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       g.copy  - Creates copies of maps and other elements
       Copies  available  data  files  in  the  current  mapset search path to the user’s current


       general, map management, copy


       g.copy --help
       g.copy   [raster=from,to]     [raster_3d=from,to]     [vector=from,to]     [label=from,to]
       [region=from,to]     [group=from,to]    [--overwrite]   [--help]   [--verbose]   [--quiet]

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

           raster map(s) to be copied

           3D raster map(s) to be copied

           vector map(s) to be copied

           paint label file(s) to be copied

           region definition(s) to be copied

           imagery group(s) to be copied


       The g.copy module creates a copy of existing raster maps, vector maps, or other  elements.
       The  copy  is  always created in the current mapset. The source data can be in the current
       mapset, in an explicitly specified mapset, or in a mapset which is in the  current  mapset
       search path (typically the PERMANENT mapset).

       The  maps  and  other  elements  to copy are specified in pairs from,to according to their
       types.  Although typically only one map is copied in one module call, multiple  pairs  can
       be provided for each type and multiple types can be provided at the same time.

   Relation to mapsets
       A  user may access data stored under the other mapsets listed in their mapset search path.
       However, the user may only modify data stored  under  their  own  current  mapset.  g.copy
       allows  the  user  to  copy  existing  data files from other mapsets to the user’s current
       mapset (g.mapset -p). The files to be copied must  exist  in  the  user’s  current  mapset
       search  path  (g.mapsets  -p)  and  location;  output is sent to the relevant data element
       directory(ies) under the user’s current mapset.

   Behavior on error
       Errors typically occur when a map or other element does not exist, from  and  to  are  the
       same,  to element already exists and overwriting (e.g., by --overwrite) is not enabled, or
       the to element has an illegal name.  When only one map or other element is requested to be
       copied and the copying is not possible or fails, an error is reported.

       If  multiple  maps or other elements are copied in one command, g.copy attempts to copy as
       much as possible even when problems occur with one of the elements.  In that case, copying
       of the element causing problems is skipped, and g.copy proceeds with copying the remaining
       elements.  If nothing can  be  copied  or  an  error  occurred  during  one  of  the  copy
       operations,  an  error  message  is  reported  after  other  possible copy operations were


       If the user wished to copy the existing raster file soils to a file called and to
       copy an existing vector map roads to a file called rds.old, the user could type:
       g.copy raster=soils,
       g.copy vector=roads,rds.old
       # or even combined:
       g.copy raster=soils, vector=roads,rds.old

       Data  files can also be specified by their mapsets.  For example, the below command copies
       the raster map named soils from the mapset wilson to a new file called soils to be  placed
       under the user’s current mapset:
       g.copy raster=soils@wilson,soils
       If  no  mapset  name  is  specified, g.copy searches for the named from map in each of the
       mapset directories listed in the user’s current mapset search path in the order  in  which
       mapsets are listed there (see g.mapsets).


        g.access, g.list, g.mapsets, g.remove, g.rename


       Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory


       Available at: g.copy source code (history)

       Accessed: Monday Apr 01 03:07:18 2024

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