Provided by: vnstat_2.12-1_amd64 bug


       vnstat - a console-based network traffic monitor


       vnstat [-5bDedhlmqstvy?]  [--95th] [--add] [--alert output exit type condition limit unit]
       [--begin date] [--config file] [--days [limit]] [--dbdir  directory]  [--dbiflist  [mode]]
       [--debug]   [--end   date]   [--fiveminutes  [limit]]  [--help]  [-hg]  [--hours  [limit]]
       [--hoursgraph]  [-i  interface]  [--iface  interface]  [--iflist  [mode]]  [--json  [mode]
       [limit]] [--limit limit] [--live [mode]] [--locale locale] [--longhelp] [--months [limit]]
       [--oneline [mode]] [--query [mode]] [--rateunit [mode]] [--remove]  [--rename  name]  [-ru
       [mode]]  [--setalias alias] [--short] [--showconfig] [--style number] [--top [limit]] [-tr
       [time]]  [--traffic  [time]]  [--version]  [--xml  [mode]   [limit]]   [--years   [limit]]


       vnStat  is  a  console-based network traffic monitor. It keeps a log of 5 minute interval,
       hourly, daily, monthly and yearly network traffic for the selected interface(s).  However,
       it  isn't  a  packet  sniffer.  The  traffic  information  is read from the proc(5) or sys
       filesystems  depending  on  availability  resulting  in  light  use  of  system  resources
       regardless  of  network  traffic  rate.  That  way  vnStat  can  be used even without root
       permissions on most systems.

       Functionality is divided into two commands. The  purpose  of  the  vnstat  command  is  to
       provide  an  interface for querying the traffic information stored in the database whereas
       the daemon vnstatd(8) is responsible for data retrieval, caching and storage. Although the
       daemon  process  is  constantly  running as a service, it is actually spending most of its
       time sleeping between data updates.


       --95th Show 95th percentile output for the ongoing month. This output uses  the  5  minute
              resolution  data of the ongoing month to calculate the 95th percentile traffic rate
              for received, transmitted and total. In addition, the minimum, average and  maximum
              traffic  rates  for  received,  transmitted  and  total are also shown. This output
              requires the 5MinuteHours configuration option to have a value of at least 744  for
              storing all the necessary data, otherwise 100% coverage isn't possible.

       --add  Create database entry for interface specified with -i or --iface option. The daemon
              can be running during this operation and will automatically  start  monitoring  the
              interface  without  a  restart  within SaveInterval minutes if configuration option
              RescanDatabaseOnSave is enabled. Otherwise the daemon  needs  to  be  restarted  in
              order for the added interface to be monitored.

       --alert output exit type condition limit unit
              Depending on values of given parameters, show alert, use different exit status or a
              combination of both when configured situation is met.

              output parameter takes a number from 0 to 3 and  controls  when,  if  at  all,  the
              command  will  result  in  output.  '0'  never produces output, '1' always produces
              output, '2' shows output only when usage  estimate  exceeds  limit  and  '3'  shows
              output only when limit is exceeded.

              exit  parameter  takes  a  number  from  0 to 3 and controls the exit status of the
              command. '0' always uses exit status 0, '1' always uses exit  status  1,  '2'  uses
              exit  status  1 if usage estimate exceeds limit but otherwise exit status 0 and '3'
              uses exit status 1 if limit is exceeded but otherwise exit status 0.

              type parameter defines to which  time  range  type  usage  the  limit  is  compared
              against.  Available  options:  'h',  'hour',  'hourly',  'd',  'day', 'daily', 'm',
              'month', 'monthly', 'y', 'year', 'yearly', 'p', '95', '95%'.

              condition parameter defines if limit is  compared  to  received  (rx),  transmitted
              (tx),  total  or  estimated  usage  of these three.  Available options: 'rx', 'tx',
              'total', 'rx_estimate', 'tx_estimate', 'total_estimate'.  Estimate  options  aren't
              available for 95th percentile type.

              limit  is  a  greater  than zero integer without decimals which defines the traffic
              usage limit using the unit defined with  the  unit  parameter.   unit  accepts  the
              following options: 'B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB',
              'TB', 'PB', 'EB'.  For 95th percentile type the following  options  are  available:
              'B/s',  'KiB/s',  'MiB/s',  'GiB/s',  'TiB/s',  'PiB/s',  'EiB/s',  'kB/s', 'MB/s',
              'GB/s',  'TB/s',  'PB/s',  'EB/s',  'bit/s',   'Kibit/s',   'Mibit/s',   'Gibit/s',
              'Tibit/s',  'Pibit/s', 'Eibit/s', 'kbit/s', 'Mbit/s', 'Gbit/s', 'Tbit/s', 'Pbit/s',
              'Ebit/s'.  Usage must exceed limit in order for the alarm to activate. Exactly  the
              same usage as limit does not raise the alarm.

