Provided by: erlang-manpages_25.2.3+dfsg-1_all bug


       wxChoicebook - Functions for wxChoicebook class


       wxChoicebook  is  a  class  similar to wxNotebook, but uses a wxChoice control to show the
       labels instead of the tabs.

       For usage documentation of this class, please refer to the base abstract class wxBookCtrl.
       You can also use the page_samples_notebook to see wxChoicebook in action.

       wxChoicebook  allows  the  use of wxBookCtrlBase::GetControlSizer(), allowing a program to
       add other controls next to the choice control. This is  particularly  useful  when  screen
       space is restricted, as it often is when wxChoicebook is being employed.


       This class supports the following styles:

       See: Overview bookctrl, wxNotebook, Examples

       This  class  is  derived  (and  can use functions) from: wxBookCtrlBase wxControl wxWindow

       wxWidgets docs: wxChoicebook


       Event types emitted from this class: choicebook_page_changed, choicebook_page_changing


       wxChoicebook() = wx:wx_object()


       new() -> wxChoicebook()

              Constructs a choicebook control.

       new(Parent, Id) -> wxChoicebook()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()

       new(Parent, Id, Options :: [Option]) -> wxChoicebook()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()
                 Option =
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()}

       addPage(This, Page, Text) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()

       addPage(This, Page, Text, Options :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()
                 Option = {bSelect, boolean()} | {imageId, integer()}

              Adds a new page.

              The page must have the book control itself as the parent and  must  not  have  been
              added to this control previously.

              The  call  to this function will generate the page changing and page changed events
              if select is true, but not when inserting the very  first  page  (as  there  is  no
              previous  page  selection to switch from in this case and so it wouldn't make sense
              to e.g. veto such event).

              Return: true if successful, false otherwise.

              Remark: Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the book control.

              See: insertPage/5

       advanceSelection(This) -> ok


                 This = wxChoicebook()

       advanceSelection(This, Options :: [Option]) -> ok


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Option = {forward, boolean()}

              Cycles through the tabs.

              The call to this function generates the page changing events.

       assignImageList(This, ImageList) -> ok


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 ImageList = wxImageList:wxImageList()

              Sets the image list for the page control and takes ownership of the list.

              See: wxImageList, setImageList/2

       create(This, Parent, Id) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()

       create(This, Parent, Id, Options :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()
                 Option =
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()}

              Create the choicebook control that has already been constructed  with  the  default

       deleteAllPages(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()

              Deletes all pages.

       getCurrentPage(This) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()


                 This = wxChoicebook()

              Returns the currently selected page or NULL.

       getImageList(This) -> wxImageList:wxImageList()


                 This = wxChoicebook()

              Returns the associated image list, may be NULL.

              See: wxImageList, setImageList/2

       getPage(This, Page) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Page = integer()

              Returns the window at the given page position.

       getPageCount(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxChoicebook()

              Returns the number of pages in the control.

       getPageImage(This, NPage) -> integer()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 NPage = integer()

              Returns the image index for the given page.

       getPageText(This, NPage) -> unicode:charlist()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 NPage = integer()

              Returns the string for the given page.

       getSelection(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxChoicebook()

              Returns the currently selected page, or wxNOT_FOUND if none was selected.

              Note  that this method may return either the previously or newly selected page when
              called from the EVT_BOOKCTRL_PAGE_CHANGED handler depending on the platform and  so
              wxBookCtrlEvent:getSelection/1 should be used instead in this case.

       hitTest(This, Pt) -> Result


                 Result = {Res :: integer(), Flags :: integer()}
                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Pt = {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}

              Returns the index of the tab at the specified position or wxNOT_FOUND if none.

              If  flags  parameter  is  non-NULL,  the  position  of  the point inside the tab is
              returned as well.

              Return: Returns the zero-based tab index or wxNOT_FOUND if there is no tab  at  the
              specified position.

       insertPage(This, Index, Page, Text) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Index = integer()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()

       insertPage(This, Index, Page, Text, Options :: [Option]) ->


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Index = integer()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()
                 Option = {bSelect, boolean()} | {imageId, integer()}

              Inserts a new page at the specified position.

              Return: true if successful, false otherwise.

              Remark: Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the book control.

              See: addPage/4

       setImageList(This, ImageList) -> ok


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 ImageList = wxImageList:wxImageList()

              Sets the image list to use.

              It does not take ownership of the image list, you must delete it yourself.

              See: wxImageList, assignImageList/2

       setPageSize(This, Size) -> ok


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Size = {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}

              Sets the width and height of the pages.

              Note: This method is currently not implemented for wxGTK.

       setPageImage(This, Page, Image) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Page = Image = integer()

              Sets the image index for the given page.

              image is an index into the image list which was set with setImageList/2.

       setPageText(This, Page, Text) -> boolean()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Page = integer()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()

              Sets the text for the given page.

       setSelection(This, Page) -> integer()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Page = integer()

              Sets the selection to the given page, returning the previous selection.

              Notice  that  the call to this function generates the page changing events, use the
              changeSelection/2 function if you don't want these events to be generated.

              See: getSelection/1

       changeSelection(This, Page) -> integer()


                 This = wxChoicebook()
                 Page = integer()

              Changes the selection to the given page, returning the previous selection.

              This function behaves as setSelection/2 but does not  generate  the  page  changing

              See overview_events_prog for more information.

       destroy(This :: wxChoicebook()) -> ok

              Destroys the object.