Provided by: calibre_7.6.0+ds-1build1_all bug


       ebook-convert - ebook-convert

          ebook-convert input_file output_file [options]

       Convert an e-book from one format to another.

       input_file is the input and output_file is the output. Both must be specified as the first
       two arguments to the command.

       The output e-book format is guessed from the file extension  of  output_file.  output_file
       can  also  be  of  the special format .EXT where EXT is the output file extension. In this
       case, the name of the output file is derived from the name of the input  file.  Note  that
       the filenames must not start with a hyphen. Finally, if output_file has no extension, then
       it is treated as a folder and an "open e-book" (OEB) consisting of HTML files  is  written
       to  that  folder.  These  files  are the files that would normally have been passed to the
       output plugin.

       After specifying the input and output file you can customize the conversion by  specifying
       various  options.  The available options depend on the input and output file types. To get
       help on them specify the input and output file and then use the -h option.

       For full documentation of the conversion system see E-raamatu teisendamine

       Alati kui edastad  programmile  ebook-convert  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       The  options  and  default  values  for the options change depending on both the input and
       output formats, so you should always check with:

          ebook-convert myfile.input_format myfile.output_format -h

       Below are the options that are common to all conversion, followed by the options  specific
       to every input and output format.


       --help, -h
              näita seda veateadet ja välju

              Täpsusta  sisendprofiil.  Sisendprofiil  annab  teisendussüsteemile  teavet, kuidas
              suhtuda sisenddokumendi erinevasse informatsiooni. Näiteks  resolutsioonist  sõltuv
              pikkus  (pikkus  pikslites).  Valikud on: cybookg3, cybook_opus, default, hanlinv3,
              hanlinv5, illiad, irexdr1000, irexdr800, kindle, msreader, mobipocket, nook,  sony,
              sony300, sony900

              Loetle   sisseehitatud   retseptide   nimesid.  Sa  saad  sisseehitatud  retseptist
              e-raamatut luua sedasi: ebook-convert "Retsepti Nimi.recipe" väljund.epub

              Specify the output profile. The output profile tells the conversion system  how  to
              optimize  the  created  document for the specified device. In some cases, an output
              profile can be used to optimize the output for a particular  device,  but  this  is
              rarely  necessary.  Choices are:cybookg3, cybook_opus, default, hanlinv3, hanlinv5,
              illiad,  ipad,  ipad3,  irexdr1000,   irexdr800,   jetbook5,   kindle,   kindle_dx,
              kindle_fire,  kindle_oasis,  kindle_pw,  kindle_pw3,  kindle_scribe, kindle_voyage,
              kobo, msreader, mobipocket,  nook,  nook_color,  nook_hd_plus,  pocketbook_inkpad3,
              pocketbook_lux,  pocketbook_hd,  pocketbook_900,  pocketbook_pro_912, galaxy, sony,
              sony300, sony900, sony-landscape, sonyt3,  tablet,  generic_eink,  generic_eink_hd,

              näita programmi versiooninumbrit ja välju


       Suvandid mobi-sisendfaili töötlemise juhtimiseks

              Täpsusta  sisenddokumendi  kodeering.  Kasutab  dokumendi kodeeringu asemel valitud
              kodeeringut. Kasulik dokumentide puhul, milles  ei  ole  märgitud  kodeeringut  või
              millel on eksitavad kodeeringu deklaratsioonid.


       Suvandid epub väljundi töötlemise juhtimiseks

              Turn off splitting at page breaks. Normally, input files are automatically split at
              every page break into two files. This gives an output e-book  that  can  be  parsed
              faster  and with less resources. However, splitting is slow and if your source file
              contains a very large number of page breaks, you should turn off splitting on  page

              See valik on vajalik ainult juhul, kui kavatsed EPUB-i avada programmiga FBReaderJ.
              See tasandab  EPUBi-sisese  failisüsteemi,  pannes  kõik  failid  kõrgeima  tasandi

              Sisesta reasisene sisukord, mis näib osana raamatu peamisest sisust.

