Provided by: liblapack-doc_3.12.0-3build1.1_all bug


       params_grp - Parameters


       lamch:          machine parameters
       lamc1:          ??
       lamc2:          ??
       lamc3:          ??
       lamc4:          ??
       lamc5:          ??
       labad:          over/underflow on obsolete pre-IEEE machines
       ilaver:         LAPACK version
       ilaenv:         tuning parameters
       ilaenv2stage:   tuning parameters for 2-stage eig
       iparam2stage:   sets parameters for 2-stage eig
       ieeeck:         verify inf and NaN are safe
       la_constants:   Fortran 95 module of constants
       — BLAST constants —
       iladiag:        diag      string to BLAST const
       ilaprec:        precision string to BLAST const
       ilatrans:       trans     string to BLAST const
       ilauplo:        uplo      string to BLAST const
       la_transtype:   BLAST const to string

Detailed Description


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code.