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       wxSystemSettings - Functions for wxSystemSettings class


       wxSystemSettings allows the application to ask for details about the system.

       This  can  include  settings  such  as standard colours, fonts, and user interface element

       See: wxFont, wx_color(), wxSystemOptions

       wxWidgets docs: wxSystemSettings


       wxSystemSettings() = wx:wx_object()


       getColour(Index) -> wx:wx_colour4()


                 Index = wx:wx_enum()

              Returns a system colour.

              Return: The returned colour is always valid.

       getFont(Index) -> wxFont:wxFont()


                 Index = wx:wx_enum()

              Returns a system font.

              Return: The returned font is always valid.

       getMetric(Index) -> integer()


                 Index = wx:wx_enum()

       getMetric(Index, Options :: [Option]) -> integer()


                 Index = wx:wx_enum()
                 Option = {win, wxWindow:wxWindow()}

              Returns the value of a system metric, or -1 if the metric is not supported  on  the
              current system.

              The  value of win determines if the metric returned is a global value or a wxWindow
              based value, in which case it might determine the widget, the display the window is
              on,  or  something  similar.  The  window given should be as close to the metric as
              possible (e.g. a wxTopLevelWindow in case of the wxSYS_CAPTION_Y metric).

              index can be one of the ?wxSystemMetric enum values.

              win is a pointer to the window for which the metric is  requested.  Specifying  the
              win  parameter  is encouraged, because some metrics on some ports are not supported
              without one,or they might be capable of reporting better values if given one. If  a
              window  does not make sense for a metric, one should still be given, as for example
              it might determine which displays cursor width is requested with wxSYS_CURSOR_X.

       getScreenType() -> wx:wx_enum()

              Returns the screen type.

              The return value is one of the ?wxSystemScreenType enum values.