Provided by: libcatmandu-perl_1.2020-1_all 

Catmandu::Importer::CSV - Package that imports CSV data
# From the command line # convert a CSV file to JSON catmandu convert CSV to JSON < journals.csv # set column names if CSV file has no header line echo '12157,"The Journal of Headache and Pain",2193-1801' | \ catmandu convert CSV --header 0 --fields 'id,title,issn' to YAML # set field separator and quote character echo '12157;$The Journal of Headache and Pain$;2193-1801' | \ catmandu convert CSV --header 0 --fields 'id,title,issn' --sep_char ';' --quote_char '$' to XLSX --file journal.xlsx # In a Perl script use Catmandu; my $importer = Catmandu->importer('CSV', file => "/foo/bar.csv"); my $n = $importer->each(sub { my $hashref = $_[0]; # ... });
The package imports comma-separated values (CSV). The object fields are read from the CSV header line or given via the "fields" parameter. Strings in CSV are quoted by "quote_char" and fields are separated by "sep_char".
file Read input from a local file given by its path. Alternatively a scalar reference can be passed to read from a string. fh Read input from an IO::Handle. If not specified, Catmandu::Util::io is used to create the input stream from the "file" argument or by using STDIN. encoding Binmode of the input stream "fh". Set to ":utf8" by default. fix An ARRAY of one or more fixes or file scripts to be applied to imported items. fields List of fields to be used as columns, given as array reference, comma-separated string, or hash reference. If "header" is 0 and "fields" is "undef" the fields will be named by column index ("0", "1", "2", ...). header Read fields from a header line with the column names, if set to 1 (the default). sep_char Column separator ("," by default) quote_char Quotation character (""" by default) escape_char Character for escaping inside quoted field (""" by default) allow_loose_quotes allow_loose_escapes Allow common bad-practice in CSV escaping
Every Catmandu::Importer is a Catmandu::Iterable all its methods are inherited. The methods are not idempotent: CSV streams can only be read once.
Catmandu::Exporter::CSV, Catmandu::Importer::XLS