              Estimate  calculation  isn't limited to the estimate options in condition parameter
              but can also be achieved by using the estimate option in output or exit parameters.
              Missing  or  invalid  parameters  or  parameter  combination will result in --alert
              specific help output being shown.

       -b, --begin date
              Begin the list output with a specific date / time defined by date  instead  of  the
              begin  being  selected  based  on the number of entries to be shown.  If date isn't
              available in the database then the closest later date will be used.  date  supports
              the  following  formats: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, YYYY-MM-DD and "today".  This option can
              only be used with --json , --xml and list outputs.

       --config file
              Use file as configuration file instead of using automatic configuration file search
              functionality.  If --config is used multiple times, the configuration settings from
              files later on the command line will override configuration  settings  loaded  from
              earlier files if the settings defined in the files overlap.

       -d, --days [limit]
              Show  traffic statistics on a daily basis for the last days. The length of the list
              will be limited to 30 entries unless configured otherwise or  unless  the  optional
              limit  parameter is used. All entries stored in the database will be shown if limit
              is set to 0.

       --dbdir directory
              Use directory as database directory instead of using the directory specified in the
              configuration file or the hardcoded default if no configuration file is available.

       --dbiflist [mode]
              List  interfaces  currently  in the database. If mode is not defined or is set to 0
              then the output will use a one line verbose format. If mode is set to  1  then  the
              output  will  contain  one interface per line and if mode is set to 2 then only the
              interface count will be shown as a single number. See also --iflist.

       -D, --debug
              Show additional debug output.

       -e, --end date
              End the list output with a specific date / time defined  by  date  instead  of  the
              latest  date  /  time in the database. If date isn't available in the database then
              the closest earlier date will be used.  date supports the following formats:  YYYY-
              MM-DD  HH:MM  and YYYY-MM-DD.  This option can only be used with --json , --xml and
              list outputs. In list outputs the estimate line is replaced with a  sum  line  with
              values  representing  the  sums  of  each column. The sum line is shown only if the
              output consists of more than one data line. This is applicable even if the  defined
              date is the same as the current date. The top list also requires --begin to be used
              at the same time with this option.

       -5, --fiveminutes [limit]
              Show traffic statistics with a 5 minute resolution for the last hours.  The  length
              of the list will be limited to 24 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the
              optional limit parameter is used. All entries stored in the database will be  shown
              if limit is set to 0.

       -h, --hours [limit]
              Show  traffic  statistics on a hourly basis. The length of the list will be limited
              to 24 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional limit parameter is
              used. All entries store in the database will be shown if the limit is set to 0.

       -hg, --hoursgraph
              Show  traffic  statistics on a hourly basis for the last 24 hours using a bar graph
              followed by a table representing the numerical data.

       -i, --iface interface
              Select one specific interface and apply actions to only it. For  database  queries,
              it  is  possible  to  merge  the  information  of  two or more interfaces using the
              interface1+interface2+...  syntax. All provided interfaces must be unique and  must
              exist  in  the database when the merge syntax is used. Optionally, depending on the
              InterfaceMatchMethod configuration setting, interface can be  replaced  with  alias
              previously  set using --setalias.  Merge syntax isn't supported when alias is used.
              The -i, --iface option is optional and interface can be used as  parameter  on  the
              command  line  for  selecting  the  used  interface  even  without the option being
              explicitly used.

       --iflist [mode]
              List currently available interfaces. If mode is not defined or is set to 0 then the
              output will use a one line verbose format. If mode is set to 1 then the output will
              contain one interface per line and if mode is set to  2  then  only  the  interface
              count will be shown as a single number. See also --dbiflist.

