Provided by: libstdc++-10-doc_10.5.0-1ubuntu1_all bug


       std::bitset< _Nb >::reference


   Public Member Functions
       reference (bitset &__b, size_t __pos) noexcept
       reference (const reference &)=default
       reference & flip () noexcept
       operator bool () const noexcept
       reference & operator= (bool __x) noexcept
       reference & operator= (const reference &__j) noexcept
       bool operator~ () const noexcept

       class bitset

Detailed Description

   template<size_t _Nb>
       class std::bitset< _Nb >::reference"This encapsulates the concept of a single bit. An
       instance of this class is a proxy for an actual bit; this way the individual bit
       operations are done as faster word-size bitwise instructions.

       Most users will never need to use this class directly; conversions to and from bool are
       automatic and should be transparent. Overloaded operators help to preserve the illusion.

       (On a typical system, this bit reference is 64 times the size of an actual bit. Ha.)


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.