Provided by: libopus-doc_1.4-1_all bug


       opus_custom - Opus Custom

        - Opus Custom is an optional part of the Opus specification and reference implementation
       which uses a distinct API from the regular API and supports frame sizes that are not
       normally supported. Use of Opus Custom is discouraged for all but very special
       applications for which a frame size different from 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 ms is needed (for
       either complexity or latency reasons) and where interoperability is less important.


       typedef struct OpusCustomEncoder OpusCustomEncoder
           Contains the state of an encoder.
       typedef struct OpusCustomDecoder OpusCustomDecoder
           State of the decoder.
       typedef struct OpusCustomMode OpusCustomMode
           The mode contains all the information necessary to create an encoder.

       OpusCustomMode * opus_custom_mode_create (opus_int32 Fs, int frame_size, int *error)
           Creates a new mode struct.
       void opus_custom_mode_destroy (OpusCustomMode *mode)
           Destroys a mode struct.
       int opus_custom_encoder_get_size (const OpusCustomMode *mode, int channels)
           Gets the size of an OpusCustomEncoder structure.
       OpusCustomEncoder * opus_custom_encoder_create (const OpusCustomMode *mode, int channels,
           int *error)
           Creates a new encoder state.
       void opus_custom_encoder_destroy (OpusCustomEncoder *st)
           Destroys an encoder state.
       int opus_custom_encode_float (OpusCustomEncoder *st, const float *pcm, int frame_size,
           unsigned char *compressed, int maxCompressedBytes)
           Encodes a frame of audio.
       int opus_custom_encode (OpusCustomEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
           unsigned char *compressed, int maxCompressedBytes)
           Encodes a frame of audio.
       int opus_custom_encoder_ctl (OpusCustomEncoder *OPUS_RESTRICT st, int request,...)
           Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom encoder.
       int opus_custom_decoder_get_size (const OpusCustomMode *mode, int channels)
           Gets the size of an OpusCustomDecoder structure.
       int opus_custom_decoder_init (OpusCustomDecoder *st, const OpusCustomMode *mode, int
           Initializes a previously allocated decoder state The memory pointed to by st must be
           the size returned by opus_custom_decoder_get_size.
       OpusCustomDecoder * opus_custom_decoder_create (const OpusCustomMode *mode, int channels,
           int *error)
           Creates a new decoder state.
       void opus_custom_decoder_destroy (OpusCustomDecoder *st)
           Destroys a decoder state.
       int opus_custom_decode_float (OpusCustomDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len,
           float *pcm, int frame_size)
           Decode an opus custom frame with floating point output.
       int opus_custom_decode (OpusCustomDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len,
           opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size)
           Decode an opus custom frame.
       int opus_custom_decoder_ctl (OpusCustomDecoder *OPUS_RESTRICT st, int request,...)
           Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom decoder.

Detailed Description

       Opus Custom is an optional part of the Opus specification and reference implementation
       which uses a distinct API from the regular API and supports frame sizes that are not
       normally supported. Use of Opus Custom is discouraged for all but very special
       applications for which a frame size different from 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 ms is needed (for
       either complexity or latency reasons) and where interoperability is less important.

       In addition to the interoperability limitations the use of Opus custom disables a
       substantial chunk of the codec and generally lowers the quality available at a given
       bitrate. Normally when an application needs a different frame size from the codec it
       should buffer to match the sizes but this adds a small amount of delay which may be
       important in some very low latency applications. Some transports (especially constant rate
       RF transports) may also work best with frames of particular durations.

       Libopus only supports custom modes if they are enabled at compile time.

       The Opus Custom API is similar to the regular API but the opus_encoder_create and
       opus_decoder_create calls take an additional mode parameter which is a structure produced
       by a call to opus_custom_mode_create. Both the encoder and decoder must create a mode
       using the same sample rate (fs) and frame size (frame size) so these parameters must
       either be signaled out of band or fixed in a particular implementation.

       Similar to regular Opus the custom modes support on the fly frame size switching, but the
       sizes available depend on the particular frame size in use. For some initial frame sizes
       on a single on the fly size is available.

Typedef Documentation

   typedef struct OpusCustomDecoder OpusCustomDecoder
       State of the decoder. One decoder state is needed for each stream. It is initialized once
       at the beginning of the stream. Do not re-initialize the state for every frame.

       Decoder state

   typedef struct OpusCustomEncoder OpusCustomEncoder
       Contains the state of an encoder. One encoder state is needed for each stream. It is
       initialized once at the beginning of the stream. Do not re-initialize the state for every

       Encoder state

   typedef struct OpusCustomMode OpusCustomMode
       The mode contains all the information necessary to create an encoder. Both the encoder and
       decoder need to be initialized with exactly the same mode, otherwise the output will be
       corrupted. The mode MUST NOT BE DESTROYED until the encoders and decoders that use it are
       destroyed as well.

       Mode configuration

Function Documentation

   int opus_custom_decode (OpusCustomDecoder * st, const unsigned char * data, int len,
       opus_int16 * pcm, int frame_size)
       Decode an opus custom frame.

           st OpusCustomDecoder*: Decoder state
           data char*: Input payload. Use a NULL pointer to indicate packet loss
           len int: Number of bytes in payload
           pcm opus_int16*: Output signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is
           frame_size Number of samples per channel of available space in *pcm.

           Number of decoded samples or Error codes

   int opus_custom_decode_float (OpusCustomDecoder * st, const unsigned char * data, int len,
       float * pcm, int frame_size)
       Decode an opus custom frame with floating point output.

           st OpusCustomDecoder*: Decoder state
           data char*: Input payload. Use a NULL pointer to indicate packet loss
           len int: Number of bytes in payload
           pcm float*: Output signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is
           frame_size Number of samples per channel of available space in *pcm.

