Provided by: libchemistry-elements-perl_1.077-1_all bug


       Chemistry::Elements - Perl extension for working with Chemical Elements


         use Chemistry::Elements qw(get_name get_Z get_symbol);

         # the constructor can use different input
         $element = Chemistry::Elements->new( $atomic_number   );
         $element = Chemistry::Elements->new( $chemical_symbol );
         $element = Chemistry::Elements->new( $element_name    );

         # you can make up your own attributes by specifying
         # a method (which is really AUTOLOAD)
               $element->molar_mass(22.989) #sets the attribute
         $MM = $element->molar_mass         #retrieves the value


       There are two parts to the module:  the object stuff and the exportable functions for use outside of the
       object stuff.  The exportable functions are discussed in "Exportable functions".

       Chemistry::Elements provides an easy, object-oriented way to keep track of your chemical data.  Using
       either the atomic number, chemical symbol, or element name you can construct an Element object.  Once you
       have an element object, you can associate your data with the object by making up your own methods, which
       the AUTOLOAD function handles.  Since each chemist is likely to want to use his or her own data, or data
       for some unforesee-able property, this module does not try to be a repository for chemical data.

       The Element object constructor tries to be as flexible as possible - pass it an atomic number, chemical
       symbol, or element name and it tries to create the object.

         # the constructor can use different input
         $element = Chemistry::Elements->new( $atomic_number );
         $element = Chemistry::Elements->new( $chemical_symbol );
         $element = Chemistry::Elements->new( $element_name );

       Once you have the object, you can define your own methods simply by using them.  Giving the method an
       argument (others will be ignored) creates an attribute with the method's name and the argument's value.

         # you can make up your own attributes by specifying
         # a method (which is really AUTOLOAD)
               $element->molar_mass(22.989) #sets the attribute
         $MM = $element->molar_mass         #retrieves the value

       The atomic number, chemical symbol, and element name can be retrieved in the same way.

          $atomic_number = $element->Z;
          $name          = $element->name;
          $symbol        = $element->symbol;

       These methods can also be used to set values, although changing any of the three affects the other two.

          $element       = Chemistry::Elements->new('Lead');

          $atomic_number = $element->Z;    # $atomic_number is 82


          $name          = $element->name; # $name is 'Gold'

   Instance methods
       new( Z | SYMBOL | NAME )
           Create a new instance from either the atomic number, symbol, or element name.

       can( METHOD [, METHOD ... ] )
           Returns true if the package or object can respond to METHOD. This distinguishes between class and
           instance methods.

       Z   Return the atomic number of the element.

           Return the name of the element.

           Return the symbol of the element.

   Exportable functions
       These functions can be exported.  They are not exported by default. At the moment, only the functional
       interface supports multi-language names.

       get_symbol( NAME|Z )
           This function attempts to return the symbol of the chemical element given either the chemical symbol,
           element name, or atmoic number.  The function does its best to interpret inconsistent input data
           (e.g.  chemcial symbols of mixed and single case).

                   use Chemistry::Elements qw(get_symbol);

                   $name = get_symbol('Fe');     #$name is 'Fe'
                   $name = get_symbol('fe');     #$name is 'Fe'
                   $name = get_symbol(26);       #$name is 'Fe'
                   $name = get_symbol('Iron');   #$name is 'Fe'
                   $name = get_symbol('iron');   #$name is 'Fe'

           If no symbol can be found, nothing is returned.

           Since this function will return the symbol if it is given a symbol, you can use it to test whether a
           string is a chemical symbol (although you have to play some tricks with case since get_symbol will
           try its best despite the case of the input data).

                   if( lc($string) eq lc( get_symbol($string) ) )

           You can modify the symbols (e.g. you work for UCal ;) ) by changing the data at the end of this

       get_name( SYMBOL|NAME|Z [, LANGUAGE] )
           This function attempts to return the name the chemical element given either the chemical symbol,
           element name, or atomic number.  The function does its best to interpret inconsistent input data
           (e.g.  chemical symbols of mixed and single case).

                   $name = get_name('Fe');     #$name is 'Iron'
                   $name = get_name('fe');     #$name is 'Iron'
                   $name = get_name(26);       #$name is 'Iron'
                   $name = get_name('Iron');   #$name is 'Iron'
                   $name = get_name('iron');   #$name is 'Iron'

           If no Z can be found, nothing is returned.

           Since this function will return the name if it is given a name, you can use it to test whether a
           string is a chemical element name (although you have to play some tricks with case since get_name
           will try its best despite the case of the input data).

                   if( lc($string) eq lc( get_name($string) ) )

           You can modify the names (e.g. for different languages) by changing the data at the end of this

       get_Z( SYMBOL|NAME|Z )
           This function attempts to return the atomic number of the chemical element given either the chemical
           symbol, element name, or atomic number.  The function does its best to interpret inconsistent input
           data (e.g. chemcial symbols of mixed and single case).

                   $name = get_Z('Fe');     #$name is 26
                   $name = get_Z('fe');     #$name is 26
                   $name = get_Z(26);       #$name is 26
                   $name = get_Z('Iron');   #$name is 26
                   $name = get_Z('iron');   #$name is 26

           If no Z can be found, nothing is returned.

           Since this function will return the Z if it is given a Z, you can use it to test whether a string is
           an atomic number.  You might want to use the string comparison in case the $string is not a number
           (in which case the comparison will be false save for the case when $string is undefined).

                   if( $string eq get_Z($string) ) {

       The package constructor automatically finds the largest defined atomic number (in case you add your own
       heavy elements).

   AUTOLOADing methods
       You can pseudo-define additional methods to associate data with objects.  For instance, if you wanted to
       add a molar mass attribute, you simply pretend that there is a molar_mass method:

               $element->molar_mass($MM); #add molar mass datum in $MM to object

       Similarly, you can retrieve previously set values by not specifying an argument to your pretend method:

               $datum = $element->molar_mass();

               #or without the parentheses
               $datum = $element->molar_mass;

       If a value has not been associated with the pretend method and the object, the pretend method returns

       I had thought about providing basic data for the elements, but thought that anyone using this module
       would probably have their own data.  If there is an interest in canned data, perhaps I can provide mine

   Localization support
       XXX: Fill this stuff in later. For now see the test suite


       I would like make this module easily localizable so that one could specify other names or symbols for the
       elements (i.e. a different language or a different perspective on the heavy elements).  If anyone should
       make changes to the data, i would like to get a copy so that i can include it in future releases :)


       The source for this module is in Github:



       brian d foy, "<>"


       Copyright © 2000-2024, brian d foy <>. All rights reserved.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic
       License 2.0.