Provided by: libclass-accessor-classy-perl_0.9.1-4_all 

Class::Accessor::Classy - accessors with minimal inheritance
package YourPackage; use Class::Accessor::Classy; with qw(new); # with a new() method ro qw(foo); # read-only rw qw(bar); # read-write rs baz => \ (my $set_baz); # read-only, plus a secret writer # alternatively: my $set_bip = rs 'bip'; ro_c suitcase => 'red'; # read-only class data rw_c hat => 'black'; # read-write class data rs_c socks => \ (my $set_socks) => undef; # alternative secret writer syntax my $set_shoes = rs_c shoes => undef; # also class read-only: constant seven => 7; constant eight => this->seven + 1; no Class::Accessor::Classy; # ^-- removes all of the syntax bits from your namespace package whatever; YourPackage->set_hat(undef); my $obj = YourPackage->new(foo => 4, bar => 2); # NOTE I'm thinking of deprecating the get_foo() usage warn "foo ", $obj->foo; YourPackage->$set_socks("tube");
This module provides an extremely small-footprint accessor/mutator declaration scheme for fast and convenient object attribute setup. It is intended as a simple and speedy mechanism for preventing hash- key typos rather than a full-blown object system with type checking and so on. The accessor methods appear as a hidden parent class of your package and generally try to stay out of the way. The accessors and mutators generated are of the form "foo()" and "set_foo()", respectively.
Unlike other class-modifying code, this is not designed to be inherited from. Instead, you simply use it and get an invisible subclass containing your accessors. If you use the 'no' syntax (to call unimport), you are left with a squeaky-clean namespace. After 'use' and before 'no', the following pieces of syntax are available. with Add a 'standard' method to your class. new ro Read-only properties (accessors only.) ro qw(foo bar baz); rw Define read-write (accessor + mutator) properties. rw qw(foo bar baz); lv Properties with lvalue accessors. lv qw(thing deal stuff); ri Immutable properties. Once set, further calls to the mutator throw errors. ri qw(foo bar baz); rs Read-only properties with a secret mutator. rs foo => \(my $set_foo); lo Read-only list properties. These are stored as an array-ref, but the accessor returns a list. lo qw(foo bar baz); lw Read-write list properties. The mutator takes a list. lw 'foo'; This defaults to create foo()|get_foo(), set_foo(), and add_foo() methods. Other features are possible here, but currently experimental. ls List property with a secret mutator. ls foo => \(my $set_foo); this A shortcut for your classname. Useful for e.g. defining one constant in terms of another. this->some_class_method; getter Define a custom getter. setter Define a custom setter. constant A class constant. constant foo => 7; ro_c Read-only class method. rw_c A read-write class method, with a default. rw_c foo => 9; rs_c A class method with a secret setter. rs_c bar => \(my $set_bar) => 12; in Specify the destination package. You need to set this before defining anything else (but it is usually best to just not set it.) in 'why_be_so_secretive'; aka Add an alias for an existing method. aka have_method => 'want_method', 'and_also_want';
This introspection stuff is unreliable -- don't use it. find_accessors @attribs = Class::Accessor::Classy->find_accessors($class); find_subclasses @classlist = Class::Accessor::Classy->find_subclasses($class);
Customized subclasses may override these methods to create a new kind of accessor generator. NOTE You do not subclass Class::Accessor::Classy to construct your objects. If you are just creating MyObject, you are not inheriting any of these methods. The rest of this documentation only pertains to you if you are trying to create something like Class::Accessor::Classy::MyWay. notation: Read these as: $CAC = 'Class::Accessor::Classy'; (or whatever subclass you're creating.) exports my %exports = $CAC->exports; import $CAC->import; unimport $CAC->unimport; create_package Creates and returns the package in which the accessors will live. Also pushes the created accessor package into the caller's @ISA. If it already exists, simply returns the cached value. my $package = $CAC->create_package( class => $caller, in => $package, # optional ); install_sub $CAC->install_sub($class, $name, $subref, $note); annotate $CAC->annotate($class, $name, $note); get_notes my %notes = $CAC->get_notes; make_standards $CAC->make_standards($class, @list); _getter Returns a compiled getter subref corresponding to whether or not the class has a '--get' method. $CAC->_getter($class, $item); make_getters $CAC->make_getters($class, @list); make_lv_getters $CAC->make_lv_getters($class, @list); _setter Returns a compiled setter subref corresponding to whether or not the class has a '--set' method. $CAC->_setter($class, $item); make_setters $CAC->make_setters($class, @list); make_immutable Creates immutable (one-time-only) setters. CAC->make_immutable($class, @list); make_secrets my @names = $CAC->make_secrets($class, @list); make_aliases Constructs 'get_' aliases for a @list of accessors. $CAC->make_aliases($class, @list); make_aka Create a list of alias methods which runtime refer to $realname. $CAC->make_aka($where, $realname, @aliases); do_eval my $subref = $package->do_eval($string, @checks);
List Accessors
make_array_method $CAC->make_array_method( class => $class, item => $name, functions => [@functions], secret => $bool, ); If secret is true, will return the list of names. _get_array_subs my %subs = $CAC->_get_array_subs($name);
Class Accessors
make_class_data $CAC->make_class_data($mode, $class, $key, $value); If mode is 'rs', returns the secret setter name.
Eric Wilhelm @ <ewilhelm at cpan dot org>
If you found this module on CPAN, please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. If you pulled this development version from my /svn/, please contact me directly.
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eric L. Wilhelm, All Rights Reserved.
Absolutely, positively NO WARRANTY, neither express or implied, is offered with this software. You use this software at your own risk. In case of loss, no person or entity owes you anything whatseover. You have been warned.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.