           Number of decoded samples or Error codes

   OpusCustomDecoder * opus_custom_decoder_create (const OpusCustomMode * mode, int channels, int
       * error)
       Creates a new decoder state. Each stream needs its own decoder state (can't be shared
       across simultaneous streams).

           mode OpusCustomMode: Contains all the information about the characteristics of the
           stream (must be the same characteristics as used for the encoder)
           channels int: Number of channels
           error int*: Returns an error code

           Newly created decoder state.

   int opus_custom_decoder_ctl (OpusCustomDecoder *OPUS_RESTRICT st, int request,  ...)
       Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom decoder. Generally the request and subsequent
       arguments are generated by a convenience macro.

       See also
           Generic CTLs

   void opus_custom_decoder_destroy (OpusCustomDecoder * st)
       Destroys a decoder state.

           st OpusCustomDecoder*: State to be freed.

   int opus_custom_decoder_get_size (const OpusCustomMode * mode, int channels)
       Gets the size of an OpusCustomDecoder structure.

           mode OpusCustomMode *: Mode configuration
           channels int: Number of channels


   int opus_custom_decoder_init (OpusCustomDecoder * st, const OpusCustomMode * mode, int
       Initializes a previously allocated decoder state The memory pointed to by st must be the
       size returned by opus_custom_decoder_get_size. This is intended for applications which use
       their own allocator instead of malloc.

       See also
           opus_custom_decoder_create(),opus_custom_decoder_get_size() To reset a previously
           initialized state use the OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL.

           st OpusCustomDecoder*: Decoder state
           mode OpusCustomMode *: Contains all the information about the characteristics of the
           stream (must be the same characteristics as used for the encoder)
           channels int: Number of channels

           OPUS_OK Success or Error codes

   int opus_custom_encode (OpusCustomEncoder * st, const opus_int16 * pcm, int frame_size,
       unsigned char * compressed, int maxCompressedBytes)
       Encodes a frame of audio.

           st OpusCustomEncoder*: Encoder state
           pcm opus_int16*: PCM audio in signed 16-bit format (native endian). There must be
           exactly frame_size samples per channel.
           frame_size int: Number of samples per frame of input signal
           compressed char *: The compressed data is written here. This may not alias pcm and
           must be at least maxCompressedBytes long.
           maxCompressedBytes int: Maximum number of bytes to use for compressing the frame (can
           change from one frame to another)

           Number of bytes written to 'compressed'. If negative, an error has occurred (see error
           codes). It is IMPORTANT that the length returned be somehow transmitted to the
           decoder. Otherwise, no decoding is possible.

   int opus_custom_encode_float (OpusCustomEncoder * st, const float * pcm, int frame_size,
       unsigned char * compressed, int maxCompressedBytes)
       Encodes a frame of audio.

           st OpusCustomEncoder*: Encoder state
           pcm float*: PCM audio in float format, with a normal range of +/-1.0. Samples with a
           range beyond +/-1.0 are supported but will be clipped by decoders using the integer
           API and should only be used if it is known that the far end supports extended dynamic
           range. There must be exactly frame_size samples per channel.
           frame_size int: Number of samples per frame of input signal
           compressed char *: The compressed data is written here. This may not alias pcm and
           must be at least maxCompressedBytes long.
           maxCompressedBytes int: Maximum number of bytes to use for compressing the frame (can
           change from one frame to another)

           Number of bytes written to 'compressed'. If negative, an error has occurred (see error
           codes). It is IMPORTANT that the length returned be somehow transmitted to the
           decoder. Otherwise, no decoding is possible.

   OpusCustomEncoder * opus_custom_encoder_create (const OpusCustomMode * mode, int channels, int
       * error)
       Creates a new encoder state. Each stream needs its own encoder state (can't be shared
       across simultaneous streams).

           mode OpusCustomMode*: Contains all the information about the characteristics of the
           stream (must be the same characteristics as used for the decoder)
           channels int: Number of channels
           error int*: Returns an error code

           Newly created encoder state.

   int opus_custom_encoder_ctl (OpusCustomEncoder *OPUS_RESTRICT st, int request,  ...)
       Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom encoder. Generally the request and subsequent
       arguments are generated by a convenience macro.

       See also
           Encoder related CTLs

   void opus_custom_encoder_destroy (OpusCustomEncoder * st)
       Destroys an encoder state.

           st OpusCustomEncoder*: State to be freed.

   int opus_custom_encoder_get_size (const OpusCustomMode * mode, int channels)
       Gets the size of an OpusCustomEncoder structure.

           mode OpusCustomMode *: Mode configuration
           channels int: Number of channels


   OpusCustomMode * opus_custom_mode_create (opus_int32 Fs, int frame_size, int * error)
       Creates a new mode struct. This will be passed to an encoder or decoder. The mode MUST NOT
       BE DESTROYED until the encoders and decoders that use it are destroyed as well.

           Fs int: Sampling rate (8000 to 96000 Hz)
           frame_size int: Number of samples (per channel) to encode in each packet (64 - 1024,
           prime factorization must contain zero or more 2s, 3s, or 5s and no other primes)
           error int*: Returned error code (if NULL, no error will be returned)

           A newly created mode

   void opus_custom_mode_destroy (OpusCustomMode * mode)
       Destroys a mode struct. Only call this after all encoders and decoders using this mode are
       destroyed as well.

           mode OpusCustomMode*: Mode to be freed.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for Opus from the source code.