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       wxGLCanvas - Functions for wxGLCanvas class


       wxGLCanvas  is  a  class  for displaying OpenGL graphics. It is always used in conjunction
       with wxGLContext as the context can only be made  current  (i.e.  active  for  the  OpenGL
       commands) when it is associated to a wxGLCanvas.

       More  precisely,  you first need to create a wxGLCanvas window and then create an instance
       of a wxGLContext that is initialized with  this  wxGLCanvas  and  then  later  use  either
       setCurrent/2  with  the  instance  of the wxGLContext or wxGLContext:setCurrent/2 with the
       instance of the wxGLCanvas (which might be not the same as was used for  the  creation  of
       the  context) to bind the OpenGL state that is represented by the rendering context to the
       canvas, and then finally call swapBuffers/1 to swap the buffers of the OpenGL  canvas  and
       thus show your current output.

       Please  note  that  wxGLContext  always  uses physical pixels, even on the platforms where
       wxWindow uses logical pixels, affected by the coordinate scaling, on  high  DPI  displays.
       Thus,  if  you  want  to  set  the OpenGL view port to the size of entire window, you must
       multiply      the      result      returned      by      wxWindow:getClientSize/1       by
       wxWindow:getContentScaleFactor/1  before  passing  it to glViewport(). Same considerations
       apply to other OpenGL functions  and  other  coordinates,  notably  those  retrieved  from
       wxMouseEvent in the event handlers.

       Notice  that versions of wxWidgets previous to 2.9 used to implicitly create a wxGLContext
       inside wxGLCanvas itself. This is still supported in the current version but is deprecated
       now  and  will  be  removed in the future, please update your code to create the rendering
       contexts explicitly.

       To set up the attributes for the canvas (number of bits for the depth  buffer,  number  of
       bits  for  the  stencil  buffer  and  so  on)  you  pass  them  in the constructor using a
       wxGLAttributes (not implemented in wx) instance. You can still use the  way  before  3.1.0
       (setting up the correct values of the attribList parameter) but it's discouraged.

       Note:  On  those  platforms  which  use  a  configure script (e.g. Linux and macOS) OpenGL
       support is automatically enabled if the relative  headers  and  libraries  are  found.  To
       switch  it  on under the other platforms (e.g. Windows), you need to edit the setup.h file
       and set wxUSE_GLCANVAS to 1 and then also pass USE_OPENGL=1 to the make utility.  You  may
       also  need  to add opengl32.lib (and glu32.lib for old OpenGL versions) to the list of the
       libraries your program is linked with.

       See:  wxGLContext,  wxGLAttributes  (not  implemented  in   wx),   wxGLContextAttrs   (not
       implemented in wx)

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxWindow wxEvtHandler

       wxWidgets docs: wxGLCanvas


       wxGLCanvas() = wx:wx_object()


       new(Parent) -> wxGLCanvas()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()

       new(Parent, Options :: [Option]) -> wxGLCanvas()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Option =
                     {id, integer()} |
                     {attribList, [integer()]} |
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()} |
                     {name, unicode:chardata()} |
                     {palette, wxPalette:wxPalette()}

              This constructor is still available only for compatibility reasons.

              Please use the constructor with wxGLAttributes (not implemented in wx) instead.

              If attribList is not specified, wxGLAttributes::PlatformDefaults() (not implemented
              in wx) is used, plus some other attributes (see below).

       setCurrent(This, Context) -> boolean()


                 This = wxGLCanvas()
                 Context = wxGLContext:wxGLContext()

              Makes the OpenGL state that is represented by the OpenGL rendering context  context
              current, i.e.

              it will be used by all subsequent OpenGL calls.

              This   is  equivalent  to  wxGLContext:setCurrent/2  called  with  this  window  as

              Note: This function may only be called when the  window  is  shown  on  screen,  in
              particular  it can't usually be called from the constructor as the window isn't yet
              shown at this moment.

              Return: false if an error occurred.

       swapBuffers(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxGLCanvas()

              Swaps the double-buffer of this window, making the back-buffer the front-buffer and
              vice  versa, so that the output of the previous OpenGL commands is displayed on the

              Return: false if an error occurred.

       destroy(This :: wxGLCanvas()) -> ok

              Destroys the object.