Provided by: libssl-doc_3.0.13-0ubuntu3.4_all bug


       SSL_CTX_set_client_hello_cb, SSL_client_hello_cb_fn, SSL_client_hello_isv2,
       SSL_client_hello_get0_legacy_version, SSL_client_hello_get0_random,
       SSL_client_hello_get0_session_id, SSL_client_hello_get0_ciphers,
       SSL_client_hello_get0_compression_methods, SSL_client_hello_get1_extensions_present,
       SSL_client_hello_get0_ext - callback functions for early server-side ClientHello


        typedef int (*SSL_client_hello_cb_fn)(SSL *s, int *al, void *arg);
        void SSL_CTX_set_client_hello_cb(SSL_CTX *c, SSL_client_hello_cb_fn *f,
                                         void *arg);
        int SSL_client_hello_isv2(SSL *s);
        unsigned int SSL_client_hello_get0_legacy_version(SSL *s);
        size_t SSL_client_hello_get0_random(SSL *s, const unsigned char **out);
        size_t SSL_client_hello_get0_session_id(SSL *s, const unsigned char **out);
        size_t SSL_client_hello_get0_ciphers(SSL *s, const unsigned char **out);
        size_t SSL_client_hello_get0_compression_methods(SSL *s,
                                                         const unsigned char **out);
        int SSL_client_hello_get1_extensions_present(SSL *s, int **out,
                                                     size_t *outlen);
        int SSL_client_hello_get0_ext(SSL *s, unsigned int type, const unsigned char **out,
                                      size_t *outlen);


       SSL_CTX_set_client_hello_cb() sets the callback function, which is automatically called
       during the early stages of ClientHello processing on the server.  The argument supplied
       when setting the callback is passed back to the callback at run time.  A callback that
       returns failure (0) will cause the connection to terminate, and callbacks returning
       failure should indicate what alert value is to be sent in the al parameter.  A callback
       may also return a negative value to suspend the handshake, and the handshake function will
       return immediately.  SSL_get_error(3) will return SSL_ERROR_WANT_CLIENT_HELLO_CB to
       indicate that the handshake was suspended.  It is the job of the ClientHello callback to
       store information about the state of the last call if needed to continue.  On the next
       call into the handshake function, the ClientHello callback will be called again, and, if
       it returns success, normal handshake processing will continue from that point.

       SSL_client_hello_isv2() indicates whether the ClientHello was carried in a SSLv2 record
       and is in the SSLv2 format.  The SSLv2 format has substantial differences from the normal
       SSLv3 format, including using three bytes per cipher suite, and not allowing extensions.
       Additionally, the SSLv2 format 'challenge' field is exposed via
       SSL_client_hello_get0_random(), padded to SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE bytes with zeros if needed.
       For SSLv2 format ClientHellos, SSL_client_hello_get0_compression_methods() returns a dummy
       list that only includes the null compression method, since the SSLv2 format does not
       include a mechanism by which to negotiate compression.

       SSL_client_hello_get0_random(), SSL_client_hello_get0_session_id(),
       SSL_client_hello_get0_ciphers(), and SSL_client_hello_get0_compression_methods() provide
       access to the corresponding ClientHello fields, returning the field length and optionally
       setting an out pointer to the octets of that field.

       Similarly, SSL_client_hello_get0_ext() provides access to individual extensions from the
       ClientHello on a per-extension basis.  For the provided wire protocol extension type
       value, the extension value and length are returned in the output parameters (if present).

       SSL_client_hello_get1_extensions_present() can be used prior to
       SSL_client_hello_get0_ext(), to determine which extensions are present in the ClientHello
       before querying for them.  The out and outlen parameters are both required, and on success
       the caller must release the storage allocated for *out using OPENSSL_free().  The contents
       of *out is an array of integers holding the numerical value of the TLS extension types in
       the order they appear in the ClientHello.  *outlen contains the number of elements in the
       array.  In situations when the ClientHello has no extensions, the function will return
       success with *out set to NULL and *outlen set to 0.


       The ClientHello callback provides a vast window of possibilities for application code to
       affect the TLS handshake.  A primary use of the callback is to allow the server to examine
       the server name indication extension provided by the client in order to select an
       appropriate certificate to present, and make other configuration adjustments relevant to
       that server name and its configuration.  Such configuration changes can include swapping
       out the associated SSL_CTX pointer, modifying the server's list of permitted TLS versions,
       changing the server's cipher list in response to the client's cipher list, etc.

       It is also recommended that applications utilize a ClientHello callback and not use a
       servername callback, in order to avoid unexpected behavior that occurs due to the relative
       order of processing between things like session resumption and the historical servername

       The SSL_client_hello_* family of functions may only be called from code executing within a
       ClientHello callback.


       The application's supplied ClientHello callback returns SSL_CLIENT_HELLO_SUCCESS on
       success, SSL_CLIENT_HELLO_ERROR on failure, and SSL_CLIENT_HELLO_RETRY to suspend

       SSL_client_hello_isv2() returns 1 for SSLv2-format ClientHellos and 0 otherwise.

       SSL_client_hello_get0_random(), SSL_client_hello_get0_session_id(),
       SSL_client_hello_get0_ciphers(), and SSL_client_hello_get0_compression_methods() return
       the length of the corresponding ClientHello fields.  If zero is returned, the output
       pointer should not be assumed to be valid.

       SSL_client_hello_get0_ext() returns 1 if the extension of type 'type' is present, and 0

       SSL_client_hello_get1_extensions_present() returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.


       ssl(7), SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(3), SSL_bytes_to_cipher_list(3)


       The SSL ClientHello callback, SSL_client_hello_isv2(), SSL_client_hello_get0_random(),
       SSL_client_hello_get0_session_id(), SSL_client_hello_get0_ciphers(),
       SSL_client_hello_get0_compression_methods(), SSL_client_hello_get0_ext(), and
       SSL_client_hello_get1_extensions_present() were added in OpenSSL 1.1.1.


       Copyright 2017-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.

       Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use this file except
       in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source
       distribution or at <>.