       --json [mode] [limit]
              Show  database content for selected interface or all interfaces in json format. All
              traffic values in the output are in bytes unless otherwise indicated by the name of
              the  key.  An  optional  mode parameter can be used for limiting the output to only
              selected information.  Everything except the 95th percentile  output  is  shown  by
              default. Setting mode to 's' will output a summary containing the last 2 entries of
              5 minute, hourly, daily, monthly and yearly resolution data, 'f' will output only 5
              minute  resolution entries, 'h' hours, 'd' days, 'm' months, 'y' years, 't' the top
              days and 'p' the 95th percentile. Alternatively or  in  combination  with  mode  an
              optional  limit parameter can be used to limit the number of entries in the output.
              The --json option can be used in  combination  with  -l,  --live  and  -tr  options
              without mode or limit having any effect to the output. The jsonversion field in the
              output contains the API version information. It will be changed only when the names
              or  structures  of  previously  existing  content  gets changed. In comparison, the
              vnstatversion field exists only as extra information.

       --limit limit
              Set the maximum number of shown entries in list outputs to limit.  Usage of --limit
              overrides  the  default  list  entry  limit values and the optional limit parameter
              given directly for a list query. All entries stored in the database will  be  shown
              if limit is set to 0.  --limit can also be used to control the length of --json and
              --xml outputs.

       -l, --live [mode]
              Display current transfer rate  for  the  selected  interface  in  real  time  until
              interrupted.  Statistics  will  be shown after interruption if the runtime was more
              than 10 seconds. An optional mode parameter can  be  used  to  select  between  the
              displaying  of  packets  per  second (mode 0) and transfer counters (mode 1) during
              execution.  --style can also be used to affect the layout of the output. The output
              will be in json format if used in combination with --json option.

       --locale locale
              Use  locale instead of using the locale setting specified in the configuration file
              or the system default if no configuration file is available.

              Show complete options list.

       -m, --months [limit]
              Show traffic statistics on a monthly basis for the last months. The length  of  the
              list  will  be  limited  to  12  entries  unless configured otherwise or unless the
              optional limit parameter is used. All entries stored in the database will be  shown
              if limit is set to 0.

       --oneline [mode]
              Show  traffic summary for selected interface using one line with a parsable format.
              The output contains 15 fields with  ;  used  as  field  delimiter.  The  1st  field
              contains  the  API  version  information of the output that will only be changed in
              future versions if the field content or structure changes. The following fields  in
              order  2) interface name, 3) timestamp for today, 4) rx for today, 5) tx for today,
              6) total for today, 7) average traffic rate for today,  8)  timestamp  for  current
              month,  9)  rx  for  current month, 10) tx for current month, 11) total for current
              month, 12) average traffic rate for current month, 13) all time total rx,  14)  all
              time  total tx, 15) all time total traffic.  An optional mode parameter can be used
              to force all fields to output in bytes without the unit itself shown.

       -q, --query [mode]
              Force database query mode. An optional mode parameter can be used to  override  the
              default  query  mode. 'a' results in short summary output being used when there are
              more than one interface in the database, otherwise regular summary output is  used.
              's'  results  in regular summary output being shown for one interface regardless of
              the number of interfaces in the database. When the optional  mode  parameter  isn't
              defined, the configured QueryMode will be used instead.

              Delete  the  database entry for the interface specified with -i or --iface and stop
              monitoring  it.  The  daemon  can  be  running  during  this  operation  and   will
              automatically detect the change.

       --rename name
              Rename  the  interface  specified  with -i or --iface in the database with new name
              name.  The new name cannot already exist in the database.  This  operation  doesn't
              cause any data loss. The daemon should not be running during this operation.

       -ru, --rateunit [mode]
              Swap  the  configured  rate  unit. If rate has been configured to be shown in bytes
              then rate will be shown in bits if this option is present. In the same way, if rate
              has  been configured to be shown in bits then rate will be shown in bytes when this
              option is present. Alternatively, mode with either 0 or 1 can be used as  parameter
              for this option in order to select between bytes (0) and bits (1) regardless of the
              configuration file setting.

       --setalias alias
              Set alias as an alias for the selected interface to be shown in  queries.  The  set
              alias  can  be  removed by specifying an empty string for alias.  The daemon can be
              running during this operation.

