Provided by: jami_20231201.0~ds2-1_amd64 bug


       jami - Qt-based user interface for Jami


       jami [options]


       jami  is  a Qt-based client application (user interface) for Jami, an official GNU package
       for universal communication that respects the freedom and privacy of its users.


       -h, --help
              Display help on command line options and exit.

              Display help including Qt-specific command line options and exit.

       -v, --version
              Display version information and exit.

              Don't enforce the same-origin policy.  This is currently used by jami by default to
              allow  loading  local  resources  in  the chatview (for media and link preview, and
              emoji picker).

              This is a Qt WebEngine Chromium flag and is only applicable if jami was built  with
              Qt WebEngine.

              Disable the security sandbox for Qt WebEngine's renderer and plugin processes.

              This  is a Qt WebEngine Chromium flag and is only applicable if jami was built with
              Qt WebEngine.

              Run Qt WebEngine's renderer and plugins in the same process as its browser,  useful
              for  getting  stack traces for renderer crashes.  This is currently used by jami by

              This is a Qt WebEngine Chromium flag and is only applicable if jami was built  with
              Qt WebEngine.

              Local  port  to  run  the  Qt  WebEngine  developer  tools interface on, useful for
              inspecting and debugging web views.

              To access the Qt WebEngine developer tools after launching  jami  with  this  flag,
              open the address http://localhost:<port_number> in your web browser.

              This  is  a  Qt  WebEngine  flag  and  is only applicable if jami was built with Qt

       -m, --minimized
              Start jami minimized.

       -d, --debug
              Enable debug mode for more verbose console output.

       -f, --file=<file>
              Write debug output to <file>.

       -t, --term
              Terminate all other currently running instances of jami.

       -q, --quiet
              Mute daemon logging, useful for debugging  only  the  Qt-based  client  application
              (user interface).

              This is only applicable when debug mode is enabled.




       Amin Bandali (