              The  maximum image size (width x height). A value of none means use the screen size
              from the output profile. A value of profile means no maximum size is specified. For
              example, a value of 100x200 will cause all images to be resized so that their width
              is no more than 100 pixels and their height is no more than 200 pixels.  Note  that
              this  only  affects  the size of the actual image files themselves. Any given image
              may be rendered at a different size depending on the styling applied to it  in  the

              Pane sisestatav sisukord raamatu lõppu, mitte algusesse.

              Loodava  EPUB-faili versioon. EPUB 2 on kõige ühilduvam; kasuta EPUB 3 ainult siis,
              kui tead, et see on kindlasti vajalik.

              Extract the contents of the generated  EPUB  file  to  the  specified  folder.  The
              contents of the folder are first deleted, so be careful.

              Tükelda  kõik  HTML-failid, mis on suuremad sellest suurusest (ühikutes KB). See on
              vajalik, kuna  enamik  EPUB-i  lugereid  ei  suuda  käsitleda  suuri  failisuurusi.
              Vaikimisi  väärtus 260KB on suurus, mis on vajalik programmi Adobe Digital Editions
              jaoks. Pane väärtuseks 0, kui tahad suurusepõhise tükeldamise keelata.

              Tavaliselt, kui sisendfailis pole kaant ja sa ei määratle seda,  luuakse  vaikimisi
              kaanepilt  pealkirja,  autorite  ja  muu  sellisega.  See  säte  keelab selle kaane

              Do not use SVG for the book cover. Use this option if your EPUB is going to be used
              on a device that does not support SVG, like the iPhone or the JetBook Lite. Without
              this option, such devices will display the cover as a blank page.

              When using an SVG cover, this option will cause the cover to  scale  to  cover  the
              available  screen  area,  but  still  preserve  its aspect ratio (ratio of width to
              height). That means there may be white borders at the sides or top  and  bottom  of
              the image, but the image will never be distorted. Without this option the image may
              be slightly distorted, but there will be no borders.

              Kui täpsustatud, siis väljundi plugin proovib  luua  väljundit,  mis  on  inimesele
              võimalikult loetav. Ei pruugi mõne väljundi plugina puhul nähtavat mõju avaldada.

              Loodavate reasiseste sisukordade pealkiri.


       Suvandid väljundi väljanägemise kontrollimiseks

              Transliterate  Unicode characters to an ASCII representation. Use with care because
              this will replace Unicode characters with  ASCII.  For  instance  it  will  replace
              "Pelé"   with   "Pele".   Also,  note  that  in  cases  where  there  are  multiple
              representations of a character (characters  shared  by  Chinese  and  Japanese  for
              instance)  the  representation based on the current calibre interface language will
              be used.

              The base font size in pts. All font sizes in the produced  book  will  be  rescaled
              based  on this size. By choosing a larger size you can make the fonts in the output
              bigger and vice versa. By default, when the value is zero, the base  font  size  is
              chosen based on the output profile you chose.

              Change  text  justification.  A  value of "left" converts all justified text in the
              source to left aligned (i.e. unjustified) text. A value of "justify"  converts  all
              unjustified  text to justified. A value of "original" (the default) does not change
              justification in the source file.  Note  that  only  some  output  formats  support

              Disable all rescaling of font sizes.

              Embed every font that is referenced in the input document but not already embedded.
              This will search your system for the fonts, and if found, they  will  be  embedded.
              Embedding  will  only  work  if  the format you are converting to supports embedded
              fonts, such as EPUB, AZW3, DOCX or PDF. Please ensure  that  you  have  the  proper
              license for embedding the fonts used in this document.

              Embed  the specified font family into the book. This specifies the "base" font used
              for the book. If the input document specifies its own fonts, they may override this
              base font. You can use the filter style information option to remove fonts from the
              input document. Note that font embedding  only  works  with  some  output  formats,
              principally EPUB, AZW3 and DOCX.

