Provided by: libzipios++-dev_0.1.5.9+cvs.2007.04.28-11build2_amd64 bug


       zipios::ZipCDirEntry - Specialization of ZipLocalEntry, that add fields for storing the
       extra information, that is only present in the entries in the zip central directory and
       not in the local entry headers.


       #include <ziphead.h>

       Inherits zipios::ZipLocalEntry.

   Public Member Functions
       ZipCDirEntry (const string &_filename='', const string &_file_comment='', const vector<
           unsigned char > &_extra_field=vector< unsigned char >())
       void setDefaultWriter ()
       ZipCDirEntry & operator= (const class ZipCDirEntry &src)
       virtual string toString () const
           Returns a human-readable string representation of the entry.
       virtual string getComment () const
           Returns the comment of the entry, if it has one.
       virtual void setComment (const string &comment)
           Sets the comment field for the FileEntry.
       virtual uint32 getLocalHeaderOffset () const
       virtual void setLocalHeaderOffset (uint32 offset)
       int getCDirHeaderSize () const
       virtual FileEntry * clone () const
           Create a heap allocated clone of the object this method is called for.

       Public Member Functions inherited from zipios::ZipLocalEntry
       ZipLocalEntry (const string &_filename='', const vector< unsigned char >
           &_extra_field=vector< unsigned char >())
       void setDefaultExtract ()
       ZipLocalEntry & operator= (const class ZipLocalEntry &src)
       virtual uint32 getCompressedSize () const
           Returns the compressed size of the entry.
       virtual uint32 getCrc () const
           Returns the Crc for the entry, if it has one.
       virtual vector< unsigned char > getExtra () const
           Returns a vector of bytes of extra data that may be stored with the entry.
       virtual StorageMethod getMethod () const
           Returns the method used to store the entry in the FileCollection.
       virtual string getName () const
           Returns the full filename of the entry, including a path if the entry is stored in a
       virtual string getFileName () const
           Returns the filename of the entry.
       virtual uint32 getSize () const
           Returns the (uncompressed) size of the entry data.
       virtual int getTime () const
           Returns the date and time of FIXME: what?
       virtual bool isValid () const
           Any method or operator that initializes a FileEntry may set a flag, that specifies
           whether the read entry is valid or not.
       virtual bool isDirectory () const
           Returns true if the entry is a directory.
       virtual void setCompressedSize (uint32 size)
           Set the compressed size field of the entry.
       virtual void setCrc (uint32 crc)
           Sets the crc field.
       virtual void setExtra (const vector< unsigned char > &extra)
           Sets the extra field.
       virtual void setMethod (StorageMethod method)
           Sets the storage method field for the entry.
       virtual void setName (const string &name)
           Sets the name field for the entry.
       virtual void setSize (uint32 size)
           Sets the size field for the entry.
       virtual void setTime (int time)
           Sets the time field for the entry.
       int getLocalHeaderSize () const
       bool trailingDataDescriptor () const

       Public Member Functions inherited from zipios::FileEntry
       virtual ~FileEntry ()
           FileEntry destructor.

       istream & operator>> (istream &is, ZipCDirEntry &zcdh)
       ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const ZipCDirEntry &zcdh)
       bool operator== (const ZipLocalEntry &zlh, const ZipCDirEntry &ze)

   Additional Inherited Members
       Protected Member Functions inherited from zipios::FileEntry
       void ref () const
       unsigned int unref () const

       Protected Attributes inherited from zipios::ZipLocalEntry
       uint16 extract_version
       uint16 gp_bitfield
       uint16 compress_method
       uint16 last_mod_ftime
       uint16 last_mod_fdate
       uint32 crc_32
       uint32 compress_size
       uint32 uncompress_size
       uint16 filename_len
       uint16 extra_field_len
       string filename
       vector< unsigned char > extra_field
       bool _valid

       Protected Attributes inherited from zipios::FileEntry
       ReferenceCount< FileEntry > _refcount

       Static Protected Attributes inherited from zipios::ZipLocalEntry
       static const uint32 signature = 0x04034b50

Detailed Description

       Specialization of ZipLocalEntry, that add fields for storing the extra information, that
       is only present in the entries in the zip central directory and not in the local entry

       Definition at line 102 of file ziphead.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   zipios::ZipCDirEntry::ZipCDirEntry (const string & _filename = '', const string &
       _file_comment = '', const vector< unsigned char > & _extra_field = vector< unsigned char
       >()) [inline]
       Definition at line 108 of file ziphead.h.

   virtual zipios::ZipCDirEntry::~ZipCDirEntry () [inline],  [virtual]
       Definition at line 140 of file ziphead.h.

Member Function Documentation

   FileEntry * zipios::ZipCDirEntry::clone () const [virtual]
       Create a heap allocated clone of the object this method is called for. The caller is
       responsible for deallocating the clone when he is done with it.

           A heap allocated copy of the object this method is called for.

       Reimplemented from zipios::ZipLocalEntry.

       Definition at line 231 of file ziphead.cpp.

   int zipios::ZipCDirEntry::getCDirHeaderSize () const
       Definition at line 226 of file ziphead.cpp.

   string zipios::ZipCDirEntry::getComment () const [virtual]
       Returns the comment of the entry, if it has one. Otherwise it returns an empty string.

           the comment associated with the entry, if there is one.

       Reimplemented from zipios::ZipLocalEntry.

       Definition at line 199 of file ziphead.cpp.

   uint32 zipios::ZipCDirEntry::getLocalHeaderOffset () const [virtual]
       Definition at line 203 of file ziphead.cpp.

   ZipCDirEntry & zipios::ZipCDirEntry::operator= (const class ZipCDirEntry & src) [inline]
       Definition at line 214 of file ziphead.h.

   void zipios::ZipCDirEntry::setComment (const string & comment) [virtual]
       Sets the comment field for the FileEntry.

           comment string with the new comment.

       Reimplemented from zipios::ZipLocalEntry.

       Definition at line 212 of file ziphead.cpp.

   void zipios::ZipCDirEntry::setDefaultWriter ()
       Definition at line 189 of file ziphead.cpp.

   void zipios::ZipCDirEntry::setLocalHeaderOffset (uint32 offset) [virtual]
       Definition at line 207 of file ziphead.cpp.

   string zipios::ZipCDirEntry::toString () const [virtual]
       Returns a human-readable string representation of the entry.

           a human-readable string representation of the entry.

       Reimplemented from zipios::ZipLocalEntry.

       Definition at line 218 of file ziphead.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

   bool operator== (const ZipLocalEntry & zlh, const ZipCDirEntry & ze) [friend]
       Definition at line 20 of file ziphead.cpp.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for Zipios++ from the source code.

                                             Zipios++                     zipios::ZipCDirEntry(3)