Provided by: libprometheus-tiny-shared-perl_0.026-2_all bug


       Prometheus::Tiny::Shared - A tiny Prometheus client with a shared database behind it


           use Prometheus::Tiny::Shared;

           my $prom = Prometheus::Tiny::Shared->new;


       "Prometheus::Tiny::Shared" is a wrapper around Prometheus::Tiny that instead of storing
       metrics data in a hashtable, stores them in a shared datastore (provided by
       Hash::SharedMem, though this may change in the future). This lets you keep a single set of
       metrics in a multithreaded app.

       "Prometheus::Tiny::Shared" should be a drop-in replacement for "Prometheus::Tiny". Any
       differences in behaviour is a bug, and should be reported.


           my $prom = Prometheus::Tiny::Shared->new(filename => ...);

       "filename", if provided, will name an on-disk location to store the backing store. If not
       supplied, a temporary location will be created and destroyed when your program ends, so
       suitable for testing purposes. For best performance, this should be stored on some kind of
       memory-backed filesystem (eg Linux "tmpfs"). The store is not intended to be a persistant,
       durable store (Prometheus will handle metrics resetting to zero correctly), so you don't
       need to worry about backing it up or any other maintenance.

       "init_file", if set to true, will overwrite any existing data file with the given name. If
       you do this while you already have existing "Prometheus::Tiny::Shared" objects using the
       old file, strange things will probably happen. Don't do that.

       The "cache_args" argument will cause the constructor to croak. Code using this arg in
       previous versions of Prometheus::Tiny::Shared no longer work, and needs to be updated to
       use the "filename" argument instead.


   Bugs / Feature Requests
       Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at
       <>.  You will be notified
       automatically of any progress on your issue.

   Source Code
       This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and
       contribution under the terms of the license.


         git clone


       •   Rob N ★ <>


       This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Rob N ★

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.