Provided by: libcurses-perl_1.44-1build4_amd64 bug


       Curses - terminal screen handling and optimization


           use Curses;



       "Curses" is the interface between Perl and your system's curses(3) library.  For descriptions on the
       usage of a given function, variable, or constant, consult your system's documentation, as such
       information invariably varies (:-) between different curses(3) libraries and operating systems.  This
       document describes the interface itself, and assumes that you already know how your system's curses(3)
       library works.

   Unified Functions
       Many curses(3) functions have variants starting with the prefixes w-, mv-, and/or wmv-.  These variants
       differ only in the explicit addition of a window, or by the addition of two coordinates that are used to
       move the cursor first.  For example, addch() has three other variants: waddch(), mvaddch(), and
       mvwaddch().  The variants aren't very interesting; in fact, we could roll all of the variants into
       original function by allowing a variable number of arguments and analyzing the argument list for which
       variant the user wanted to call.

       Unfortunately, curses(3) predates varargs(3), so in C we were stuck with all the variants.  However,
       "Curses" is a Perl interface, so we are free to "unify" these variants into one function.  The section
       "Available Functions" below lists all curses(3) functions "Curses" makes available as Perl equivalents,
       along with a column listing if it is unified.  If so, it takes a varying number of arguments as follows:

           "function( [win], [y, x], args );"

           win is an optional window argument, defaulting to "stdscr" if not specified.

           y, x is an optional coordinate pair used to move the cursor, defaulting to no move if not specified.

           args are the required arguments of the function.  These are the arguments you would specify if you
           were just calling the base function and not any of the variants.

       This makes the variants obsolete, since their functionality has been merged into a single function, so
       "Curses" does not define them by default.  You can still get them if you want, by setting the variable
       $Curses::OldCurses to a non-zero value before using the "Curses" package.  See "Perl 4.X "cursperl"
       Compatibility" for an example of this.

   Wide-Character-Aware Functions
       The following are the preferred functions for working with strings, though they don't follow the normal
       unified function naming convention (based on the names in the Curses library) described above.  Despite
       the naming, each corresponds to a Curses library function.  For example, a "getchar" call performs a
       Curses library function in the "getch" family.

       In addition to these functions, The "Curses" module contains corresponding functions with the
       conventional naming (e.g. "getch"); the duplication is for historical reasons.  The preferred functions
       were new in Curses 1.29 (April 2014).  They use the wide character functions in the Curses library if
       available (falling back to using the traditional non-wide-character versions).  They also have a more
       Perl-like interface, taking care of some gory details under the hood about which a Perl programmer
       shouldn't have to worry.

       The reason for two sets of string-handling functions is historical.  The original Curses Perl module
       predates Curses libraries that understand multiple byte character encodings.  Moreover, the module was
       designed to have a Perl interface that closely resembles the C interface syntactically and directly
       passes the internal byte representation of Perl strings to C code.  This was probably fine before Perl
       got Unicode function, but today, Perl stores strings internally in either Latin-1 or Unicode UTF-8 and
       the original module was not sensitive to which encoding was used.

       While most of the problems could be worked around in Perl code using the traditional interface, it's hard
       to get right and you need a wide-character-aware curses library (e.g. ncursesw) anyway to make it work
       properly.  Because existing consumers of the Curses module may be relying on the traditional behavior,
       Curses module designers couldn't simply modify the existing functions to understand wide characters and
       convert from and to Perl strings.

       None of these functions exist if Perl is older than 5.6.


       This calls wget_wch().  It returns a character -- more precisely, a one-character (not necessarily one-
       byte!) string holding the character -- for a normal key and a two-element list "(undef, key-number)" for
       a function key.  It returns "undef" on error.

       If you don't expect function keys (i.e. with "keypad(0))", you can simply do

               my $ch = getchar;
               die "getchar failed" unless defined $ch;

       If you do expect function keys (i.e. with keypad(1)), you can still assign the result to a scalar
       variable as above.  Because of of the way the comma operator works, that variable will receive either
       "undef" or the string or the number, and you can decode it yourself.

               my $ch = getchar;
               die "getchar failed" unless defined $ch;
               if (<$ch looks like a number >= 0x100>) {
                       <handle function key>
               } else {
                       <handle normal key>

       or do

               my ($ch, $key) = getchar;
               if (defined $key) {
                       <handle function key $key>
               } else if (defined $ch) {
                       <handle normal key $ch>
               } else {
                       die "getchar failed";

