Provided by: allegro5-doc_5.2.8.0+dfsg-1_all bug


       al_is_compatible_bitmap - Allegro 5 API


              #include <allegro5/allegro.h>

              bool al_is_compatible_bitmap(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap)


       D3D  and  OpenGL  allow sharing a texture in a way so it can be used for multiple windows.
       Each ALLEGRO_BITMAP(3alleg5) created with  al_create_bitmap(3alleg5)  however  is  usually
       tied  to  a  single  ALLEGRO_DISPLAY.   This function can be used to know if the bitmap is
       compatible with the given display, even if it is a different display to  the  one  it  was
       created  with.   It returns true if the bitmap is compatible (things like a cached texture
       version can be used) and false otherwise (blitting in the current display will be slow).

       The only time this function is useful is if  you  are  using  multiple  windows  and  need
       accelerated blitting of the same bitmaps to both.

       Returns  true  if  the bitmap is compatible with the current display, false otherwise.  If
       there is no current display, false is returned.