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       wxCursor - Functions for wxCursor class


       A  cursor  is  a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a
       picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click. As with icons, cursors in
       X  and  MS  Windows are created in a different manner. Therefore, separate cursors will be
       created for the different environments. Platform-specific methods for creating a  wxCursor
       object  are  catered  for,  and  this  is  an  occasion where conditional compilation will
       probably be required (see wxIcon for an example).

       A single cursor object may be used in many windows (any  subwindow  type).  The  wxWidgets
       convention  is  to set the cursor for a window, as in X, rather than to set it globally as
       in MS Windows, although a global wx_misc:setCursor/1 function is  also  available  for  MS
       Windows use.

       Creating a Custom Cursor

       The  following is an example of creating a cursor from 32x32 bitmap data (down_bits) and a
       mask (down_mask) where 1 is black and 0 is white for the bits, and 1 is opaque  and  0  is
       transparent for the mask. It works on Windows and GTK+.

       Predefined objects (include wx.hrl):

       See: wxBitmap, wxIcon, wxWindow:setCursor/2, wx_misc:setCursor/1, ?wxStockCursor

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxBitmap

       wxWidgets docs: wxCursor


       wxCursor() = wx:wx_object()


       new() -> wxCursor()

              Default constructor.

       new(CursorName) -> wxCursor()

       new(Image) -> wxCursor()

       new(CursorId) -> wxCursor()


                 CursorId = wx:wx_enum()

              Constructs a cursor using a cursor identifier.

       new(CursorName, Options :: [Option]) -> wxCursor()


                 CursorName = unicode:chardata()
                 Option =
                     {type, wx:wx_enum()} |
                     {hotSpotX, integer()} |
                     {hotSpotY, integer()}

              Constructs a cursor by passing a string resource name or filename.

              The  arguments  hotSpotX and hotSpotY are only used when there's no hotspot info in
              the resource/image-file to load (e.g. when using wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO under  wxMSW  or
              wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM under wxGTK).

       destroy(This :: wxCursor()) -> ok

              Destroys the cursor.

              See reference-counted object destruction for more info.

              A  cursor  can  be reused for more than one window, and does not get destroyed when
              the window is destroyed.  wxWidgets  destroys  all  cursors  on  application  exit,
              although it is best to clean them up explicitly.

       ok(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxCursor()

              See: isOk/1.

       isOk(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxCursor()

              Returns true if cursor data is present.