              By  default, calibre will use the shorthand form for various CSS properties such as
              margin, padding, border, etc. This option will cause it to use  the  full  expanded
              form  instead. Note that CSS is always expanded when generating EPUB files with the
              output profile set to one of the Nook profiles as the Nook cannot handle  shorthand

              Either  the  path  to a CSS stylesheet or raw CSS. This CSS will be appended to the
              style rules from the source file, so it can be used to override those rules.

              A comma separated list of CSS properties that will be removed from  all  CSS  style
              rules.  This  is  useful if the presence of some style information prevents it from
              being       overridden       on       your       device.        For        example:

              CSS    fondi    nimede    vastendamine    fondi    suurusele.   Näiteseadistus   on
              12,12,14,16,18,20,22,24. Need vastendamised on xx-väike kuni xx-suur  ning  viimane
              on  kõige suurema fondi suurus. Fontide skaleerimise algoritm kasutab neid suurusi,
              et mõistlikult fonte skaleerida. Vaikeseadistuse otsustab valitud väljundiprofiil.

              Sisesta lõikude vahele tühi rida. Ei tööta, kui lähtefail ei kasuta  lõike  (sildid
              <p> või <div>).

              Set the height of the inserted blank lines (in em). The height of the lines between
              paragraphs will be twice the value set here.

              Preserve ligatures present in the input document. A ligature is a special rendering
              of a pair of characters like ff, fi, fl et cetera. Most readers do not have support
              for ligatures in their default fonts, so they are unlikely to render correctly.  By
              default,  calibre  will  turn  a  ligature  into  the  corresponding pair of normal
              characters. This option will preserve them instead.

              The line height in pts. Controls spacing between consecutive lines  of  text.  Only
              applies  to  elements  that do not define their own line height. In most cases, the
              minimum line height option is more useful. By default no line  height  manipulation
              is performed.

              Some badly designed documents use tables to control the layout of text on the page.
              When converted these documents often have text that runs off  the  page  and  other
              artifacts. This option will extract the content from the tables and present it in a
              linear fashion.

              Set the bottom margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than  zero  will
              cause  no  margin  to  be  set (the margin setting in the original document will be
              preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own  margin
              settings that take precedence.

              Set  the  left  margin  in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will
              cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in  the  original  document  will  be
              preserved).  Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin
              settings that take precedence.

              Set the right margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less  than  zero  will
              cause  no  margin  to  be  set (the margin setting in the original document will be
              preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own  margin
              settings that take precedence.

              Set  the  top  margin  in  pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will
              cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in  the  original  document  will  be
              preserved).  Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin
              settings that take precedence.

              The minimum line height, as a percentage of the  element's  calculated  font  size.
              calibre  will ensure that every element has a line height of at least this setting,
              irrespective of what the input document specifies. Set to zero to disable.  Default
              is  120%.  Use  this setting in preference to the direct line height specification,
              unless you know what you are doing. For example, you can  achieve  "double  spaced"
              text by setting this to 240.

              Remove  spacing  between  paragraphs.  Also  sets an indent on paragraphs of 1.5em.
              Spacing removal will not work if the source file does not use  paragraphs  (<p>  or
              <div> tags).

              When  calibre  removes  blank  lines  between  paragraphs,  it automatically sets a
              paragraph indent, to ensure that  paragraphs  can  be  easily  distinguished.  This
              option  controls  the width of that indent (in em). If you set this value negative,
              then the indent specified in the input document is used, that is, calibre does  not
              change the indentation.

              Convert  plain  quotes,  dashes  and  ellipsis  to  their  typographically  correct
              equivalents. For details, see

              Subset all embedded fonts. Every embedded font  is  reduced  to  contain  only  the
              glyphs  used in this document. This decreases the size of the font files. Useful if
              you are embedding a particularly large font with lots of unused glyphs.

              Path to a file containing rules to transform the  CSS  styles  in  this  book.  The
              easiest  way  to  create such a file is to use the wizard for creating rules in the
              calibre GUI. Access it in the  "Look  &  feel->Transform  styles"  section  of  the
              conversion  dialog.  Once  you create the rules, you can use the "Export" button to
              save them to a file.

