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       wxChoice - Functions for wxChoice class


       A  choice  item  is  used to select one of a list of strings. Unlike a wxListBox, only the
       selection is visible until the user pulls down the menu of choices.


       This class supports the following styles:

       See: wxListBox, wxComboBox, wxCommandEvent

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxControlWithItems wxControl  wxWindow

       wxWidgets docs: wxChoice


       Event types emitted from this class: command_choice_selected


       wxChoice() = wx:wx_object()


       new() -> wxChoice()

              Default constructor.

              See: create/7, wxValidator (not implemented in wx)

       new(Parent, Id) -> wxChoice()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()

       new(Parent, Id, Options :: [Option]) -> wxChoice()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()
                 Option =
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {choices, [unicode:chardata()]} |
                     {style, integer()} |
                     {validator, wx:wx_object()}

              Constructor, creating and showing a choice.

              See: create/7, wxValidator (not implemented in wx)

       destroy(This :: wxChoice()) -> ok

              Destructor, destroying the choice item.

       create(This, Parent, Id, Pos, Size, Choices) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoice()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()
                 Pos = {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}
                 Size = {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}
                 Choices = [unicode:chardata()]

       create(This, Parent, Id, Pos, Size, Choices, Options :: [Option]) ->


                 This = wxChoice()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()
                 Pos = {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}
                 Size = {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}
                 Choices = [unicode:chardata()]
                 Option = {style, integer()} | {validator, wx:wx_object()}

       delete(This, N) -> ok


                 This = wxChoice()
                 N = integer()

              Deletes an item from the control.

              The client data associated with the item will be also deleted if it is owned by the
              control. Note that it is an error (signalled by an assert failure in debug  builds)
              to  remove  an  item with the index negative or greater or equal than the number of
              items in the control.

              If there is a currently selected  item  below  the  item  being  deleted,  i.e.  if
              wxControlWithItems:getSelection/1 returns a valid index greater than or equal to n,
              the selection is invalidated when this function is called. However if the  selected
              item appears before the item being deleted, the selection is preserved unchanged.

              See: wxControlWithItems:clear/1

       getColumns(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxChoice()

              Gets the number of columns in this choice item.

              Remark:  This  is  implemented  for GTK and Motif only and always returns 1 for the
              other platforms.

       setColumns(This) -> ok


                 This = wxChoice()

       setColumns(This, Options :: [Option]) -> ok


                 This = wxChoice()
                 Option = {n, integer()}

              Sets the number of columns in this choice item.

              Remark: This is implemented for GTK and Motif only and doesn’t  do  anything  under
              other platforms.