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       erl_comment_scan - Functions for reading comment lines from Erlang source code.


       Functions for reading comment lines from Erlang source code.


         comment()     =     {Line::integer(),     Column::integer(),     Indentation::integer(),

         commentLine() = {Line::integer(), Column::integer(), Indent::integer(), Text::string()}:


       file(Name::file:filename()) -> [comment()]

              Extracts comments from an Erlang source  code  file.  Returns  a  list  of  entries
              representing  multi-line  comments, listed in order of increasing line-numbers. For
              each entry, Text is a list of strings representing the consecutive comment lines in
              top-down  order;  the  strings contain all characters following (but not including)
              the first comment-introducing % character on the line, up to  (but  not  including)
              the line-terminating newline.

              Furthermore,  Line  is  the  line  number and Column the left column of the comment
              (i.e.,  the  column  of  the  comment-introducing  %  character).  Indent  is   the
              indentation  (or  padding),  measured  in character positions between the last non-
              whitespace character before the comment (or the left margin), and the  left  column
              of  the comment. Line and Column are always positive integers, and Indentation is a
              nonnegative integer.

              Evaluation exits with reason {read, Reason} if a read error occurred, where  Reason
              is  an  atom  corresponding  to  a  Posix error code; see the module file(3erl) for

       join_lines(Lines::[commentLine()]) -> [comment()]

              Joins individual comment lines into multi-line comments. The input  is  a  list  of
              entries representing individual comment lines, in order of decreasing line-numbers;
              see scan_lines/1 for details. The result is a list of entries  representing  multi-
              line comments, still listed in order of decreasing line-numbers, but where for each
              entry, Text is a list of consecutive comment lines in  order  of  increasing  line-
              numbers (i.e., top-down).

              See also: scan_lines/1.

       scan_lines(Text::string()) -> [commentLine()]

              Extracts  individual  comment  lines  from  a source code string. Returns a list of
              comment lines found in the text, listed in order of decreasing line-numbers,  i.e.,
              the last comment line in the input is first in the resulting list. Text is a single
              string, containing all characters following (but not including) the first  comment-
              introducing % character on the line, up to (but not including) the line-terminating
              newline. For details on Line, Column and Indent, see file/1.

       string(Text::string()) -> [comment()]

              Extracts comments from a string containing Erlang source code. Except  for  reading
              directly from a string, the behaviour is the same as for file/1.

              See also: file/1.


       Richard Carlsson <>

                                         syntax_tools 3.0                  erl_comment_scan(3erl)