Provided by: libpromise-xs-perl_0.20-1build3_amd64 bug


       Promise::XS::Promise - promise object


       See Promise::XS.


       This is Promise::XS’s actual promise object class. It implements these methods:

       •   then()

       •   catch()

       •   finally()

       … which behave as they normally do in promise implementations.

       Additionally, all() and race() may be used, thus:

           my $p3 = Promise::XS::Promise->all( $p1, $p2, .. );
           my $p3 = Promise::XS::Promise->race( $p1, $p2, .. );

       … or, just:

           my $p3 = ref($p1)->all( $p1, $p2, .. );
           my $p3 = ref($p1)->race( $p1, $p2, .. );

       … or even:

           my $p3 = $p1->all( $p1, $p2, .. );
           my $p3 = $p1->race( $p1, $p2, .. );

       (Note the repetition of $p1 in these last examples!)


       Subclassing this class won’t work because the above-named methods always return instances
       of (exactly) this class. That may change eventually, but for now this is what’s what.