       If wget_wch() is not available (i.e. The Curses library does not understand wide characters), this calls
       wgetch(), but returns the values described above nonetheless.  This can be a problem because with a
       multibyte character encoding like UTF-8, you will receive two one-character strings for a two-byte-
       character (e.g. "����" and "▽" for "∽").  If you append these characters to a Perl string,
       that string may internally contain a valid UTF-8 encoding of a character, but Perl will not interpret it
       that way. Perl may even try to convert what it believes to be two characters to UTF-8, giving you four


       This calls "wgetn_wstr" and returns a string or "undef".  It cannot return a function key value; the
       Curses library will itself interpret KEY_LEFT and KEY_BACKSPACE.

       If wgett_wstr() is unavailable, this calls wgetstr().

       In both cases, the function allocates a buffer of fixed size to hold the result of the Curses library

               my $s = getstring();
               die "getstring failed" unless defined $s;


       This adds/inserts the Perl string passed as an argument to the Curses window using
       waddnwstr()/wins_nwstr() or, if unavailable, waddnstr()/winsnstr().  It returns a true value on success,
       false on failure.

               addstring("H∽ll‡, W‡rld") || die "addstring failed";


       This returns a Perl string (or "undef" on failure) holding the characters from the current cursor
       position up to the end of the line.  It uses winnwstr() if available, and otherwise innstr().

               my $s = instring();
               die "instring failed" unless defined $s;


       This pushes one character (passed as a one-character Perl string) back to the input queue. It uses
       unget_wch() or ungetch().  It returns a true value on success, false on failure.  It cannot push back a
       function key; the Curses library provides no way to push back function keys, only characters.

               ungetchar("X") or die "ungetchar failed";

       The "Curses" module provides no interface to the complex-character routines (wadd_wch(), wadd_wchnstr(),
       wecho_wchar(), win_wch(), win_wchnstr(), wins_wch()) because there is no sensible way of converting from
       Perl to a C "cchar_t" or back.

       Objects work.  Example:

           $win = new Curses;
           $win->addstr(10, 10, 'foo');

       Any function that has been marked as unified (see "Available Functions" below and "Unified Functions"
       above) can be called as a method for a Curses object.

       Do not use initscr() if using objects, as the first call to get a "new Curses" will do it for you.

   Security Concerns
       It has always been the case with the curses functions, but please note that the following functions:

           getstr()   (and optional wgetstr(), mvgetstr(), and mvwgetstr())
           inchstr()  (and optional winchstr(), mvinchstr(), and mvwinchstr())
           instr()    (and optional winstr(), mvinstr(), and mvwinstr())

       are subject to buffer overflow attack.  This is because you pass in the buffer to be filled in, which has
       to be of finite length, but there is no way to stop a bad guy from typing.

       In order to avoid this problem, use the alternate functions:


       which take an extra "size of buffer" argument or the wide-character-aware getstring() and instring()


   Perl 4.X "cursperl" Compatibility
       "Curses" was written to take advantage of features of Perl 5 and later.  The author thought it was better
       to provide an improved curses programming environment than to be 100% compatible.  However, many old
       "curseperl" applications will probably still work by starting the script with:

           BEGIN { $Curses::OldCurses = 1; }
           use Curses;

       Any old application that still does not work should print an understandable error message explaining the

       Some functions and variables are not available through "Curses", even with the "BEGIN" line.  They are
       listed under "Curses items not available through Perl Curses".

       The variables $stdscr and $curscr are also available as functions "stdscr" and "curscr".  This is because
       of a Perl bug.  See the LIMITATIONS section for details.

   Incompatibilities with previous versions of "Curses"
       In previous versions of this software, some Perl functions took a different set of parameters than their
       C counterparts.  This is not true in the current version.  You should now use getstr($str) and "getyx($y,
       $x)" instead of "$str = getstr()" and "($y, $x) = getyx()".


       •   Curses function '%s' called with too %s arguments at ...

           You have called a "Curses" function with a wrong number of arguments.

       •   argument %d to Curses function '%s' is not a Curses %s at ...

       •   argument is not a Curses %s at ...

           The argument you gave to the function wasn't of a valid type for the place you used it.

           This probably means that you didn't give the right arguments to a unified function.  See the
           DESCRIPTION section on "Unified Functions" for more information.

       •   Curses function '%s' is not defined in your Curses library at ...

