Provided by: tk8.6-doc_8.6.13-2_all bug


       ttk_image - Define an element based on an image


       ttk::style element create name image imageSpec ?options?


       The  image  element  factory  creates  a  new  element  in  the current theme whose visual
       appearance is determined by Tk images.  imageSpec is a list of one or more elements.   The
       first  element is the default image name.  The rest of the list is a sequence of statespec
       / value pairs specifying other images to use when the element is in a particular state  or
       combination of states.


       Valid options are:

       -border padding
              padding  is  a  list  of  up to four integers, specifying the left, top, right, and
              bottom borders, respectively.  If fewer than four elements  are  specified,  bottom
              defaults to top, right defaults to left, and top defaults to left.  In other words,
              a list of three numbers specify the left, vertical, and right border; a list of two
              numbers  specify  the horizontal and the vertical border; a single number specifies
              the same border all the way around the element.  See IMAGE STRETCHING, below.

       -height height
              Specifies a minimum height for the element.  If less than zero,  the  base  image's
              height is used as a default.

       -padding padding
              Specifies  the  element's  interior  padding.   The padding is a list of up to four
              length specifications left top right bottom.   If  fewer  than  four  elements  are
              specified,  bottom  defaults  to  top,  right defaults to left, and top defaults to
              left.  In other words, a list of three numbers  specify  the  left,  vertical,  and
              right  padding;  a  list  of  two  numbers  specify the horizontal and the vertical
              padding; a single number specifies the same padding all the way around the  widget.
              Defaults to -border if not specified.

       -sticky spec
              Specifies  how  the image is placed within the final parcel.  spec contains zero or
              more characters “n”, “s”, “w”, or “e”.

       -width width
              Specifies a minimum width for the element.  If less than  zero,  the  base  image's
              width is used as a default.


       If  the  element's  allocated parcel is larger than the image, the image will be placed in
       the parcel based on the -sticky option.  If the image needs to stretch horizontally (i.e.,
       -sticky ew) or vertically (-sticky ns), subregions of the image are replicated to fill the
       parcel based on the -border option.  The -border divides the image into  9  regions:  four
       fixed  corners, top and left edges (which may be tiled horizontally), left and right edges
       (which may be tiled vertically), and  the  central  area  (which  may  be  tiled  in  both

       An  image  element  that  is  not  meant  to  claim  any space (for example when used as a
       background image) should use -width 0 and -height 0.


              set img1 [image create photo -file button.png]
              set img2 [image create photo -file button-pressed.png]
              set img3 [image create photo -file button-active.png]
              ttk::style element create Button.button image \
                  [list $img1  pressed $img2  active $img3] \
                  -border {2 4} -sticky we


       ttk::intro(3tk), ttk::style(3tk), ttk_vsapi(3tk), image(3tk), photo(3tk)


       style, theme, appearance, pixmap theme, image