Provided by: opa-fastfabric_10. bug



       (Linux)  Accepts a disabled ports input file and re-enables the specified ports. The input
       file can be /etc/opa/disabled*.csv or a user-created subset of such a file. After enabling
       the port, it is removed from /etc/opa/disabled*.csv.


       opaenableports [-h  hfi] [-p  port] < disabled.csv



                 Produces full help text.

       -h hfi

                 Specifies  the  HFI, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies that the -p port port is a
                 system-wide port number. Default is 0.

       -p port

                 Specifies the port, numbered 1..n. Using 0  specifies  the  first  active  port.
                 Default is 0.


                 Specifies  the  input file listing the ports to enable. The list is of the form:

                 An input file like this is generated in /etc/opa/disabled* by opadisableports.

-h and -p options permit a variety of selections:

       -h 0

                 First active port in system (Default).

       -h 0 -p 0

                 First active port in system.

       -h x

                 First active port on HFI x.

       -h x -p 0

                 First active port on HFI x.

       -h 0 -p y

                 Port y within system (no matter which ports are active).

       -h x -p y

                 HFI x, port y.


       opaenableports < disabled.csv

       opaenableports < /etc/opa/disabled:1:1.csv

       opaenableports -h 1 -p 1 < disabled.csv

Other Information

       For messages containing skipping ports, either the device is offline or the other  end  of
       the  link has been disabled and the device is no longer accessible in-band. The end of the
       link  previously  disabled  by  opedisableports  or  opadisablehosts  can  be   found   in