           Your code has a call to a Perl "Curses" function that your system's Curses library doesn't provide.

       •   Curses variable '%s' is not defined in your Curses library at ...

           Your code has a Perl "Curses" variable that your system's Curses library doesn't provide.

       •   Curses constant '%s' is not defined in your Curses library at ...

           Your code references the specified "Curses" constant, and your system's Curses library doesn't
           provide it.

       •   Curses::Vars::FETCH called with bad index at ...

       •   Curses::Vars::STORE called with bad index at ...

           You've been playing with the "tie" interface to the "Curses" variables.  Don't do that.  :-)

       •   Anything else

           Check out the perldiag man page to see if the error is in there.


       If you use the variables $stdscr and $curscr instead of their functional counterparts ("stdscr" and
       "curscr"), you might run into a bug in Perl where the "magic" isn't called early enough.  This is
       manifested by the "Curses" package telling you $stdscr isn't a window.  One workaround is to put a line
       like "$stdscr = $stdscr" near the front of your program.


       William Setzer <>


   Available Functions
           Available Function   Unified?     Available via $OldCurses[*]
           ------------------   --------     ------------------------
           addch                  Yes        waddch mvaddch mvwaddch
           echochar               Yes        wechochar
           addchstr               Yes        waddchstr mvaddchstr mvwaddchstr
           addchnstr              Yes        waddchnstr mvaddchnstr mvwaddchnstr
           addstr                 Yes        waddstr mvaddstr mvwaddstr
           addnstr                Yes        waddnstr mvaddnstr mvwaddnstr
           attroff                Yes        wattroff
           attron                 Yes        wattron
           attrset                Yes        wattrset
           standend               Yes        wstandend
           standout               Yes        wstandout
           attr_get               Yes        wattr_get
           attr_off               Yes        wattr_off
           attr_on                Yes        wattr_on
           attr_set               Yes        wattr_set
           chgat                  Yes        wchgat mvchgat mvwchgat
           COLOR_PAIR              No
           PAIR_NUMBER             No
           beep                    No
           flash                   No
           bkgd                   Yes        wbkgd
           bkgdset                Yes        wbkgdset
           getbkgd                Yes
           border                 Yes        wborder
           box                    Yes
           hline                  Yes        whline mvhline mvwhline
           vline                  Yes        wvline mvvline mvwvline
           erase                  Yes        werase
           clear                  Yes        wclear
           clrtobot               Yes        wclrtobot
           clrtoeol               Yes        wclrtoeol
           start_color             No
           init_pair               No
           init_color              No
           has_colors              No
           can_change_color        No
           color_content           No
           pair_content            No
           delch                  Yes        wdelch mvdelch mvwdelch
           deleteln               Yes        wdeleteln
           insdelln               Yes        winsdelln
           insertln               Yes        winsertln
           getch                  Yes        wgetch mvgetch mvwgetch
           ungetch                 No
           has_key                 No
           KEY_F                   No
           getstr                 Yes        wgetstr mvgetstr mvwgetstr
           getnstr                Yes        wgetnstr mvgetnstr mvwgetnstr
           getyx                  Yes
           getparyx               Yes
           getbegyx               Yes
           getmaxyx               Yes
           inch                   Yes        winch mvinch mvwinch
           inchstr                Yes        winchstr mvinchstr mvwinchstr
           inchnstr               Yes        winchnstr mvinchnstr mvwinchnstr
           initscr                 No
           endwin                  No
           isendwin                No
           newterm                 No
           set_term                No
           delscreen               No
           cbreak                  No
           nocbreak                No
           echo                    No
           noecho                  No
           halfdelay               No
           intrflush              Yes
           keypad                 Yes
           meta                   Yes
           nodelay                Yes
           notimeout              Yes
           raw                     No
           noraw                   No
           qiflush                 No
           noqiflush               No
           timeout                Yes        wtimeout
           typeahead               No
           insch                  Yes        winsch mvinsch mvwinsch
           insstr                 Yes        winsstr mvinsstr mvwinsstr
           insnstr                Yes        winsnstr mvinsnstr mvwinsnstr
           instr                  Yes        winstr mvinstr mvwinstr
           innstr                 Yes        winnstr mvinnstr mvwinnstr
           def_prog_mode           No
           def_shell_mode          No
           reset_prog_mode         No
           reset_shell_mode        No
           resetty                 No
           savetty                 No
           getsyx                  No
           setsyx                  No
           curs_set                No
           napms                   No
           move                   Yes        wmove
           clearok                Yes
           idlok                  Yes
           idcok                  Yes
           immedok                Yes
           leaveok                Yes
           setscrreg              Yes        wsetscrreg
           scrollok               Yes
           nl                      No
           nonl                    No
           overlay                 No
           overwrite               No
           copywin                 No
           newpad                  No
           subpad                  No
           prefresh                No
           pnoutrefresh            No
           pechochar               No
           refresh                Yes        wrefresh
           noutrefresh            Yes        wnoutrefresh
           doupdate                No
           redrawwin              Yes
           redrawln               Yes        wredrawln
           scr_dump                No
           scr_restore             No
           scr_init                No
           scr_set                 No
           scroll                 Yes
           scrl                   Yes        wscrl
           slk_init                No
           slk_set                 No
           slk_refresh             No
           slk_noutrefresh         No
           slk_label               No
           slk_clear               No
           slk_restore             No
