Provided by: libstdc++-11-doc_11.4.0-4ubuntu1_all bug


       __gnu_pbds::direct_mod_range_hashing< Size_Type > - A mod range-hashing class (uses the
       modulo function).


       #include <hash_policy.hpp>

       Inherits __gnu_pbds::detail::mod_based_range_hashing< std::size_t >.

   Public Types
       typedef Size_Type size_type

   Public Member Functions
       void swap (direct_mod_range_hashing< Size_Type > &other)

   Protected Member Functions
       void notify_resized (size_type s)
       void notify_resized (size_type size)
       size_type operator() (size_type hash) const
           Transforms the __hash value hash into a ranged-hash value (using a modulo operation).
       size_type range_hash (size_type s) const
       void swap (mod_based_range_hashing &other)

Detailed Description

   template<typename Size_Type = std::size_t>
       class __gnu_pbds::direct_mod_range_hashing< Size_Type >"A mod range-hashing class (uses
       the modulo function).

Member Function Documentation

   template<typename Size_Type  = std::size_t> size_type __gnu_pbds::direct_mod_range_hashing<
       Size_Type >::operator() (size_type hash) const [inline],  [protected]
       Transforms the __hash value hash into a ranged-hash value (using a modulo operation).


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.

libstdc++                                Wedgnuppbds::direct_mod_range_hashing< Size_Type >(3cxx)