Provided by: ocaml-man_4.13.1-6ubuntu1_all bug


       Ocaml_operators - Precedence level and associativity of operators


       Module   Ocaml_operators


       Module Ocaml_operators
        : sig end

       Precedence level and associativity of operators

       The following table lists the precedence level of all operator classes from the highest to
       the lowest precedence. A few other syntactic constructions are also listed as references.

              Operator class

       -      !.. ~..

       -      .() .[] .{}

       left   #..

       left   function application

       -      - -.

       right  **.. lsl lsr asr

       left   *..  /.. %.. mod land lor lxor

       left   +.. -..

       right  ::

       right  @.. ^..

       left   =.. <.. >.. |.. &.. $.. !=

       right  & &&

       right  or ||

       -      ,

       right  <- :=

       -      if

       right  ;