           slk_touch               No
           slk_attron              No
           slk_attrset             No
           slk_attr                No
           slk_attroff             No
           slk_color               No
           baudrate                No
           erasechar               No
           has_ic                  No
           has_il                  No
           killchar                No
           longname                No
           termattrs               No
           termname                No
           touchwin               Yes
           touchline              Yes
           untouchwin             Yes
           touchln                Yes        wtouchln
           is_linetouched         Yes
           is_wintouched          Yes
           unctrl                  No
           keyname                 No
           filter                  No
           use_env                 No
           putwin                  No
           getwin                  No
           delay_output            No
           flushinp                No
           newwin                  No
           delwin                 Yes
           mvwin                  Yes
           subwin                 Yes
           derwin                 Yes
           mvderwin               Yes
           dupwin                 Yes
           syncup                 Yes        wsyncup
           syncok                 Yes
           cursyncup              Yes        wcursyncup
           syncdown               Yes        wsyncdown
           getmouse                No
           ungetmouse              No
           mousemask               No
           enclose                Yes        wenclose
           mouse_trafo            Yes        wmouse_trafo
           mouseinterval           No
           BUTTON_RELEASE          No
           BUTTON_PRESS            No
           BUTTON_CLICK            No
           BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK     No
           BUTTON_TRIPLE_CLICK     No
           use_default_colors      No
           assume_default_colors   No
           define_key              No
           keybound                No
           keyok                   No
           resizeterm              No
           resize                 Yes        wresize
           getmaxy                Yes
           getmaxx                Yes
           flusok                 Yes
           getcap                  No
           touchoverlap            No
           new_panel               No
           bottom_panel            No
           top_panel               No
           show_panel              No
           update_panels           No
           hide_panel              No
           panel_window            No
           replace_panel           No
           move_panel              No
           panel_hidden            No
           panel_above             No
           panel_below             No
           set_panel_userptr       No
           panel_userptr           No
           del_panel               No
           set_menu_fore           No
           menu_fore               No
           set_menu_back           No
           menu_back               No
           set_menu_grey           No
           menu_grey               No
           set_menu_pad            No
           menu_pad                No
           pos_menu_cursor         No
           menu_driver             No
           set_menu_format         No
           menu_format             No
           set_menu_items          No
           menu_items              No
           item_count              No
           set_menu_mark           No
           menu_mark               No
           new_menu                No
           free_menu               No
           menu_opts               No
           set_menu_opts           No
           menu_opts_on            No
           menu_opts_off           No
           set_menu_pattern        No
           menu_pattern            No
           post_menu               No
           unpost_menu             No
           set_menu_userptr        No
           menu_userptr            No
           set_menu_win            No
           menu_win                No
           set_menu_sub            No
           menu_sub                No
           scale_menu              No
           set_current_item        No
           current_item            No
           set_top_row             No
           top_row                 No
           item_index              No
           item_name               No
           item_description        No
           new_item                No
           free_item               No
           set_item_opts           No
           item_opts_on            No
           item_opts_off           No
           item_opts               No
           item_userptr            No
           set_item_userptr        No
           set_item_value          No
           item_value              No
           item_visible            No
           menu_request_name       No
           menu_request_by_name    No
           set_menu_spacing        No
           menu_spacing            No
           pos_form_cursor         No
           data_ahead              No
           data_behind             No
           form_driver             No
           set_form_fields         No
           form_fields             No
           field_count             No
           move_field              No
           new_form                No
           free_form               No
           set_new_page            No
           new_page                No
           set_form_opts           No
           form_opts_on            No
           form_opts_off           No
           form_opts               No
           set_current_field       No
           current_field           No
           set_form_page           No
           form_page               No
           field_index             No
           post_form               No
           unpost_form             No
           set_form_userptr        No
           form_userptr            No
           set_form_win            No
           form_win                No
           set_form_sub            No
           form_sub                No
           scale_form              No
           set_field_fore          No
           field_fore              No
           set_field_back          No
           field_back              No
           set_field_pad           No
           field_pad               No
           set_field_buffer        No
           field_buffer            No
           set_field_status        No
           field_status            No
           set_max_field           No
           field_info              No
           dynamic_field_info      No
           set_field_just          No
           field_just              No
           new_field               No
           dup_field               No
           link_field              No
           free_field              No
           set_field_opts          No
           field_opts_on           No
           field_opts_off          No
           field_opts              No
           set_field_userptr       No
           field_userptr           No
           field_arg               No
           form_request_name       No
           form_request_by_name    No