              Path to a file containing rules to transform the HTML in this book. The easiest way
              to  create  such a file is to use the wizard for creating rules in the calibre GUI.
              Access it in the "Look & feel->Transform HTML" section of  the  conversion  dialog.
              Once you create the rules, you can use the "Export" button to save them to a file.

              Teisenda uhked jutumärgid, sidekriipsud ja kolmikpunktid nende harilike vastetega.


       Modify  the  document  text  and structure using common patterns. Disabled by default. Use
       --enable-heuristics to enable.  Individual actions can be disabled  with  the  --disable-*

              Analüüsi  poolituskriipsudega  sõnu terves dokumendis. Dokumenti ennast kasutatakse
              sõnastikuna, määramaks, kas need kriipsud tuleks alles jätta või eemaldada.

              Eemalda dokumendist tühjad lõigud, kui need esinevad iga teise lõigu järel

              Turn indentation  created  from  multiple  non-breaking  space  entities  into  CSS

              Left aligned scene break markers are center aligned. Replace soft scene breaks that
              use multiple blank lines with horizontal rules.

              Look for common words and patterns that denote italics and italicize them.

              Detect unformatted chapter headings and sub headings. Change  them  to  h2  and  h3
              tags.   This  setting  will  not  create a TOC, but can be used in conjunction with
              structure detection to create one.

              Looks for occurrences of sequential <h1> or <h2> tags. The tags are  renumbered  to
              prevent splitting in the middle of chapter headings.

              Unwrap lines using punctuation and other formatting clues.

              Luba heuristiline töötlemine. See suvand on vaja määrata, et mis tahes heuristiline
              töötlemine toimida saaks.

              Scale used to determine the length at which  a  line  should  be  unwrapped.  Valid
              values  are  a  decimal  between 0 and 1. The default is 0.4, just below the median
              line length.  If only a few lines in the document  require  unwrapping  this  value
              should be reduced

              Replace  scene  breaks with the specified text. By default, the text from the input
              document is used.


       Muuda dokumendi teksti ja struktuuri, kasutades kasutajamääratud mustreid.

              Path to a file containing search and replace regular  expressions.  The  file  must
              contain  alternating  lines  of  regular expression followed by replacement pattern
              (which can be an empty line). The regular expression must be in  the  Python  regex
              syntax and the file must be UTF-8 encoded.

              Replacement to replace the text found with sr1-search.

              Search pattern (regular expression) to be replaced with sr1-replace.

              Replacement to replace the text found with sr2-search.

              Search pattern (regular expression) to be replaced with sr2-replace.

              Replacement to replace the text found with sr3-search.

              Search pattern (regular expression) to be replaced with sr3-replace.


       Kontrolli dokumendi ülesehituse automaatset tuvastamist.

              An  XPath  expression  to detect chapter titles. The default is to consider <h1> or
              <h2>  tags  that  contain  the  words  "chapter",  "book",  "section",  "prologue",
              "epilogue"   or   "part"   as  chapter  titles  as  well  as  any  tags  that  have
              class="chapter". The expression used must  evaluate  to  a  list  of  elements.  To
              disable  chapter  detection,  use the expression "/". See the XPath Tutorial in the
              calibre User Manual for further help on using this feature.

              Specify how to mark detected chapters. A value  of  "pagebreak"  will  insert  page
              breaks  before  chapters.  A  value of "rule" will insert a line before chapters. A
              value of "none" will disable chapter marking and a value of "both"  will  use  both
              page breaks and lines to mark chapters.

              Some  documents  specify page margins by specifying a left and right margin on each
              individual paragraph.  calibre  will  try  to  detect  and  remove  these  margins.
              Sometimes, this can cause the removal of margins that should not have been removed.
              In this case you can disable the removal.

              Insert the book metadata at the start of the book. This is useful  if  your  e-book
              reader does not support displaying/searching metadata directly.

