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       sc::ThreadGrp - The ThreadGrp abstract class provides a means to manage separate threads
       of control.


       #include <thread.h>

       Inherits sc::DescribedClass.

       Inherited by sc::ProcThreadGrp, sc::PthreadThreadGrp, and sc::PumaThreadGrp.

   Public Member Functions
       ThreadGrp (const Ref< KeyVal > &)
       ThreadGrp (const ThreadGrp &, int nthread=-1)
       virtual void add_thread (int threadnum, Thread *thread)
           Assigns a Thread object to each thread.
       virtual void add_thread (int threadnum, Thread *thread, int priority)
           Like add_thread(threadnum, thread), but assign a priority that the thread is to use.
       int nthread () const
           The number of threads that will be run by start_thread.
       void delete_threads ()
       virtual int start_threads ()=0
           Starts the threads running.
       virtual int wait_threads ()=0
           Wait for all the threads to complete.
       virtual Ref< ThreadLock > new_lock ()=0
           Return a local object.
       virtual ThreadGrp * clone (int nthread=-1)
           Create a ThreadGrp like the current one.

       Public Member Functions inherited from sc::DescribedClass
       DescribedClass (const DescribedClass &)
       DescribedClass & operator= (const DescribedClass &)
       ClassDesc * class_desc () const  throw ()
           This returns the unique pointer to the ClassDesc corresponding to the given type_info
       const char * class_name () const
           Return the name of the object's exact type.
       int class_version () const
           Return the version of the class.
       virtual void print (std::ostream &=ExEnv::out0()) const
           Print the object.

       Public Member Functions inherited from sc::RefCount
       int lock_ptr () const
           Lock this object.
       int unlock_ptr () const
           Unlock this object.
       void use_locks (bool inVal)
           start and stop using locks on this object
       refcount_t nreference () const
           Return the reference count.
       refcount_t reference ()
           Increment the reference count and return the new count.
       refcount_t dereference ()
           Decrement the reference count and return the new count.
       int managed () const
       void unmanage ()
           Turn off the reference counting mechanism for this object.
       int managed () const
           Return 1 if the object is managed. Otherwise return 0.

       Public Member Functions inherited from sc::Identity
       Identifier identifier ()
           Return the Identifier for this argument.

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void set_default_threadgrp (const Ref< ThreadGrp > &)
       static ThreadGrp * get_default_threadgrp ()
       static ThreadGrp * initial_threadgrp (int &argc, char **argv)

   Protected Attributes
       Thread ** threads_
       int nthread_

   Additional Inherited Members
       Protected Member Functions inherited from sc::RefCount
       RefCount (const RefCount &)
       RefCount & operator= (const RefCount &)

Detailed Description

       The ThreadGrp abstract class provides a means to manage separate threads of control.

Member Function Documentation

   virtual void sc::ThreadGrp::add_thread (int threadnum, Thread * thread) [virtual]
       Assigns a Thread object to each thread. If 0 is assigned to a thread, then that thread
       will be skipped.

       Reimplemented in sc::PthreadThreadGrp.

       Referenced by sc::PthreadThreadGrp::add_thread().

   virtual void sc::ThreadGrp::add_thread (int threadnum, Thread * thread, int priority)
       Like add_thread(threadnum, thread), but assign a priority that the thread is to use. The
       member is primarily for experimentation, the priority argument is currently not well
       defined and ignored.

       Reimplemented in sc::PthreadThreadGrp.

   virtual ThreadGrp * sc::ThreadGrp::clone (int nthread = -1) [virtual]
       Create a ThreadGrp like the current one. If nthread is given, the new ThreadGrp will
       attempt to support that number of threads, but the actual number supported may be less. If
       nthread is -1, the number of threads in the current group will be used.

       Reimplemented in sc::PthreadThreadGrp, and sc::ProcThreadGrp.

   virtual Ref< ThreadLock > sc::ThreadGrp::new_lock () [pure virtual]
       Return a local object.

       Implemented in sc::PthreadThreadGrp, sc::PumaThreadGrp, and sc::ProcThreadGrp.

   virtual int sc::ThreadGrp::start_threads () [pure virtual]
       Starts the threads running. Thread 0 will be run by the thread that calls start_threads.

       Implemented in sc::PthreadThreadGrp, sc::PumaThreadGrp, and sc::ProcThreadGrp.

   virtual int sc::ThreadGrp::wait_threads () [pure virtual]
       Wait for all the threads to complete. This must be called before start_threads is called
       again or the object is destroyed.

       Implemented in sc::PthreadThreadGrp, sc::PumaThreadGrp, and sc::ProcThreadGrp.


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