Provided by: libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl_1.3.6-2_all bug


       CheckDigits::M23_002 - compute check digits for Tax Identification Number (IE)


         use Algorithm::CheckDigits;

         $dni = CheckDigits('tin_ie');

         if ($dni->is_valid('8473625E')) {
               # do something

         $cn = $dni->complete('1234567.W');
         # $cn = '1234567TW'

         $cd = $dni->checkdigit('1234577IA');
         # $cd = 'I'

         $bn = $dni->basenumber('1234577WW');
         # $bn = '1234577.W'


       The irish TIN (Tax Identification Number) or VAT Regstration Number consists of 7 digits, a letter in the
       range from 'A' - 'W' as checksum, and an optionally letter in the range from 'A' - 'I' or the letter 'W'.

       1.  In reverse order, each digit is multiplied by a weight started at 2.  (i.e. the number left from the
           check digit is multiplied with 2, the next with 3 and so on).

       2.  If there is an optional letter following the checksum letter (position 9), this letter is mapped to a
           numeric value based on the following mapping: "A" = 1, "B" = 2, ... "H" = 8, "I" = 9. "W" or absence
           of this letter means a value of 0. This numeric value is multiplied with 9.

       3.  All products from step 1 and 2 are added.

       4.  The check digit is the sum from step 3 modulo 23. This number is expressed as the corresponding
           letter from the alphabet where A-V correspond to 1-22 and W stands for check digit 0.

           Returns true only if $number complies with the rules given above and there is a valid check digit at
           position eight.

           Returns false otherwise,

           The check digit for $number is computed and inserted at position eight of $number.

           Returns the complete number with check digit or '' if $number does not consist solely of digits and
           an optional letter at position nine.

           Returns the basenumber of $number if $number has a valid check digit. As a placeholder for the
           checksum a point ('.') is inserted at position eight when the checksum contains the optional letter
           at position nine.

           Return '' otherwise.

           Returns the checkdigit of $number if $number has a valid check digit.

           Return '' otherwise.

       None by default.


       Mathias Weidner, "<>"


       perl, CheckDigits,