              XPath  avaldis.  Määratletud  elementide  ette  sisestatakse  lehepiir. Keelamiseks
              kasuta avaldist: /

              Use the cover detected from the source file in preference to the specified cover.

              Remove the first image from the input e-book. Useful if the input  document  has  a
              cover  image that is not identified as a cover. In this case, if you set a cover in
              calibre, the output document will end up with  two  cover  images  if  you  do  not
              specify this option.

              An  XPath  expression  to  detect  the  location  in the document at which to start
              reading. Some e-book reading  programs  (most  prominently  the  Kindle)  use  this
              location  as  the position at which to open the book. See the XPath tutorial in the
              calibre User Manual for further help using this feature.


       Kontrolli sisukorra automaatset loomist. Vaikimisi, kui lähtefailis  on  sisukord  olemas,
       siis eelistatakse seda automaatselt loodavale sisukorrale.

              When creating a TOC from links in the input document, allow duplicate entries, i.e.
              allow more than one entry with the  same  text,  provided  that  they  point  to  a
              different location.

              XPath  expression  that  specifies  all  tags  that should be added to the Table of
              Contents at level one. If this is specified, it takes precedence over  other  forms
              of auto-detection. See the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for examples.

              XPath  expression  that  specifies  all  tags  that should be added to the Table of
              Contents at level two. Each entry is added under the previous level one entry.  See
              the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for examples.

              XPath  expression  that  specifies  all  tags  that should be added to the Table of
              Contents at level three. Each entry is added under the previous  level  two  entry.
              See the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for examples.

              Maximum  number  of  links to insert into the TOC. Set to 0 to disable. Default is:
              50. Links are only added to the TOC if less than the threshold number  of  chapters
              were detected.

              Ära lisa sisukorda automaatselt tuvastatud peatükke.

              Eemalda  sisukorrast  kirjed, mille pealkiri vastab määratletud regulaaravaldisele.
              Eemaldatakse kõik vastavad kirjed ja nende alamkirjed.

              Kui tuvastatakse sellest arvust vähem peatükke, siis  lisatakse  lingid  sisukorda.
              Vaikimisi: 6

              Normally,  if  the  source  file  already  has  a  Table of Contents, it is used in
              preference to the auto-generated one. With this option, the auto-generated  one  is
              always used.


       Suvandid metaandmete määramiseks väljundis

              Autori järgi sortimisel kasutatav sõne.

              Määra autorid. Mitme autori puhul tuleks need eraldada ja-märgiga &.

              Määra raamatu tootja.

              Määra e-raamatu kirjeldus.

              Set the cover to the specified file or URL

       --isbn Määra raamatu ISBN.

              Määra keel.

              Määra  avaldamiskuupäev  (eeldatakse  olevat  kohalikus  ajavööndis, kui ajavööndit
              eraldi ei määrata)

              Määra e-raamatu kirjastaja.

              Määra hinnang. Peaks olema number vahemikus 1-st 5-ni.

       --read-metadata-from-opf, --from-opf, -m
              Read metadata from the specified OPF  file.  Metadata  read  from  this  file  will
              override any metadata in the source file.

              Määra, millissesse sarja see e-raamat kuulub.

              Määra, mitmes raamat see sarjas on.

       --tags Määra raamatu sildid. Peaks olema komaga eraldatud loend.

              Määra raamatu ajamärge (ei kasutata enam kusagil)

              Määra pealkiri.

              Sortimisel kasutatav versioon pealkirjast.


       Suvandid teisendamise vigade otsinguga abistamiseks

       --debug-pipeline, -d
              Save  the  output from different stages of the conversion pipeline to the specified
              folder. Useful if you are unsure at which stage of the conversion process a bug  is

       --verbose, -v
              Level  of  verbosity.  Specify  multiple times for greater verbosity. Specifying it
              twice will result in full verbosity, once medium verbosity  and  zero  times  least


       Kovid Goyal


       Kovid Goyal