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       sc::ResultInfo - This is a base class for all of Compute's result types.


       #include <compute.h>

       Inherited by sc::AccResultInfo, sc::NCResult< T >, and sc::Result< T >.

   Public Member Functions
       ResultInfo (Compute *c)
       int & compute ()
       const int & compute () const
       int compute (int c)
       int & computed ()
       const int & computed () const
       virtual int needed () const

   Protected Member Functions
       virtual void update ()
       ResultInfo (StateIn &, Compute *)
       ResultInfo (const ResultInfo &, Compute *)
       virtual void save_data_state (StateOut &)
       virtual void restore_state (StateIn &)
       ResultInfo & operator= (const ResultInfo &)

   Protected Attributes
       int _compute
       int _computed
       Compute * _c

Detailed Description

       This is a base class for all of Compute's result types.

       Usually Result<Type> will be used to create a result that has a particular datum
       associated with it, however a ResultInfo can also be declared to keep track of datum's for
       which it is awkward to use Result_dec.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for MPQC from the source code.