Provided by: allegro5-doc_5.2.8.0+dfsg-1_all bug


       al_release_haptic_effect - Allegro 5 API


              #include <allegro5/allegro.h>

              bool al_release_haptic_effect(ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_EFFECT_ID *id)


       Releases  a  previously  uploaded  haptic  effect from the device it has been uploaded to,
       allowing  for  other  effects  to  be   uploaded.    The   play_id   must   be   a   valid
       ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_EFFECT_ID(3alleg5)    obtained    from    al_upload_haptic_effect(3alleg5),
       al_upload_and_play_haptic_effect(3alleg5) or al_rumble_haptic(3alleg5).

       This function is called  automatically  when  you  call  al_release_haptic(3alleg5)  on  a
       ALLEGRO_HAPTIC(3alleg5)  for all effects that are still uploaded to the device.  Therefore
       this function is most useful if you want to upload and release haptic effects dynamically,
       for     example     as     a     way     to    circumvent    the    limit    imposed    by

       Returns true on success, false if the effect couldn’t be released for any reason  such  as
       when  NULL  is  passed,  the  effect is not active or failure to release the effect by the



              [Unstable API]: Perhaps could be simplified due to  limited  support  for  all  the
              exposed features across all of the platforms.  Awaiting feedback from users.