Provided by: snac2_2.25-3_amd64 bug


     snac — snac administration


     The snac daemon processes messages from other servers in the Fediverse using the ActivityPub

     This is the admin manual. For user operation, see snac(1).  For file and data formats, see

   Special cares about your snac you must know beforehand
     snac makes heavy use of hard links and link reference counts for its work, so don't even
     think of using it on a filesystem that doesn't support this feature. Most UNIX-like
     operating systems (Linux, the BSDs, the old DEC Ultrix machine in your grandfather basement,
     probably MacOS) support hard links on their native filesystems. Don't do fancy things like
     moving the subdirectories to different filesystems. Also, if you move your snac installation
     to another server, do it with a tool that respect hard link counts. Remember: snac is a very
     UNIXy program that loves hard links.

   Building and Installation
     A C compiler must be installed in the system, as well as the development headers and
     libraries for OpenSSL (or compatible) and curl. To build snac, run


     And, after that, run as root

           make install

   Data storage Initialization
     Once snac is properly installed on the system, designate a directory where the server and
     user data are to be stored. This directory must not exist yet.  snac must always be run as a
     regular user; you can create one for it or use your own. To initialize the data storage,

           snac init $HOME/snac-data

     A small set of questions will be asked regarding the installation, specially the host name
     it will run under, the local network address and port snac will listen to, the optional path
     prefix and possibly other things.

     You can launch the snac process by running

           snac httpd $HOME/snac-data

     Use a web browser to connect to the specified address and port. You should see a greeting

     Log messages are sent to the standard error stream. By default, only relevant information is
     written there. You can increase the debugging level by editing the 'dbglevel' field in the
     server.json file or by setting a numeric value between 0 and 3 to the DEBUG environment
     variable, see below.

     If you operate a Linux systemd-enabled system or OpenBSD, there are startup scripts and
     configuration data in the examples directory.  For other operating systems, please read the
     appropriate documentation on how to install a daemon as a non-root service.

   Upgrading to a new version
     Sometimes, the data storage disk layout changes between versions. If there is such a change,
     snac will refuse to run and require an upgrade. Do this by running

           snac upgrade $HOME/snac-data

     Take special care to execute this upgrade operation without any snac processes serving on
     the same folder. You can break everything. I know this because Tyler knows this.

   Server Setup
     An http server with TLS and proxying support must already be installed and configured.  snac
     runs as a daemon and listens on a TCP/IP socket, preferrably on a local interface. It can
     serve the full domain or only a directory. The http server must be configured to route to
     the snac socket all related traffic and also the webfinger standard address. The Host header
     must be propagated.  See the examples below.

   Adding Users
     Users must be created from the command line.  You can do it by running

           snac adduser $HOME/snac-data

     All needed data will be prompted for. There is no artificial limit on the number of users
     that can be created.

     The server.json configuration file allows some behaviour tuning:

     host        The host name.

     prefix      The URL path prefix.

     address     The listen network address.

     port        The listen network port.

     dbglevel    The debug level. An integer value, being 0 the less verbose (the default).

     layout      The disk storage layout version. Never touch this.

                 Messages sent out are stored in a queue. If the posting of a messages fails,
                 it's re-enqueued for later. This integer configures the maximum count of times
                 the sending will be retried.

                 The number of minutes to wait before the failed posting of a message is retried.
                 This is not linear, but multipled by the number of retries already done.

                 This is the maximum timeline entries shown in the web interface.

                 Entries in the timeline older that this number of days are purged.  If you don't
                 want any timeline purging and enjoy your data drives fill up with old crap and
                 finally burst in flames, you can disable purging by setting this to 0.

                 Same as before, but for the user-generated entries in the local timeline.

     cssurls     This is a list of URLs to CSS files that will be inserted, in this order, in the
                 HTML before the user CSS. Use these files to configure the global site layout.

                 If set to true, timeline caching is not done. This is only useful for debugging
                 purposes; don't enable it unless you know what do you want, as it makes
                 everything slower.

                 If running under OpenBSD, snac makes use of the enhanced security functions
                 unveil(2) and pledge(2).  Setting this to true disables their usage. These
                 functions limit severely what an intruder can do in case of a security
                 vulnerability, so only enable this option if something is very broken.

