Provided by: opa-fastfabric_10.
opasorthosts Sorts its standard input in a typical host name order and sorts to standard output. Hosts are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitively) by any alpha-numeric prefix, and then sorted numerically by any numeric suffix. Host names may end in a numeric field which may optionally have leading zeros. Unlike a pure alphabetic sort, this command results in intuitive sequencing of host names such as: host1, host2, host10. This command does not remove duplicates; any duplicates are listed in adjacent lines. Use this command to build mpi_hosts input files for applications or cable tests that place hosts in order by name.
opasorthosts < hostlist> output_file
--help Produces full help text. hostlist Specifies the list of host names. output_file Specifies the sorted list output.
opasorthosts < host.xml > Sorted_host Standard Input opasorthosts osd04 osd1 compute20 compute3 mgmt1 mgmt2 login Standard Output compute3 compute20 login mgmt1 mgmt2 osd1 osd04