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       wxSplitterEvent - Functions for wxSplitterEvent class


       This class represents the events generated by a splitter control.

       Also there is only one event class, the data associated to the different events is not the
       same and so not all accessor functions may be called for  each  event.  The  documentation
       mentions  the  kind of event(s) for which the given accessor function makes sense: calling
       it for other types of events will result in assert failure (in debug mode) and will return
       meaningless results.

       See: wxSplitterWindow, Overview events

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxNotifyEvent wxCommandEvent wxEvent

       wxWidgets docs: wxSplitterEvent


       Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3 with wxSplitterEventType to subscribe to events of this type.


       wxSplitterEvent() = wx:wx_object()

       wxSplitter() =
           #wxSplitter{type = wxSplitterEvent:wxSplitterEventType()}

       wxSplitterEventType() =
           command_splitter_sash_pos_changed |
           command_splitter_sash_pos_changing |
           command_splitter_doubleclicked | command_splitter_unsplit


       getSashPosition(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxSplitterEvent()

              Returns the new sash position.

              May   only   be   called   while  processing  wxEVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING  and
              wxEVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED events.

       getX(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxSplitterEvent()

              Returns the x coordinate of the double-click point.

              May only be called while processing wxEVT_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED events.

       getY(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxSplitterEvent()

              Returns the y coordinate of the double-click point.

              May only be called while processing wxEVT_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED events.

       getWindowBeingRemoved(This) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()


                 This = wxSplitterEvent()

              Returns a pointer to the window being removed when a splitter window is unsplit.

              May only be called while processing wxEVT_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT events.

       setSashPosition(This, Pos) -> ok


                 This = wxSplitterEvent()
                 Pos = integer()

              In the case of wxEVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED events, sets the new sash position.

              In the case of wxEVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING events, sets the new  tracking  bar
              position  so  visual  feedback during dragging will represent that change that will
              actually  take  place.  Set  to  -1  from  the  event  handler  code   to   prevent

              May   only   be   called   while  processing  wxEVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING  and
              wxEVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED events.