                 By setting this value, you can specify the exact number of threads snac will use
                 when processing connections. Values lesser than 4 will be ignored.

                 By setting this to true, no email notification will be sent for any user.

                 By setting this to true, no inbox collection is done. Inbox collection helps
                 being discovered from remote instances, but also increases network traffic.

     You must restart the server to make effective these changes.

     If a file named greeting.html is present in the server base directory, it will be returned
     whenever the base URL of the server is requested. Fill it with whatever information about
     the instance you want to supply to people visiting the server, like sign up requirements,
     site policies and such. The special %userlist% mark in the file will cause the list of users
     in this instance to be inserted.

     Users can change a bit of information about themselves from the web interface. See snac(1)
     for details. Further, every user has a private CSS file in their static/style.css that can
     be modified to suit their needs. This file contains a copy of the style.css file in the
     server root and it's inserted into the HTML output.  It's not easily accesible from the web
     interface to avoid users shooting themselves in the foot by destroying everything.

   Old Data Purging
     From version 2.06, there is no longer a need to add a special cron job for purging old data,
     as this is managed internally.

   ActivityPub Support
     These are the following activities and objects that snac supports:

     Follow      Complete support, on input and output.

     Undo        For Follow objects, on input and output.

     Create      For Note objects, on input and output.

     Accept      For Follow objects, on input and output.

     Like        For Note objects, on input and output.

     Announce    For Note objects, on input and output.

     Update      For Person and Note objects, on input and output.

     Delete      Supported for Note and Tomsbtone objects on input, and for Note objects on

     The rest of activities and objects are dropped on input.

     There is partial support for OrderedCollection objects in the /outbox (with the last 20
     entries of the local timeline shown). No pagination is supported. Intentionally, the
     /followers and /following paths return empty lists.

   Migrating from Mastodon
     User migration from different Fediverse instances is a pain in the ass that has been
     implemented everywhere as a kludgy afterthought. There is not much that can be done, other
     than importing the list of people you follow to your new snac account.

     To do this, download the user's list of accounts being followed (in CSV format) from the
     Mastodon web interface and execute this:

           awk -F, 'NR > 1 { print $1 }' /path/to/following_accounts.csv | \
           xargs -n 1 snac follow $SNAC_BASEDIR $SNAC_USER

   Other Considerations
     snac stores all the messages it receives as JSON files, which are usually bloated and filled
     with redundant information. Using a filesystem with file compression enabled (like btrfs or
     zfs) will probably be a good choice to store the snac data storage into.


     DEBUG   Overrides the debugging level from the server 'dbglevel' configuration variable. Set
             it to an integer value. The higher, the deeper in meaningless verbiage you'll find
             yourself into.


     You want to install the snac Fediverse daemon in the host, that is correctly
     configured with a valid TLS certificate and running the nginx httpd server.  The service
     will be installed under the fedi location. Two users, walter and jessie, will be hosted in
     the system.  Their Fediverse presence addresses will be and, respectively. They will be known in the Fediverse as and The snac daemon will run as the user snacusr in
     the system and listen to the localhost:8001 network socket. All data will be stored in the
     /home/snacusr/fedidata directory.

     Log into the system as snacusr and execute:

           snac init /home/snacusr/fedidata

     Answer "" to the host name question, "/fedi" to the path prefix question,
     "localhost" to the address and "8001" to the port.

     Create the users

           snac adduser /home/snacusr/fedidata walter
           snac adduser /home/snacusr/fedidata jesse

     Answer the questions with reasonable values.

     Execute the server:

           snac httpd /home/snacusr/fedidata

     Edit the nginx configuration and add the following snippet to the server

           location /.well-known/webfinger {
               proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;
               proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

           # optional
           location /.well-known/nodeinfo {
               proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;
               proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

           location /fedi {
               proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;
               proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

     Restart the nginx daemon and connect to  The empty, default
     screen will be shown. Enter the admin section with the credentials defined for this user.
     Search people, start following them, engage in arid discussions and generally enjoy the
     frustrating experience of Social Media.


     snac(1), snac(5)




     See the LICENSE file for details.


     JSON files are fragile when modified by hand. Take care.