       -s, --short
              Use short output mode. This mode is also used  when  more  than  one  interface  is
              available in the database and no specific interface is selected.

              Show  current  configuration using the same format as the configuration file itself

       --style number
              Modify the content and style of outputs. Set number to 0 for a narrower  output,  1
              for  enabling  bar  column,  2  for  same as previous but with average traffic rate
              visible in summary output and 3 for enabling average traffic rate  in  all  outputs
              where  it  is  supported.  4 disables the use of terminal control characters in -l,
              --live and -tr, --traffic modes.

       -t, --top [limit]
              Show all time top traffic days. The length of  the  list  will  be  limited  to  10
              entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional limit parameter is used.
              All entries stored in the database will be shown if limit is set to  0.  When  used
              with  --begin and optionally with --end, the list will be generated using the daily
              data instead of separate top entries.  The availability of daily data  defines  the
              boundaries the date specific query can access.

       -tr, --traffic [time]
              Calculate  how  much  traffic  goes through the selected interface during the given
              time seconds. The time will be 5 seconds if a number parameter isn't specified. The
              output  will  be in json format if used in combination with --json option. However,
              in that case, the countdown before results isn't shown.  --style can also  be  used
              to affect the layout of the output.

       -v, --version
              Show current version.

       --xml [mode] [limit]
              Show  database  content for selected interface or all interfaces in xml format. All
              traffic values in the output are in bytes unless otherwise indicated by the name of
              the  key.  An  optional  mode parameter can be used for limiting the output to only
              selected information.  Everything except the 95th percentile  output  is  shown  by
              default. Setting mode to 's' will output a summary containing the last 2 entries of
              5 minute, hourly, daily, monthly and yearly resolution data, 'f' will output only 5
              minute  resolution entries, 'h' hours, 'd' days, 'm' months, 'y' years, 't' the top
              days and 'p' the 95th percentile. Alternatively or  in  combination  with  mode  an
              optional  limit parameter can be used to limit the number of entries in the output.
              The xmlversion field in the output contains the API version information. It will be
              changed  only  when  the  names  or  structures of previously existing content gets
              changed. In comparison, the vnstatversion field exists only as extra information.

       -y, --years [limit]
              Show traffic statistics on a yearly basis for the last years. The  list  will  show
              all  entries  by  default  unless configured otherwise or unless the optional limit
              parameter is used. All entries stored in the database will also be shown  if  limit
              is set to 0.

       -?, --help
              Show a command option summary.


              Default database directory.

              Config file that will be used unless $HOME/.vnstatrc exists. See vnstat.conf(5) for
              more information.


       vnstat Display traffic summary for the default interface or multiple interfaces when  more
              than one is monitored.

       vnstat -i eth0+eth1+eth3
              Display traffic summary for a merge of interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth3.

       vnstat -i eth2 --xml
              Output all information about interface eth2 in xml format.

       vnstat --json
              Output all information of all monitored interfaces in json format.

       vnstat -i eth0 --setalias local
              Give  interface eth0 the alias "local". That information will be later visible as a
              label when eth0 is queried.

       vnstat -i eth2 --remove
              Delete database entries for interface eth2 and stop monitoring it.


       Updates need to be executed at least as often as it  is  possible  for  the  interface  to
       generate enough traffic to overflow the kernel interface traffic counter. Otherwise, it is
       possible that some traffic won't be seen. With  32-bit  interface  traffic  counters,  the
       maximum  time  between  two  updates depends on how fast the interface can transfer 4 GiB.
       Note that there is no guarantee that a 64-bit kernel has 64-bit interface traffic counters
       for all interfaces. Calculated theoretical times are:

              10 Mbit:        54 minutes
              100 Mbit:        5 minutes
              1000 Mbit:      30 seconds

       Virtual  and  aliased  interfaces  cannot  be monitored because the kernel doesn't provide
       traffic information for that type of interfaces. Such interfaces are usually named eth0:0,
       eth0:1, eth0:2 etc. where eth0 is the actual interface being aliased.

       Using  long  date  output formats may cause misalignment in shown columns if the length of
       the date exceeds the fixed size allocation.


       Teemu Toivola <tst at iki dot fi>


       vnstatd(8), vnstati(1), vnstat.conf(5), proc(5), ifconfig(8), units(7)