       [*] To use any functions in this column, the program must set the variable $Curses::OldCurses variable to
       a non-zero value before using the "Curses" package.  See "Perl 4.X cursperl Compatibility" for an example
       of this.

   Available Wide-Character-Aware Functions
           Function    Uses wide-character call  Reverts to legacy call
           --------    ------------------------  ----------------------
           getchar     wget_wch                  wgetch
           getstring   wgetn_wstr                wgetnstr
           ungetchar   unget_wch                 ungetch
           instring    winnwtr                   winnstr
           addstring   waddnwstr                 waddnstr
           insstring   wins_nwstr                winsnstr

   Available Variables
           LINES                   COLS                    stdscr
           curscr                  COLORS                  COLOR_PAIRS

   Available Constants
           ERR                     OK                      ACS_BLOCK
           ACS_BOARD               ACS_BTEE                ACS_BULLET
           ACS_CKBOARD             ACS_DARROW              ACS_DEGREE
           ACS_DIAMOND             ACS_HLINE               ACS_LANTERN
           ACS_LARROW              ACS_LLCORNER            ACS_LRCORNER
           ACS_LTEE                ACS_PLMINUS             ACS_PLUS
           ACS_RARROW              ACS_RTEE                ACS_S1
           ACS_S9                  ACS_TTEE                ACS_UARROW
           ACS_ULCORNER            ACS_URCORNER            ACS_VLINE
           A_ALTCHARSET            A_ATTRIBUTES            A_BLINK
           A_BOLD                  A_CHARTEXT              A_COLOR
           A_DIM                   A_INVIS                 A_NORMAL
           A_PROTECT               A_REVERSE               A_STANDOUT
           A_UNDERLINE             A_ITALIC
           COLOR_BLACK             COLOR_BLUE
           COLOR_CYAN              COLOR_GREEN             COLOR_MAGENTA
           COLOR_RED               COLOR_WHITE             COLOR_YELLOW
           KEY_A1                  KEY_A3                  KEY_B2
           KEY_BACKSPACE           KEY_BEG                 KEY_BREAK
           KEY_BTAB                KEY_C1                  KEY_C3
           KEY_CANCEL              KEY_CATAB               KEY_CLEAR
           KEY_CLOSE               KEY_COMMAND             KEY_COPY
           KEY_CREATE              KEY_CTAB                KEY_DC
           KEY_DL                  KEY_DOWN                KEY_EIC
           KEY_END                 KEY_ENTER               KEY_EOL
           KEY_EOS                 KEY_EVENT               KEY_EXIT
           KEY_FIND                KEY_HELP                KEY_HOME
           KEY_IC                  KEY_IL                  KEY_LEFT
           KEY_LL                  KEY_MARK                KEY_MAX
           KEY_MESSAGE             KEY_MIN                 KEY_MOVE
           KEY_NEXT                KEY_NPAGE               KEY_OPEN
           KEY_OPTIONS             KEY_PPAGE               KEY_PREVIOUS
           KEY_PRINT               KEY_REDO                KEY_REFERENCE
           KEY_REFRESH             KEY_REPLACE             KEY_RESET
           KEY_RESIZE              KEY_RESTART             KEY_RESUME
           KEY_SAVE                KEY_SBEG                KEY_SCANCEL
           KEY_SCOMMAND            KEY_SCOPY               KEY_SCREATE
           KEY_SDC                 KEY_SDL                 KEY_SELECT
           KEY_SEND                KEY_SEOL                KEY_SEXIT
           KEY_SF                  KEY_SFIND               KEY_SHELP
           KEY_SHOME               KEY_SIC                 KEY_SLEFT
           KEY_SMESSAGE            KEY_SMOVE               KEY_SNEXT
           KEY_SOPTIONS            KEY_SPREVIOUS           KEY_SPRINT
           KEY_SR                  KEY_SREDO               KEY_SREPLACE
           KEY_SRESET              KEY_SRIGHT              KEY_SRSUME
           KEY_SSAVE               KEY_SSUSPEND            KEY_STAB
           KEY_SUNDO               KEY_SUSPEND             KEY_UNDO
           KEY_UP                  KEY_MOUSE               BUTTON1_RELEASED
           BUTTON_SHIFT            BUTTON_ALT              ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS
           E_SYSTEM_ERROR          E_BAD_ARGUMENT          E_POSTED
           E_CONNECTED             E_BAD_STATE             E_NO_ROOM
           E_NOT_POSTED            E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND       E_NO_MATCH
           E_INVALID_FIELD         E_CURRENT               REQ_LEFT_ITEM
           REQ_RIGHT_ITEM          REQ_UP_ITEM             REQ_DOWN_ITEM
           REQ_SCR_ULINE           REQ_SCR_DLINE           REQ_SCR_DPAGE
           REQ_SCR_UPAGE           REQ_FIRST_ITEM          REQ_LAST_ITEM
           REQ_NEXT_ITEM           REQ_PREV_ITEM           REQ_TOGGLE_ITEM
           O_ONEVALUE              O_SHOWDESC              O_ROWMAJOR
           O_IGNORECASE            O_SHOWMATCH             O_NONCYCLIC
           O_SELECTABLE            REQ_NEXT_PAGE           REQ_PREV_PAGE
           REQ_FIRST_PAGE          REQ_LAST_PAGE           REQ_NEXT_FIELD
           REQ_UP_FIELD            REQ_DOWN_FIELD          REQ_NEXT_CHAR
           REQ_PREV_CHAR           REQ_NEXT_LINE           REQ_PREV_LINE
           REQ_NEXT_WORD           REQ_PREV_WORD           REQ_BEG_FIELD
           REQ_END_FIELD           REQ_BEG_LINE            REQ_END_LINE
           REQ_LEFT_CHAR           REQ_RIGHT_CHAR          REQ_UP_CHAR
           REQ_DOWN_CHAR           REQ_NEW_LINE            REQ_INS_CHAR
           REQ_INS_LINE            REQ_DEL_CHAR            REQ_DEL_PREV
           REQ_DEL_LINE            REQ_DEL_WORD            REQ_CLR_EOL
           REQ_CLR_EOF             REQ_CLR_FIELD           REQ_OVL_MODE
           REQ_INS_MODE            REQ_SCR_FLINE           REQ_SCR_BLINE
           REQ_SCR_FPAGE           REQ_SCR_BPAGE           REQ_SCR_FHPAGE
           REQ_SCR_BHPAGE          REQ_SCR_FCHAR           REQ_SCR_BCHAR
           REQ_SCR_HFLINE          REQ_SCR_HBLINE          REQ_SCR_HFHALF
           JUSTIFY_RIGHT           O_VISIBLE               O_ACTIVE
           O_PUBLIC                O_EDIT                  O_WRAP
           O_BLANK                 O_AUTOSKIP              O_NULLOK
           O_PASSOK                O_STATIC                O_NL_OVERLOAD

   Curses functions not available through Perl "Curses"
           tstp _putchar fullname scanw wscanw mvscanw mvwscanw ripoffline
           setupterm setterm set_curterm del_curterm restartterm tparm tputs
           putp vidputs vidattr mvcur tigetflag tigetnum tigetstr tgetent
           tgetflag tgetnum tgetstr tgoto tputs

   Curses menu functions not available through Perl "Curses"
           set_item_init item_init set_item_term item_term set_menu_init
           menu_init set_menu_term menu_term

   Curses form functions not available through Perl "Curses"
           new_fieldtype free_fieldtype set_fieldtype_arg
           set_fieldtype_choice link_fieldtype set_form_init form_init
           set_form_term form_term set_field_init field_init set_field_term
           field_term set_field_type field_type