of the aggregate.

       get_snapshot( $name )

       Returns a single NetApp::Snapshot object matching the specified name, if it exists for the

       create_snapshot( $name )

       Creates a snapshot of the aggregate with the specified name.

       delete_snapshot( $name )

       Deletes a snapshot of the aggregate with the specified name.


       Returns a list of NetApp::Snapshot::Delta objects for each snapshot delta for the


       Returns a string representing the amount of reserved space, as a percentage.  This string
       does NOT include the % sign.

       set_snapshot_reserved( $percentage )

       Sets the snapshot reserved space to the specified percentage, which should also NOT
       include the % sign.


       Returns a NetApp::Snapshot::Schedule object representing the snapshot schedule for the

       set_snapshot_schedule( %args )

       Sets the snapshot schedule for the aggregate based on the arguments passed.  The argument
       syntax is:

               weekly          => $weekly,
               daily           => $daily,
               hourly          => $hourly,
               hourlist        => [
                   $hour1, $hour2, $hour3, ....


       NOTE: Currently, all of the following methods have yet to be implemented, but will be
       soon.  This documentation serves as a guideline for how to implement the perl API for each
       associates CLI function.

   NetApp::Aggregate->create( ... )
           my $aggregate       = NetApp::Aggregate->create(
               # Required arguments
               filer           => $filer,      # NetApp::Filer object
               name            => $aggregate_name,
               # Required but mutually exclusive arguments
               # Either 'disks' OR 'diskcount and/or disksize'
               disks           => [
                                    [ $disk1, $disk2, .... ],
                                    [ $diskn, $diskn+1, .... ],
               diskcount       => $diskcount,
               disksize        => $disksize,
               # Optional arguments
               raidtype        => 'raid0' | 'raid4' | 'raid-dp',
               raidsize        => $raidsize,
               disktype        => 'ATA' | 'FCAL' | 'LUN' | 'SAS' | 'SATA' | 'SCSI',
               rpm             => $rpm,
               mirrored        => $boolean,

   $aggregate->add( ... )
               # Required arguments
               name            => $aggregate_name,
               # Required but mutually exclusive arguments
               # Either 'disks' OR 'diskcount and/or disksize'
               disks           => [
                                    [ $disk1, $disk2, .... ],
                                    [ $diskn, $diskn+1, .... ],
               diskcount       => $diskcount,
               disksize        => $disksize,
               # Optional arguments
               raidgroup       => $raidgroup,
               force           => 1,

       NOTE: This always uses the -force option, since this API is not interactive.

               # Optional arguments
               cifsdelaytime   => $cifsdelaytime,

       NOTE: It is unclear whether or not we should always imply -f (force => 1), or whether we
       should treat the prompted scenario as an error, and raise an exception.  Since forcing an
       aggregate online can result in data loss when -f is used, perhaps we should force that
       state to be cleaned up first.

   $aggregate->rename( $newname )
   $aggregate->restrict( ... )
               # Optional arguments
               cifsdelaytime   => $cifsdelaytime,