Provided by: libbot-basicbot-pluggable-perl_1.20-3_all bug


       Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module - base module for all BasicBot plugins


       version 1.20


       You MUST override "help()", which MUST return help text for the module.

       You MUST override at least "said()", though it is preferred that you override the more specific "seen()",
       "admin()", "told()" and "fallback()" for cleaner code without relying on checks against $pri.

       You MAY override "chanjoin()", "chanpart()", "userquit", "nick_change", "topic", "kicked" and "tick()".

       You MAY return a response from "said()" to the event.


   Object Store
       Every pluggable module gets an object store to save variables in. Access this store using the "get()" and
       "set()" accessors. Do not access the store through any other means - the location of the store, and its
       method of storage, may change at any time:

         my $count = $self->get("count");
         $self->set( count => $count + 1 );

       Keys that begin "user_" are considered _USER_ variables, and can be changed by administrators in the IRC
       channel using Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module::Vars.  Don't use them as unchecked input data.


           Standard "new" method, blesses a hash into the right class and puts any key/value pairs passed to it
           into the blessed hash. Calls "init" to load any internal or user variables you may have set in your

           Called as part of new class construction. May or may not be after server connection. Override this to
           do things when your module is added to the bot.

           Set every key in the hash reference $config to its default value if it is not already defined in the
           module store. In that case the value from the store is used to initialise the variable. Typically
           called in the module's init functions.

           Indicates that the module is added to the bot, and that the bot is connected to the IRC server. Do
           things here that need to be done after you're connected.

           TODO - this method not yet implemented.

           Called just before your module is removed from the bot. Do cleanup here.

           Returns the Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable bot we're running under.

           Returns Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Store subclass used to store variables.

           Returns the value of a local variable from the object store.

       set($name => $value)
           Set a local variable into the object store.

           Unsets a local variable - removes it from the store, not just "undef"s it.

       var($name, [$value])
           "get()" or "set()" a local variable from the module store.

           Returns a list of all keys in the object store.

           Called when the bot connects to the server. The return value is meaningless.

           Called when a user joins a channel.

           Called when a user client quits. See Bot::BasicBot for a description of the arguments.

           Called when a user leaves a channel.

           Called when the topic of a channel is changed. See Bot::BasicBot for a description of the arguments.

           Called when a user is kicked from a channel. See Bot::BasicBot for a description of the arguments.

           When a user changes nicks, this will be called. See Bot::BasicBot for a description of the arguments.

           Called when a user asks for help on a topic and thus should return some useful help text. For
           Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable, when a user asks the bot 'help', the bot will return a list of modules.
           Asking the bot 'help <modulename>' will call the "help" function of that module, passing in the first
           parameter the message object that represents the question.

           Passing through Bot::BasicBot, send messages without replying to a "said()":

             $self->say({ who => 'tom', body => 'boo', channel => 'msg' });

       reply($message, $body)
           Replies to the given message with the given text. Another passthrough to "Bot::BasicBot". The message
           is used to pre-populate the reply, so it'll be in the same channel as the question, directed to the
           right user, etc.

       tell($nick | $channel, $message)
           Convenience method to send message to nick (privmsg) or channel (public):

             $self->tell('tom', "hello there, fool");
             $self->tell('#sailors', "hello there, sailor");

       said($message, $priority)
           This method is called whenever the bot sees something said. The first parameter is a Bot::BasicBot
           'message' object, as passed to it's 'said' function - see those docs for further details. The second
           parameter is the priority of the message - all modules will have the 'said' function called up to 4
           times, with priorities of 0, 1, 2, and 3. The first module to return a non-null value 'claims' the
           message, and the bot will reply to it with the value returned - unless the value is "1", in which
           case the message is considered claimed (no other module will see it) but no reply will be issued.

           The exception to this is the 0 priority, which a module MUST NOT respond to (any response will be
           ignored).  This is so that all modules will at least see all messages. I suggest:

             sub said {
               my ($self, $mess, $pri) = @_;
               my $body = $mess->{body};

               return unless ($pri == 2); # most common

               my ($command, $param) = split(/\s+/, $body, 2);
               $command = lc($command);

               # do something here

               return;       # allows other modules to see this message, or:
               return 1;     # "eat" the message, no other module sees it, no reply, or:
               return "OK!"; # "eat" the message and send a reply back to the user

           The preferred way, however, is to override one of the separate "seen()", "admin()", "told()" and
           "fallback()" methods, corresponding to priorities 0, 1, 2 and 3 in order - this will lead to nicer
           code. This approach is new, though, which is why it's not yet used in most of the shipped modules
           yet. It will eventually become the only thing to do, and I will deprecate "said()".

           This method is called every time a module returns an reply. The first argument is the original
           message and the second is the returned string. The return value of this method is actually discarded,
           so you can't do anything to prevent the message from being sent. This is mainly meant to log the bots

           Like "said()"; called if you don't override "said()", but only for priority 0.

           As it is called at priority 0, you cannot return a reply from this method.

           Like "said()"; called if you don't override "said()", but only for priority 1.

           Like "said()"; called if you don't override "said()", but only for priority 2.

           Like "said()"; called if you don't override "said()", but only for priority 3.

       emoted($message, $priority)
           Called when a user emotes something in channel.

           Called every five seconds. It is probably worth having a counter and not responding to every single
           one, assuming you want to respond at all. The return value is ignored.

           This is a convenient method that tries to check for the users authentication level via It is
           exactly equivalent to

                 and $self->bot->module('Auth')->authed($who);


       Mario Domgoergen <>

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl